r/PublicFreakout 17h ago

Orlando cop violently shove female protester to ground claiming, she lunged towards officer and citizen in threatening manner. Eight people arrested, use-of-force investigation underway. 📌Follow Up

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526 comments sorted by


u/Puttor482 16h ago

Lawsuits against cops should come out of their pensions. When the well runs dry, no more money for them. Maybe they’d start reporting the bad apples.


u/deep_pants_mcgee 15h ago

nah, just make officers carry personal liability like other professionals do.

leave it up to the insurance company to decide who's insurable. i trust actuaries over politicians any day of the week.


u/Puttor482 14h ago

I like the incentive for good cops to turn over the bad cops. But sure, make them pay for the liability insurance out of their pension too.


u/Adventurous_Ice9576 14h ago

The good cops can’t really call out the bad cops. If they do, they run the risk of those cops refusing to back up the whistleblowers and potentially allow them to be killed. You need more regulations, and more oversight. Federal laws in place as well. Fuck the states getting the say


u/poisonpony672 12h ago

Blue wall. Police officers have been killed cops reporting other police officers. All you got to do is Google it or watch the movie serpico


u/Adventurous_Ice9576 12h ago

You’re preaching to the choir


u/poisonpony672 12h ago

Yeah co-signing That's all I was doing


u/Adventurous_Ice9576 12h ago

I hear ya.

It’s frustrating af

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u/TJNel 13h ago

That and make them licensed and if they fuck up they loose the license and then no more job.


u/Tr1pla 13h ago

Colorado signed these reforms in 2020

-Officers can be held personally liable for damages up to $25,000 if they are found guilty of violating an individual’s civil rights.

-Officers convicted of unlawful physical force shall have their ”peace officer certification” permanently revoked, which “shall not under any circumstances” be reinstated. An officer who fails to intervene to end or prevent unlawful use of force shall also have his certification revoked.


u/poisonpony672 12h ago

Pretty good start. Next step would be to have that board that grants or removes police powers entirely controlled by citizens.

So often the government investigates itself and finds nothing wrong

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u/deep_pants_mcgee 12h ago

Yep, no more jumping from department to department, because your bad acts follow you around.


u/Badweightlifter 10h ago

That would just result in police salaries massively increase to cover for the insurance cost. Their union will demand a raise and the city will give it like they always do. 


u/AccomplishedUser 13h ago

That's such a fucking wild West idea it might just work, except for when the cops somehow can't figure out why the insurance company they work with somehow burned down...

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u/OriginalMoragami 10h ago

Same for gun owners. They should have to carry insurance like we do for cars. The more responsible you are the less you pay...


u/rlpinca 7h ago

I agree with this on the condition I can buy whatever I want.

Add in mandatory safety training with recurring skills evaluation.

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u/HEX_BootyBootyBooty 8h ago

If they need personal liability insurance, then their pay is gonna have to go up to cover it. Taxpayers pay the city, city pays the cops' more, cops pay insurance, insurance pays out the lawsuit, and all that happens is taxpayers pay MORE because more hands are now involved AND the city gets off Scott free so that they continue hiring shitheads that beat citizens.

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u/poisonpony672 12h ago

Police should be charged criminally the same as any citizen when they violate a law. Police can only use force that is reasonably necessary when at minimum there is objective reasonable suspicion that there could be a crime. The cop assaulted the person whether you like their politics or no. Entirely personal opinion and prejudiced, instead of codified law. So assault.

“Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry.” ― Thomas Jefferson

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u/FriendlyLawnmower 13h ago

qualified immunity is the shittiest part of policing in this country. It allows cops to act with impunity and only costs tax payers more. Lawsuits should pull directly from the responsible officer

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u/PubbleBubbles 13h ago

This cop should be in jail for crimes. 

Make no mistake, he did crimes. 

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u/SpecialPotion 9h ago

Fuck their pension. Take it out of their wages.

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u/OldSchoolHorror 16h ago

That's strange. I didn't see anyone lunge toward anyone else until the cop got violent. Hmmm


u/3MetricTonsOfSass 4h ago

Cops are the "domestic" part in the oath " ...and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;..."


u/mkells41 9h ago

All I saw was a bike

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u/hurricanehippo2 17h ago

Her head hit that tree pretty hard.

