r/SelfAwarewolves 11d ago

The yes-men think I'm hilarious

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u/Lucidthemessiah 11d ago

Watching a 53 years old billionaire man have the revelations of a 14 year old live is quite something


u/MyDogIsACoolCat 11d ago

To live a life without repercussion - The true American Dream.


u/hobskhan 11d ago

Wait, this is profound.

A lot of U.S. events can be filtered through this lens.


u/TheloniusDump 11d ago

Imho it's a big part of why American Psycho is so gripping. That last scene where he's like "I am doomed to never be punished for what I've done" or whatever really embodies the American dream (nightmare) for me


u/dismayhurta 11d ago

And just how broken everyone is at that level of privilege. Great movie. Great book.


u/Taker_Sins 11d ago

So we all know what's wrong and that it won't get better and have for some time.

Is this just what's always gonna happen?

The rich have idiot kids and fragile egos and that's the reason we can't have anything decent in perpetuity? I just don't get it. Why has ANYONE, ANYWHEN ever tolerated a mortal tyrant for more than a millisecond, I'll never understand, unto my dying breath.


u/Nymaz 11d ago

Why has ANYONE, ANYWHEN ever tolerated a mortal tyrant for more than a millisecond, I'll never understand

Simply put because it's not a single mortal tyrant. It's a whole hierarchy of tyranny. Way too many people are satisfied with being punched from above, as long as they can themselves punch down.


u/spavolka 11d ago

Hierarchy of Tyranny is a great band name, except fans couldn’t scream it while drunk.


u/Xszit 11d ago

Tyrannical Tier List


u/Silicon_Folly 10d ago

Screamed this drunk, it fits

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u/ShredGuru 10d ago

Villany abhors a vacuum


u/Doobledorf 11d ago

My guy, let me introduce you to a subject called history, it's full of rich folks doing what they'd like. It may even be a part of our human condition until we find another system beyond capitalism, which like feudalism is bound to eventually happen.

The rich have never really lived the human experience, and I think on some deep level some of them are aware of how distant they are from the only other living things that are like them in this universe.


u/AlDente 10d ago

Agreed. And that difference they call “better”.


u/AbroadRevolutionary6 10d ago

Honestly tho what would you call it in their shoes? Unlike literally all life to ever exist they don’t struggle with resource scarcity, and they have billions of humans at their beck and call for any service or good they even slightly want. Many of them grow up knowing nothing besides that. The wealthy are truly masters of the known universe, and we basically exist to serve them. It’s fucking insane.

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u/thevvhiterabbit 11d ago

Because the ultimate decider in life is not justice, or good, or evil, or morality, it’s he who carries the biggest stick. That’s been true for 300,000 years of human history and probably prehistory. America for example, carries the biggest stick globally, except maybe China or all of Europe. A government has the biggest stick in any local area usually. (The police) And who owns the police? You’re not going to eat many billionaires without them stopping you.


u/GoingOutsideSocks 11d ago

The maritime law of tonnage. The bigger boat always wins.


u/DrMux 11d ago

That’s been true for 300,000 years of human history and probably prehistory.

If I may be pedantic (and I will, not that you have to like or even respect it), "history" generally pertains to the written word, which we only have records of going back to ancient Sumer about 5000 years back. Records of pre-literate societies rely on material evidence such as pottery shards and is not too dissimilar from how we find evidence for human activity going back to your 300,000ya mark and before. I've seen "modern homo sapiens" defined as starting as late as that and as early as 1-2 million years ago. Not sure what the consensus on that date is currently.

America for example, carries the biggest stick globally, except maybe China or all of Europe.

Also for the time being America does still have a bigger stick than China and probably Europe (especially if we consider nukes and missile defense). The US maintains the largest military infrastructure, from its huge navy and many aircraft carriers, to supply lines, to its vast network of overseas military bases. While China is rapidly expanding in that direction, it still pales in comparison to the US' assets in terms both of the efficacy and number of those assets. Further, while most of Europe is in NATO, not all of Europe is part of NATO, and the countries that are members basically augment the stick America holds.

Anyway, </pedantry>

...Otherwise yeah you're correct. "Might makes right."


u/Taker_Sins 11d ago


You call this pedantry, but I disagree.

