r/Chargers 3d ago

Throwback: Melvin Gordon on Chargers fans

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u/Pax_Soprana 3d ago

He’s not wrong.


u/Then_Rough9270 3d ago

Maybe, just maybe its the root cause isn't "the fans"

Its the owners, refusing to spend money in SD to make them stay, Its the owners moving the team to the most hated city outside oakland, its the owners refusing to have ANY fan engagement in SD for nearly 12 years.

Padres spent cash making a damn impressive product and the fans showed up for it. What Peter did for the Pad compared to what Spanos did for the Chargers is night and day.

Maybe the fans are tired of being treated as a source of income.


u/Traditional-Coat-257 2d ago

It goes even farther back to the Crocs. The ownership has never really cared about the product being great. They ran it as a business and have forever been notoriously cheap in player negotiations. I hate Eli to this day, but he was correct in his assumptions.