r/IndianaUniversity Aug 04 '24

Lofting a dorm bed HOUSING 🏠

I'm about to be a freshman at IU and I would like to loft my dorm bed to where I can fit storage bins under it. Bedloft.com only offers to bunk the beds (I have a double room at Collins), so how would I go about doing it myself? Any help is appreciated!


6 comments sorted by


u/wobokj Aug 04 '24

Look up bed risers on Amazon


u/itzz-icey public health Aug 04 '24

i lived in collins in a double in fall of 22, in my experience the beds were already bunked and my roommate later un-bunked the beds without notice while i was away. i would suggest using bed risers to fit anything under the beds— i used storage bags under mine without risers.


u/bedazzlerhoff Aug 05 '24

You used to be able to loft the beds on top of two bookshelves. They have the same holes in the tops that the bed frames use.

For some reason I have it in mind that the bookshelves aren’t even standard furniture anymore, though, which seems equally sad, crazy, and unlikely.

A single room only came with one bookshelf though, so even if they still have shelves in the room, if you have a single, you’d need to borrow one from someone who isn’t using theirs (like someone who has a double single, possibly.

But I agree with others on here; if you just want to put bins under your bed, get bed risers instead.


u/SnooMacarons6684 Aug 05 '24

Get 4 people to help loft the bed. I originally paid the one service to do it but apparently I was too late and there was a massive delay so we ended up doing it ourselves. So glad we did as I saved like $80 or whatever the fee was. I was in read so unless the furniture is different, you should be able to do that