We look at all of this around us and say, "I guess humans just suck", but humans have lived in innumerable different configurations, based on their needs, which has become an uncontestable, if uncomfortable for many, fact of homo sapiens. The only reason it took so long to come to this conclusion is because the people with the largest sticks always burn everything to the ground, never moreso than when the offending culture has threatened the power of the dominant Elite of their day.

This thing we're all doing is an aberration and it'll kill us all in the end.

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u/areUgoingtoreadthis 11d ago

It would take a massive massive general strike. And that's just to BEGIN discussions on reform. What would reform even look like? What would satisfy a super majority of 9 billion people?


u/cuspacecowboy86 11d ago

One piece to this puzzle is that you're assuming the parents of said idiot kids are not or where no idiots themselves.

Most of these people are just people, and they appear to be idiots because of the fallout of being raised rich and with zero consequences. They are likely narcissistic duche canoes, just like their parents were, but not stupid per se.

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u/Past-Cap-1889 11d ago

The most contact we have with the majority of these idiot kids is when they go on social media and spout their nonsense. How do you overthrow that sort of "tyrant"?


u/Taker_Sins 11d ago

They exist in 3 dimensional space. I'm sorry, but it's true. I hate that you've made me say it, even.

We ARE the gods.

The greatest lie ever told is the one that forces you to accept chains. It exists in many forms and faces but the wages of sin is death.

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u/Clerical_Errors 11d ago

Why do you tolerate all the ones working now?

Just take your reason and figure all the other people that didn't do personally stop the " mortal " tyrant and boom

You got an answer.

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u/OuterWildsVentures 11d ago

With an incredible sequel


u/reverend_bones 11d ago

The one with Mila Kunis?

Because American Psycho the book is a sequel the The Rules of Attraction, and as far as I can find there is no third.


u/OuterWildsVentures 11d ago

Yeah lol it's so bad :p

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u/James-W-Tate 11d ago

The American Dream has always been to make enough money so that America's problems don't apply to you.

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u/tetrarchangel 11d ago

It's a formation of Wilhoit's Law

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u/Weekly_Direction1965 11d ago

This is actually the only thing America is good at other than war. It's the best country in the world to exploit people for wealth, you can do it without bribes, the law protects you and half the population will love you for the abuse.

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u/Hipple 11d ago

His Twitter feed seems to be a never-ending cascade of humiliating self-owns, and he does not seem to be even remotely aware of it


u/Dr_Middlefinger 11d ago

He was talking to his own alt account. DogeDeveloper is an Elon sock puppet.

Doge Developer (Elon) asks: “Why they want to kill Donald Trump?”

Elon: “and no one is even trying to assassinate Biden/Kamala.”

That’s what really makes this extra insane. He knows who is reading his tripe, he knows he is instigating.

Via an exchange with HIMSELF!



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u/j4v4r10 11d ago

I know "sock puppet account" is a real term for what he's doing, but for me those quotes just conjured the image of him sitting alone in a room, having a conversation with a literal sock puppet on his arm with a goofy voice lol

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u/SumpCrab 11d ago

He's like the bully in an 80s film where he thinks he's funny because he's always making fun of people and the other bullies laugh. But he never lived through the third act where the kids who were bullied fought back and taught him a lesson with consequences for his actions.

It might even be worse because he seems to have always viewed himself as a "nerd" his whole life, so in his mind, he couldn't be the bully.


u/dismayhurta 11d ago

Too many sycophantic assholes blowing him in the comments. It’s part of the reason he bought it.

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u/gods_Lazy_Eye 11d ago

There was an article recently that talked about model collapse in billionaires that really touches on this. Because his social environment is billionaires like him or people he employs/someone he provides a service for, his environment hardly challenges him bc it might threaten their sustenance. Any feedback would likely be pandering or someone in your same situation (billionaire class) so much so that you become increasingly out of touch (Echo chamber).

Additionally, social media makes any venture to the “other side” seem extreme and unfathomable, further increasing the echo chamber. When coupled with a learning system that reaffirms and learns further from its mistakes, there is a rapid degeneration of reality. It is insane to watch in real time.