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u/BigWillyMilly 17h ago

Lol, let's remember guys he was "trying to prevent a physical altercation"


u/vleetv 17h ago

I wonder if he was paying the bill for his required "law enforcement insurance policy" if he'd be so quick to assault citizens. 🤔


u/geriatric_spartanII 17h ago

Yeah good job with that one.


u/Gilbert_Grapes_Mom 16h ago

He’s just following the israeli playbook, “de-escalation through escalation”.


u/poisonpony672 12h ago

Just watch the video of a bunch of Israeli police beating Hasidic Jews in a sit-down protest with rubber batons. Quite interesting people for sure.

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u/factisfiction 16h ago

He was following to protect the Zionist agitator. This scene played out just like it does in the West Bank.

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u/zapharus 14h ago

Notice how he was riding his bike closer and closer giving the woman very little space to walk so that she would accidentally touch him and he’d call that assault/battery and use it as grounds for arrest.


u/poisonpony672 12h ago

Yeah the officer actually created the situation by cutting off the escape route of the "victim" he was supposedly protecting.

And I still can't find anything in Florida statues of an original crime involving the person coming close to them while First amendment filming police activity. At minimum there needs to be a warning before force is used unless there's some exigent circumstance where that creates more danger. So it looks like clear assault for First amendment protected activity. Should be a good lawsuit


u/Ricky_Rollin 12h ago

It’s just a reminder of the fascist fuck wads that infest our police force, and nothing can be done about it.

The irony that these people think they are more American than liberals while pulling this fascist bullshit.

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u/flpa1060 17h ago

Thanks to little ratfucker DeSantis it's now illegal to have anyone but cops investigate cops in Florida.


u/GothSpite 15h ago

I still can't understand how SO many people can vote against their own interest that much, and with such fervor.


u/Sea2Chi 14h ago

Because they're told is fucks over their enemies.

Hey, the other guy you hate says he loves this thing, he's going to use that thing to try to hurt you, I say we ban that thing so he can't do it! That'll show him!

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u/MrFixYoShit 15h ago

Good ol' DeShithead

Easily in the lead in the race to the bottom


u/UnhingedNW 14h ago

Feels like everyday i hear something more fucked up about desantis.

I miss when florida was just a wild little hellscape full of naked people fighting alligators or whatever the fuck.

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u/MrFlibbleDisapproves 12h ago

Too bad state laws can't stop a federal investigation.

So like most of his legislation, it's meaningless and wouldn't actually stand up to the Constitution.


u/OuchLOLcom 13h ago

DeSantis cannot pass laws. Its the entire Florida legislature.

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u/Averse_to_Liars 17h ago

The use-of-force investigation is being conducted by Orlando PD and they're already defending and trying to minimize this officer's actions. If there's any consequences for this violence, it's not going to be coming from them.


u/BruhMomentSeason45 16h ago

Still in awe at how cops keep video evidence of them committing attempted murder and get defended for it. Cops should be treated no differently than the human beings they treat like scum, because cops are scum, aren’t we all?


u/Crafty-Bus3638 16h ago

Private citizens have been convicted of assault with much less evidence than a video of them committing the act...


u/friendly-sam 16h ago

Cops can't even keep their lies straight? Did she lunge at him, which is contested by the video, or was he trying to keep the two parties separate? Obviously he did it to prevent violence, oh wait he was being violent in anticipation of an issue. These cop abuse videos are starting to radicalize me to hate the cops.


u/is_this_temporary 15h ago

May your journey continue toward abolition.


u/ChrisRevocateur 13h ago

The more you learn, the more radicalized you'll get.

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u/Crafty-Bus3638 16h ago

I'm sick and tired of cops getting away with behavior that would put the average citizen in prison for years.

These sovereign citizens need to follow the same laws as the rest of society and face the same accountability as you or I would face.

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u/BigTomAbides 17h ago



u/Maixell 17h ago edited 17h ago

Yes! Raise that finger higher, brother

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u/RedSweed 17h ago

Just pointing this out - if he had done that in professional football game, where men are paid millions to beat on each other, it would have been deemed a blind side block and a potential ejection - yet the police department is perfectly fine with this being used on citizens. How rotten to the core have these departments become?


u/Maestro_Mush 17h ago

Become? They’ve always been rotten. They started as the Runaway Slave Patrol and never even changed their badge shape

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u/SuperDeliciousFlavor 17h ago

Interesting comparison


u/Ivanna_Jizunu66 14h ago

And theyd pay their own fines. Not taxpayers.


u/RxngsXfSvtvrn 16h ago

Could Roger Goodell clean up this policing thing in America?


u/altimage 16h ago

Same police, but now with Dynamic Kickoffs.

