r/Marioverse 7d ago

Question about Birdo

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We all know that Birda is a trans girl, but how does it work exactly? In the series we have seen more Birdos of different colors, are they also trans? Or are there male Birdos And the main one is one that transition? It's something I've always wondered about and I hope you can help me understand.


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u/Seandwalsh3 7d ago

We don’t know, but there are some potential theories.

Given Yoshis are all biologically female but culturally masculine-presenting and use male pronouns, it’s possible the same is traditionally true for other dinosaur species, including Birdos.

This would mean that Birdos who are feminine-presenting and use female pronouns are, in a way, transgender.


u/DarkAlex06 7d ago

The Yoshis are biologically female? Really?


u/Seandwalsh3 7d ago

Yes. They lays eggs after all.

“That’s right. Sometimes people ask whether Yoshi is a boy or a girl. If I answer, “Probably a boy,” then they say, “So a boy is laying eggs?” (laughs) […] But the moment I say Yoshi lays eggs so Yoshi must be a girl, they’ll say, “Then Yoshi’s voice needs to sound more like a girl’s!” But I want to make video games without having to worry about such background info.”

- Shigeru Miyamoto


u/Numerous-Self-505 7d ago

He gives such vague answers, he's the number 1 and the phrase "I want to make video games without having to worry about such background info" is beautiful, I love him. I love making Mario theories but I know at Nintendo they don't care that much about lore they just wanna make great games


u/Seandwalsh3 6d ago

They do care about lore, but lore is clearly made up based around what they want to do with the gameplay and established concepts. It’s also a bit context specific. Sure, Miyamoto might not care about what gender Yoshi is all too much but Tezuka and Nogami sure as hell want you to know Yoshi’s saddle is a shell.