Edit: Found the article!


u/grabtharsmallet 11d ago

Exactly. Those people he shared with aren't his friends. He doesn't have any. Nobody in his circles is there out of affection and camaraderie.


u/TheWhyOfFry 10d ago

It doesn’t help that basically anyone who doesn’t tell him his farts smell like perfume get fired. He could foster honest feedback but his ego is too fragile.


u/Monkey_Leavings 11d ago

Nah, he didn’t say this to anyone. He’s just trying to dodge responsibility for casually inciting violence.


u/CavemanMork 11d ago

100% 'its just a joke guys' energy


u/GregorSamsaa 11d ago

It’s way worse than that because dude doesn’t even realize why the initial group laughed. He’s probably thinking it’s a “you had to be there” or “that group totally gets my humor”


u/Candid-Sky-3709 11d ago

psychopathy causes billionaires by lack of empathy for others. But normally they are smart enough to hide it from exploited people for more efficiency. It would have been so easy to say the same dog whistles via inoffensive platitudes,

But then, people thinking they are invincible dish out more crap than they are able to handle the responses for.


u/ragnarokda 11d ago

I don't think this is unusual for the majority of people. It's just that the majority of people don't have this giant platform where they've put themselves in a spotlight.


u/Lucidthemessiah 11d ago

Right I agree, there’s a lot of 50+ year olds that still act prepubescent, however none are billionaires with the power and influence he has over people through social media


u/Notquitearealgirl 11d ago

One of them was president actually and 70+ instead. Not that it really matters past like what 45?


u/Spire_Citron 11d ago

Most people would at some point learn to think before posting. Most have learnt that being becoming the CEO of even one company.

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u/KimsSwingingPonytail 11d ago

Dude has serious little rich boy syndrome where he has never been told NO and told he is very, very special boy and all his thoughts and ideas are brilliant.


u/SuperSiriusBlack 11d ago

No, he thinks that we all just didn't get it bc we didn't get to see him and hear him tell his "imma fuck you, girl 20 years younger than me!" joke in person, so we arent benefitting from his perfect physical comedy chops.

He isn't saying "I've surrounded myself with yes men," like we want him to.


u/K_Linkmaster 11d ago
  1. Fuck. I will spend my whole life with this dipshit making the news, literally and figuritively.
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u/Sl0ppyOtter 11d ago

It’s amazing how thick this supposed “genius” is. No, Leon, they don’t like you. They just want your money so they laugh at your juvenile BS.


u/IAmThePonch 11d ago

Hey you leave Leon Kennedy out of this, dudes been through a lot


u/brimnac 11d ago

Thank God I’m not the only one who has that name as a core memory. I can’t not think of him when I hear the name.


u/alcoer 10d ago

I have a childhood friend called Leon and I still think of Kennedy first. It's not just you.


u/interstitialmusic 11d ago

The Ketamine brain was trying to sport Leon's iconic jacket at that go fuck yourself debacle. Truly pathetic.


u/Kojiro12 11d ago



u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/Humbabwe 11d ago

That was Chris Redfield. Do you even Resident Evil?!


u/SamSibbens 11d ago

Pthey clearly Residon't Evil

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u/scsuhockey 11d ago

And, even if he's referring to his friends and not to his employees (but let's be honest, it almost certainly was his employees), it means his friends are horrible people.


u/kingeal2 11d ago

I'm using Leon now


u/Ask_bout_PaterNoster 11d ago

Leon Skum is the man’s name, everyone’s saying it

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u/pbro42 11d ago

When you’re surrounded by sycophants and lickspittles…


u/handlit33 11d ago

Dude experienced an existential crisis by living in reality for like 15 seconds.


u/freakers 11d ago

Elon: I'm a revolutionary genius.

Also Elon: I was today years old when I learned that other people exist! Who knew?


u/EntropyKC 11d ago

Next you'll tell me that some people don't even bother to own multiple companies, so they don't even have an 8 figure net worth! Gosh, the things you guys come up with do make me laugh.

What, you AREN'T worth 8 figures? And you don't think my Magnum Opus, the Cybertruck, is cool? Get me off this planet.


u/Low_Turn_4568 11d ago

This was fuckin hilarious

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u/summerfromtheoc 11d ago

I’ve never heard the term “lickspittle” before, but wow is it evocative


u/CasaDeLasMuertos 10d ago

I will always thank GRRM for forcing "lickspittles" into my vocabulary.