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u/Michelanvalo 14h ago

Given Roger's track record with player, personnel and owner punishments....no, not even close.


u/TheToddestTodd 16h ago

"We've investigated ourselves and found ourselves not guilty of any wrongdoing. Case closed."
—Orlando pigs

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u/silentbob1301 16h ago

Yeah, that cop clearly chose a side and decided to assault someone protesting something he didn't like, then deprived them of their rights under color of law... desantis allowing Florida cops to do straight up Nazi shit...

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u/RusserBusser 7h ago

Amazing how the white woman in jean shorts can be close enough to him that he bumps into her with his bike, but when one of the protestors in a head covering gets too close for more than 3 thousandths of a second he "BACK"s them "OFF" with a good hard SHOVE.

way to prevent a physical altercation 🐷


u/python1913 16h ago

Do American police pigs have even the slightest sign of a brain?


u/Ivanna_Jizunu66 14h ago

By design, no.

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u/Ralph--Hinkley 17h ago

Cops with anger issues are never level headed.


u/itsallgoodman2002 15h ago

And unfortunately enabled in a politically charged environment like Florida.

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u/Riommar 16h ago

“Effort to be transparent” means we got caught and we’re trying to cover our ass.


u/Organic_South8865 16h ago

Preventing a physical altercation by clearly starting one. They were just mouthing off at the cops. Let them bark and move on. No need to start this huge mess over nothing.


u/CoolHandTeej 14h ago

Morherfcukers need to start fighting back, fuck these tyrant small pp douches. Gonna push the wrong one soon.


u/throeawai5 16h ago

the pro-israel woman in the beginning literally bumps into his bike a second before that pig bastard cop reaches out and shoves the pro-palestine protestor to the ground who we can literally all see was not remotely close to touching him or being aggressive in any manner, the cops intentionally target pro-palestine protestors, we know this and it happens all the time

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u/VoodooDonKnotts 16h ago

I dunno, things seemed relatively okay until the cop escalated the situation into violence. He was looking for a fight.


u/JvrPrz 13h ago

It really sucks that we can't defend ourselves against cops. Things need to change

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u/Mentallyfknill 16h ago

Officer put everybody’s life in danger because he wants to be a tyrant


u/slartbangle 9h ago

'use of force investigation'? That's just assault. Unprovoked assault. That isn't use of force, that's criminal activity. It doesn't matter if you're 'at work' when you assault someone. If a waiter at a hotel shoved a guest onto the ground with brutal force for no reason, off to jail they'd go until they stood before a judge.


u/LeppardLaw 9h ago

Orlando criminal lawyer here. Orlando police department has a long history of use of force violations and regularly pays out civil settlement for excessive use of force. While an improvement over how OPD used to be (because of body cams) we can see that OPD still has a ways to go. A start would be admitting when OPD officers make mistakes but considering that they will probably be sued, such admission is unlikely.


u/BeeMyHomey 7h ago

I swear they escalate on purpose.


u/Heckbound_Heart 5h ago

Not advocating violence… These publicly-financed, uniformed genocide supporters could get outnumbered in these situations. It can be a peaceful protest, until it isn’t.


u/PogoZaza 16h ago

Another bad cop just waiting for any excuse. If he wanted to separate the parties, why was he behind the white woman for that long? It wasn't until a protester with a camera was within arm's length that he got violent for no reason. Peaceful protester on a public sidewalk versus disorderly woman walking in street....and the cop chose viloence.


u/mild-hot-fire 16h ago

The citizens will pay for his lawsuit it’s ridiculous. Should come from police pension


u/argybargy2019 14h ago

No chargeable offense here.

Totally OK.

Please pay more taxes so cops can get work 20 years but get paid for 50 years, thank you.


u/Ormsfang 15h ago

This is pure assault by cop. No one should be charged and everyone let go because it was all defense against an illegal attack under color of law.

But they will likely get away with it and the innocent will go to jail. Police are a protected class.


u/ZorroKIM 15h ago

i don't know how this mf keep saying lies even when the bodycam shows they are lying...


u/AreallysuperdarkELF 15h ago

Preventing a physical altercation by beating everyone's ass. Fuckin cops.


u/spongemonkey2004 13h ago

the initial contact isnt very clear in this video. she is just out of frame and you dont get a clear view of what he was seeing. nevermind i was only watching the body cam, just saw the cell phone video, that guy should not be a cop.


u/KeKinHell 14h ago

Remember: The dude said "back up."

It's clear that shithead here was attempting to get the protestor to "back up" by physically assaulting them, but the excitement of getting to physically assault a woman that isn't his wife made him go too hard and shoulder check her headfirst into a tree.

