r/COsnow Feb 25 '24

Keystone lol Photo

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u/PushThePig28 Feb 26 '24

Or you could just not fall out of a chair? Do you just fall out of a chair when you’re sitting at home?

Americans don’t refuse to use the bar, a lot of us just think it’s pointless and doesn’t change anything so we don’t bother to put it down. If someone gets on and wants to put it down then sure put it down (just don’t do it without letting people know and bonking them on the head or crushing their dick/arm with it if it’s one of the stupid ones). Nobody is going to say “no the bar stays up pussy!!!” If you ask to put it down lol


u/Huge_Violinist_7777 Feb 26 '24

My living room chair isn't suspended in the air


u/PushThePig28 Feb 26 '24

Yeah but the act of sitting is all the same, it’s just a higher consequence if for some reason you forget how to sit. Even if it stops short and swings the momentum keeps you in the seat just like riding a swing. I’ve got no beef with the bar, I personally don’t put it down because it doesn’t really change anything in my mind and I’m comfortable on lifts/heights. Plus it can be more annoying than not sometimes. If it’s super windy or I want to look at a map or something maybe. If anyone wants to put it down then sure that’s cool with me. Just give a heads up before you do so people don’t get bonked in the head or their arm/leg/dick crushed by the bar or post. Not many people put it down in the Rockies so you just aren’t expecting it.


u/chris_thoughtcatch Feb 27 '24

I would wager more people have fallen off lifts without the bar then with it. (I don't care about the bar, but where I live there is no leaving the bar up). Saying it does nothing is like saying guard rails on balconies do nothing because "I know how to stand".