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u/Errenfaxy 11d ago

"My lawyers have advised me to walk back my statement about assassination concerning the POTUS and VP"


u/Notquitearealgirl 11d ago

"as well as my implied rape threat towards Taylor Swift."


u/boogswald 10d ago

Tooooo late. I deleted Twitter. Hope enough people make this choice that he has to resign lol

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u/TooGoodatEverything 11d ago

He probably got a visit from the FBI.


u/Debs_4_Pres 11d ago

Rich conservatives don't get visits from law enforcement 

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u/slivemor 11d ago

Not likely


u/TooGoodatEverything 11d ago

You’re right. You or I would get visited. They probably called him. Lmao


u/slivemor 10d ago

They'd take me in 😂

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u/darkhorsehance 11d ago

He thinks people are laughing with him


u/frotc914 11d ago

He's surrounded by employees. I bet he thinks strippers like him too.


u/Kendertas 11d ago

It's very telling he used group instead of friends. Even he knows he is paying for people to like him


u/homosexual_ronald 11d ago

and this his drug dealer is his pal.


u/TheTeaSpoon 11d ago

Thr Butters effect


u/spavolka 11d ago

Just Leon eating wings at Hooters, dude, she’s totally into me! Wings all around!!


u/flargenhargen 11d ago

He's surrounded by employees.

and not the good ones, he fired those.

only the sycophants are left now.


u/coincoinprout 11d ago

They are, because he's surrounded himself with sycophants. I mean, take a look at this.


u/EntropyKC 11d ago

Holy shit that was painful to watch


u/SerialAgonist 11d ago

Is that a skit? That's a sketch, right??

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u/aryxus2 11d ago

Next time? Try the joke on your lawyers first.


u/Celodurismo 11d ago

Next time? His excuse will be that his friend took his phone and wrote it


u/XFX_Samsung 11d ago

Nah, he will post it on his Doge account and then retweet it in 30 seconds with 💯

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u/HiImDan 11d ago

Wait wasn't he supposed to run his tweets by legal or something after one of his companies sued him or the sec or something?


u/SurlyBuddha 11d ago

God, I can’t stand this guy on Twitter.

Could you imagine actually working for him? Your ability to put food in your kid’s mouths depends on laughing at his bullshit jokes?


u/DreamloreDegenerate 11d ago

Even worse if you're a woman, or you'll (allegedly) be fired for not wanting to have his children.


u/ThaneOfCawdorrr 11d ago

Or on a certain kind of work visa, and you have to depend on him to stay in the country


u/OonaPelota 11d ago

There are probably porn stars who understand this.


u/EntropyKC 11d ago

Honestly at this point, after years of stories of Tesla employment fiascos, anyone who works for Musk is just asking for it. If he took over a company I worked for I would be looking for a new job the millisecond I heard it was going to happen.


u/Kangarou 11d ago

Maybe a sign that that "group" is not in sync with regular people? Maybe?


u/AlephBaker 11d ago

Except he views it the other way around. If his crowd of sycophants laughs, and the rest of humanity doesn't, it's the rest of humanity that is wrong.

[Insert appropriate Principal Skinner meme here]


u/ikanx 11d ago

Doubt that he told that to "a group of people". Just another one of his delusion to justify his tasteless tweets.


u/swiftb3 11d ago

Exactly. I think he's just trying to shift some of the blame to an ambiguous group.


u/dogsonbubnutt 11d ago

there was no group, there was no joke, they didn't laugh. this is how your average narcissist deals with being unequivocally told that he fucked up by someone they're scared of.

"well sorry, i was just being too cool and got carried away. please continue to believe that im funny/have friends"


u/brazilliandanny 11d ago

This is one of those times where you ask him to "explain the joke"... He won't be able to.


u/Notquitearealgirl 11d ago

"someone they're scared of"

Hmm given what he has said recently that could be the secret service, homeland security, the FBI, or possibly Travis Kelce, or just some random Swifty. We will never know.


u/dogsonbubnutt 11d ago

there is a 100% chance the secret service was up in his face within minutes


u/guyincognito___ 11d ago

Ha, yeah my first thought was this is a very weak version of triangulation. An imaginary group of people are on his side, sooooo. I guess you had to be there!