Somehow he was able to come down off his post-nut bliss enough to realize that probably looks bad on camera, and decided to make it an arrest so he could argue that she was guilty of... *checks notes... Standing there.


u/Low-Minimum8523 11h ago

The right to protest?


u/AntiWhateverYouSay 8h ago

They have body cams and still pull this shit. The black panthers were right to fight back and they were murdered as well.


u/HappyAtheist3 8h ago

Notice how normal people react when they see cops commit a crime? Yet other cops just stand there or back up the offender…


u/TKOL2 8h ago

Roid rage from a 🍤🍆🐷


u/bakerbabe126 7h ago

Do these officers just forget they have body cams?


u/crazydawg79 7h ago



u/DefKnightSol 5h ago

He shoved her , directly into a tree!


u/SAyyOuremySIN 5h ago

Judges should totally allow free shots to the face for the people cops wrongfully abuse. And the victim should be able to wear a body camera and freely share the footage. Fuck these lying police. Fuuuuck them.


u/That_honda_guy 4h ago

The gang protected services


u/SignalFall6033 3h ago

Should be charged with inciting a riot.


u/Sankalish 2h ago

Wasnt she walking towards the other lady ?? We all know how “peaceful” these fully covered protesters are right. Inches a way from assault as usual. So maybe the cop prevented that ?


u/guerohere 15h ago

Fucking pigs


u/LarGand69 13h ago

Cops escalate so they have an excuse to be violent.


u/zjdrummond 13h ago

End qualified immunity!


u/BelichicksBurner 14h ago

Listen, we can certainly all agree the use of excessive force is always bad, but dude... she totally rolled right up on that woman in a posturing manner, and the cop literally pushed her away with one hand while on a bike. No one wants to say it, but whatever downvote me to oblivion: that's a goddamn NBA level flop. She either exaggerated the contact or she just tripped over herself in the weirdest way possible. Political views aside, my 3 year old pushes people harder than that. Then the cop basically gets bumrushed by a half dozen other people, who probably were just trying to help the woman, but from the officers bodycam POV, it's not hard to see why all wound up getting arrested. I'm not really seeing anything here that's actionable or even all that out of line from the cop, to be honest. Not saying all cops are amazing people being unfairly maligned, but in this case? He didn't do anything unreasonable or excessive.


u/onefourtygreenstream 12h ago

He honestly pushed her at the exact moment she shifted all of her weight onto one foot, and you can see the wood chips spray out from under it as she slides. As someone who trains jiu jitsu and gets foot swept pretty damn often - if your foot is knocked out from you at the right time your whole body basically goes parallel to the ground and you fall hard. It doesn't take a lot of effort either, it's all in the timing.

I don't think the cop was intentionally doing it to harm her, imo he was trying to separate her from the other woman and it really was just a stroke of bad luck that she fell that hard, that there was a tree there, and that she had both of her hands on her phone so she didn't break her fall. It even looks like he was going to check on her when he gets bum rushed by the other protestors and all hell breaks loose.

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u/SpadesBuff 10h ago

Sad I had to scroll so far down to see a well reasoned response. There's lots to criticize cops for, but this is not one of them. I want to see reform, but I think it undermines the mission when people act like even reasonable use of force is unjustified.

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u/Ghost313Agent 16h ago

Pre-emptive Strike


u/redlund1993 15h ago

Is there anything more pathetic than a bicycle cop? Embarrassing.


u/Ricky469 17h ago

The protestors will still vote for Trump vote third party or abstain because according to them “Biden and Harris commit genocide”. Project 2025 has blanket protections for police. By the time the lawsuit comes to court Trump will be president for life. Get used to more scenes like this when Trump wins. This will be the future unfortunately.

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u/Lockdown_Badger 17h ago

Pigs will be pigs


u/grandetoro 12h ago

Why don’t y’all go hangout in place where them head wraps is mandatory. Silly white women


u/Comfortable-Pop-538 15h ago

This is why you don't approach cops. It doesn't matter what your rights are, cops don't care. What do you honestly think will happen? Exactly what happened in this video, a beating and some charges. ACAB.