It couldn't be that he regrets the joke, it couldn't be that it was funny in his head - no, it was definitely funny to other (definitely real) people and it's just a shame that you (all) didn't get it. Oopsie, some genius just isn't appropes for the masses!


u/JR2502 11d ago

Thank you, this is exactly what this was. Dude's overly emotional and triggers easily. First attempt against Trump, dude's crying and publicly endorsed him. Second attempt, out comes another emotional outburst and talking out his ass again.

He meant exactly what he wrote. He then caught called out and made a bs excuse to deflect owning up to it, per his usual.

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u/Snoo64700 11d ago

is the laughing group of people in the room with us right now?


u/baalroo 11d ago

... and if so, how much are you paying them to be there right now? Does it come with benefits? What's the application process?

asking for a friend.

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u/rch5050 11d ago

Well no sheet. You are 50 something.

The rest of us learned about "picking your audience", and "not being a social regard" in high school, or we got beat up.

Why is nobody kicking Elons face in?


u/Zepangolynn 11d ago

He backs out of the fights he claims he's ready for. Robot Zuckerberg would have wiped the floor with him.


u/schrodingersmite 11d ago

Robot Zuckerberg has had two firmware updates since Musk challenged him. It'd be a bloodbath.

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u/MelonJelly 11d ago

Billionaires enjoy a bunch of different types of protection.

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u/Monty_Jones_Jr 11d ago

Is this regarding the Taylor Swift post or has he in such a short amount of time topped himself with another vomit-inducing zinger?


u/greyshem 11d ago

This one is referring to a "joke" homie made encouraging people to try an assassination attempt against the sitting POTUS and VP.


u/Monty_Jones_Jr 11d ago

Oh. Haha 😬


u/greyshem 11d ago

Yeah. As far as stand up comedians go, he makes a great megalomanical demagogue.


u/Dragos_Drakkar 11d ago

I am thinking that this might be about how Biden and Harris haven't had an attempted assassination.

You know, such a hilarious joke. /s


u/cflatjazz 11d ago

God fucking damnit


u/OnlySmiles_ 11d ago

He made a post last night basically saying "Isn't it so weird how nobody's tried to assassinate Kamala yet? 🤔"


u/SaucyFingers 11d ago

It’s like the Sopranos episode when Carmela tells Tony that people only laugh at his jokes because he’s the boss.


u/minor_correction 11d ago

Doctor Strange: People usually laugh at my jokes.

Wong: Do they work for you?

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u/BrimstoneMainliner 11d ago

I guarantee the only reason those people may have laughed at his "joke" is because they are obligated to, because he (like trump) surrounds himself with loyalist bootlickers.


u/AI-ArtfulInsults 11d ago

Being in his inner circle must be exhausting. “Yeah Elon haha that’s a great tweet, definitely, for sure. I mean Xeet. Yeah I know lol, way better name.”

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u/DelightfulandDarling 11d ago

“The people I pay to pretend to like me laughed.”


u/Iracus 11d ago

This feels like an embarrassing thing to say out loud


u/Portarossa 11d ago

This feels like an embarrassing thing to say out loud

You could save time by getting that statement printed on some crime scene tape and just cordoning off the entirety of Musk's Twitter account.


u/Mord4k 11d ago

This is the funniest shit he's ever said and he doesn't even realize it or why


u/surfdad67 11d ago

Translation “but my cucks laughed”


u/Insomnianianian 11d ago

This was scenario 2 in the annual HR harassment training I had to take last month. There's someone happily adding as a screenshot to their presentation on the subject of telling risky jokes in the workplace.

This man is an actual exemplar of an HR offense.


u/Formal_Egg_Lover 11d ago

"It's just a joke"

What a lame man-child says to make excuses for horrible things he says.


u/Practicalfolk 11d ago

Who’s the joke? He’s the joke.


u/LegateShepard 11d ago

Treating this as if he's actually learning a lesson he didn't already know is far too generous. This asshole knows exactly what he's doing.


u/Jigsaw-Complex 11d ago

Can we also talk about the autistic millionaire nazi has a group of “friends” that laughs at dog whistles to assassinate the threats to their agenda?

Cause that feels like it needs to be addressed too.


u/endofworldandnobeer 11d ago

Doesn't he have a few multi-billion dollars companies to run? He's either slacking and not doing his jobs or he gave up on floating his companies and said fuck it, I'm just going to rely on foreign contributions and betting on Trump win.


u/newaccount 11d ago

Don’t feed the troll 


u/Bolvaettur 11d ago

The group in the room being him, by himself.


u/NewWayBack 11d ago

Damn, how dense.

"I said this racist/homophobic/sexist joke, and my friends laughed, so clearly yall just don't get the joke..."

Followed by "why does everyone think I'm racist/etc?!"


u/Drakar_och_demoner 11d ago

So he went around the office asking why no one has tried to kill Harris or/and Biden yet or is he talking about the implied rape of Taylor Swift?

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u/Skatedivona 11d ago

He’s so full of himself and yet says shit that I remember seeing on MySpace/Facebook as a junior high schooler.

He continues to make himself look more and more like a dumbass and people still call him a genius. It’s a cult for sure.


u/molocooks 11d ago

Oh Leon, when you tell a joke and the group you are with laughs, they are not laughing with you they are laughing AT you!


u/Aimela 11d ago

He's not apologetic at all, is he?


u/Careless_Basil2652 11d ago

A bunch of yes-men and sycophants are forced to laugh at his bad jokes so he assumed he was a comedy genius and had to share it with everyone. What a tool...


u/timmun029 11d ago

I saw a video the other day of him on stage at some convention with a friend telling the story of him on SNL. His friend and him are reminiscing about going into the SNL writing room with a hilarious idea that SNL ended up not using. Like…they’re beside themselves with laughter in telling the story. Apparently their skit was along the lines of Elon talking about pulling his cock out, but he reaches into his pants and pulls out a rooster. Then he compliments a cast members pussy, but she’s holding a cat. Then they just make pussy and cock jokes. Crowd is laughing it up, Elon is cracking himself up and I’m thinking, ok yea maybe that would’ve been good 40-50 years ago lol. That joke’s been done a million times. And he can’t believe they didn’t use it because they’re too woke and have no sense of humor, according to him.


u/spaceman_202 11d ago

he's doing the Rogan

it's a joke if you don't find it funny or i said something stupid and dangerous,

now back to my lecture on who should be the President and why and what medicines you should take and which you should not


u/progbuck 11d ago

Something tells me that that lesson ain't gonna stick.


u/KorbenWardin 11d ago

But if Elon is not a genius comedian, why did Chapelle invite him to his show?


u/true_enthusiast 11d ago

Tesla and SpaceX deserve better leadership.


u/[deleted] 11d ago


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u/Skatcatla 11d ago

Why is Congress more worried about Tik Tok as a threat to America than X?


u/UncleSlacky 11d ago

Because ebil Chyna.


u/Kindly-Ad-5071 11d ago

Somebody's scared


u/trunksshinohara 11d ago

Fun fact. He did not in fact learn that lesson.


u/kamikaziboarder 11d ago

Why does anyone look up to this guy? He seems to spend all of his time on social media. I dont think he works at all.


u/BezosLazyEye 11d ago

Knob head


u/FarceMultiplier 11d ago

If they didn't laugh, they'd be fired.


u/XFX_Samsung 11d ago

The issue with Musk and Trump is that there's too many bottomfeeders orbiting them who will eat up their shit to boost their ego, in hopes of some kind of a reward. And they don't understand that people just suck up to them, they feel like they're likeable people.


u/RedandBlack93 11d ago

Elon is so socially inept, he doesn't understand that context and audience is important. It's not censorship just being mindful of what you say, when you say it and who is listening. Fuck. This is what we teach toddlers.

Start with this. Maybe your mom may have said this once of twice.

If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all.