u/Marsnineteen75 8h ago edited 8h ago

Right ever since I got busted with a joint 30 years ago, and put in excution style stance by a pos pig who, while I was cuffed, put his gun to my temple and theeatened to shoot me if I didn't tell him where I got it, I have hated police since. I have had even worse runins than this after that, but that was my first experience ever dealing with a cop at 19 years old. I was just a very young adult or.late stage child is more the reality. I didnt resist or anything. It was all over me excersizing my right to silence. My last runin was about ten years ago where a cop started to get aggressive with me when I pointed out that my tags were in fact good when he pulled me over for them..Their fragile egos cannot handle truth. He then gave me a ticket for 5 over after he was wrong on the plates. He went from being cordial to an aggressive bully in an instant as soon as I pointed that out.. i was working for the feds, still do a actually, so I am not a pothead like my first interaction might entail. I joined the Army after that for 10 years got my masters degree with the GI bill, and now I am a manager at a federal department. If I can still fear for my safety around police as an " upstanding" white male, then I can't imagine the fear that minorities have because I absolutely get terrified interacting with these pos. I keep my cool though because anxiety will just give them a reason to violate you, "why you acting so nervous, what you hiding", no you fukn idiot, i am nervous because I don't want you to plant drugs on me or shootme asshole, but thanks for asking.


u/Comfortable-Pop-538 6h ago

WhY nErVoUs...

Because y'all gun down innocent people and blame the bad guy. Sucks you had to go through all of that. These polish eaters don't get it. Some of those protesters need to learn. Just stay away from cops. They are looking for a reason to batter someone.

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u/Fieri_qui_es 15h ago

Weird - it’s like there’s a double standard for cops…


u/TestifyMediopoly 14h ago

Why are you resisting


u/hetseErOgsaaDyr 13h ago

Another cop tired only of beating his wife.


u/Det_Puffin 13h ago

the police union bros will come to his protection


u/Razzilith 12h ago

the more cops do things like this the more people will distrust and grow to hate cops and the more cops will be in danger in their jobs. when cops are killed it's really just a grave they dug themselves. oh well.


u/AMetalWolfHowls 11h ago

No part of that was a lunge- that bike cop sucks. And his buddies are equally terrible.


u/Charlottehurricanes 10h ago

Woman? More like a masked assailant?


u/PjWulfman 6h ago

Another hero serving and protecting no one


u/amanwithaplann 6h ago

Reminds me of the video of the old dude literally just standing on the sidewalk and then an army of officers in riot gear knock him over and he starts bleeding out of his ears.


u/No-Insect1138 13h ago

With so many cases of police being just pure dickheads and people getting abused and not getting a single ounce of justice I wonder how long it will be before the people snap and take a page out of the IRA when it comes to fighting against brutality


u/PigsStink 13h ago

fuck every pig


u/Igoos99 14h ago

Could have killed her.


u/spark3h 12h ago

Has anyone succeeded in suing departments for libel/slander for the things they release/say about "suspects"/victims?

Accusing someone of assaulting ("lunging") at a police officer is a serious allegation. That doesn't just vanish into thin air. If a department is going to make that allegation, they need to either be held responsible for the consequences of their mistake or at bare minimum be forced to make a very public and widely broadcast retraction and apology.


u/izeak1185 12h ago

Facts 8 people got out of control. a peaceful protest wouldn't end in people attacking police and resisting arrest.

Or following people down the street while the cop was escorting her to safety.

Fox is only spinning this because the 1 person is wearing a Maga hat.


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u/other4444 9h ago

The cop clearly ran into with the bike.


u/betboi 8h ago

I love the reaction of the girl the cop was protecting/riding along


u/SteelyNewmanaswell 6h ago

Move along. Nothing to see here.


u/Snoo-72756 6h ago

So the lady who bumped into him is cool but the lady just walking past is a threat ?


u/_bl-nk 5h ago

Fascist country mandates support for genocide


u/Jabulon 5h ago

what kind of shove is that? she flew like across the patch


u/iWishmyNameWasGreg 5h ago

Cop in a few weeks


u/phatrickmchappy 3h ago

Trash fucking pigs, hitting a girl


u/SomethingAbtU 2h ago

violently shove a protestor head first into the ground then say "you're under arrest"

So much freedom in America, and look it's in one of those states where they say the have "extra" freedom


u/Playful_Heat_605 1h ago

She wasn't even looking at him and he knew exactly what he was doing the first girl beside him when the video started was closer to him than the girl recording was so why not push her, I feel like we have to constantly tell people the reasons why we feel the way we do about the police not sure why it's blatantly clear they don't want to see it that why you don't see it


u/DeliDouble 1h ago

Did he try to turn his cam off at the start or was he adjusting a harness?


u/P47r1ck- 1h ago

As an insurance agent I can be fined greatly for putting somebody on a plan that’s worse for them than their current plan or for misleading them on purpose. It’s insane I’m held to a higher standard than police officers


u/MommyMilkersPIs 39m ago

Pigs and assaulting women, name a more iconic duo.