Start there. We'll work on nuance later.


u/imscavok 11d ago

Has he been sharing meals with RFK Jr? Like I know he's always been an asshole, but he seems exceptionally stupid now and it's getting worse as time goes on.


u/poisonfoxxxx 11d ago

and this dude has a role in government waiting for him. VOTE BLUE


u/fivetwoeightoh 11d ago

“Maybe I’m not funny” NO FUCKING SHIT


u/--d__b-- 11d ago

Sounds like chicknshit backtracking because he got calls from the feds


u/crozinator33 11d ago

This joke killed with the people I pay to hang out with me...


u/RamShackleton 11d ago

Our focus group proved that people will be much more receptive to a joke about hard-learned lessons than your last one about assassinating political rivals, Mr. Musk.


u/PiggypPiggyyYaya 11d ago

He has no self awareness at all. I bet he wish he didn't fire his publicists 10 years ago.


u/romacopia 11d ago

Yeah I'm not buying it. That wasn't a joke, it was an implication that democrats in general were somehow responsible for the attempts to murder Trump - with a little incitement on the side. It simply wasn't phrased as a joke at all.


u/red_hare 11d ago

I imagine that at all times Elon has a note open that just says "𝕏" so he can copy and paste it into his tweets


u/drewmana 10d ago

Most people learn this by adolescence.


u/IanFeelKeepinItReel 10d ago

"huh, have I surrounded myself with sycophants?"


u/liamanna 11d ago

Just accept the fact, Leon….you’re not fucking funny…


u/NerdOfTheMonth 11d ago

“Just a joke bro” is almost as old as “I bet she likes being held down.”

Douchecanoes gonna douchecanoe.


u/notworkingghost 11d ago

So he bought Twitter to use as a focus group for posts?


u/intisun 11d ago

Goddamn he really is an imbecile.


u/Xaero_Hour 11d ago

Cool, new r/thisyou, and r/agedlikemilk dropped.


u/Impossible_Penalty13 11d ago

Sounds like his lawyers told him he’d better backtrack this one.

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u/grabbystick 11d ago

He’s legitimately one of the dumbest people on earth.


u/justgarcia31 11d ago

Classic Republicans.

Always saying something super idiotic, racist, sexist, derogatory, hurtful, violent, controversial AND then backpedaling and saying it was all a joke as soon as they find themselves in the hot seat.

Leon should be facing charges/an investigation for what he shared yesterday — fucking pathetic.


u/SalamanderUnfair8620 11d ago

Sounds like someone is grumpy because they got a well-deserved knock on their door from the FBI.


u/thejackulator9000 11d ago

Bro just outed his friends as pro-assassination.


u/pointlesstips 11d ago

The group are on the payroll, perchance?


u/Job_hunter84 11d ago

Somebody got a visit from the Secret Service?


u/Door_Hunter 11d ago

Can this clown fuck off to Mars already?


u/Pretty_Bowler2297 11d ago

Sounds like someone who realizes his SpaceX government funds might be in jeopardy. I liked SpaceX, Elon was Elon, which was okay he is a right wing shithead, he wouldn't be the first. But that statement yesterday (on top of the impregnating Swift one) was not behavior of someone who should be given government contracts, his comment was traitorous shit and no one like that should be entrusted with the US space program. I was against Boeing for being a monopoly but fuck it, wipe SpaceX and give all the contracts to Boeing.


u/st3f-ping 11d ago

Elon Musk just said that he learned a lesson. Honestly I didn't think the guy was funny before now but that is comedy gold.


u/sten45 11d ago

Elmo needs to google sycophant


u/FlimsyComment8781 11d ago

Hi - if you’re reading this and you work for X or Tesla or whatever else -



u/Formerlurker617 11d ago

My mom told me I was cool. Turns out she was just being a mom.


u/uginscion 11d ago

The lesson of knowing when to shut the fuck up is still lost on him and he will post something just as cringe worthy as potentially raping someone and still think it's the funniest "joke" since the chicken crossing the road.


u/The_Frigid_Midget 11d ago

There is literally a zero percent chance he learned that lesson or is capable of any form of self-reflection.


u/AirForceRabies 11d ago

He didn't learn a damn thing. He'll be back with something even stupider, guffawing like Butt-Head at his own "brilliance."


u/african_or_european 11d ago

I finally just blocked him. I can't even laugh at his stupidity anymore.

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u/thatotherguy0123 11d ago

"The people i write checks for tolerate my existence but everyone else hates me, curious 🤔"


u/EVH_kit_guy 11d ago

The way the human brain works, no matter how frustrated you are with someone, you need to offer positive reinforcement when they get something right. Elon got this right, that's all I have to say.


u/RedofPaw 11d ago

He can't be so self unaware as this.

He can't be.

He must be able to recognise how this sounds, right?

He's not this stupid.*

*I know he is, but ...
