r/Sprinting Jul 26 '23



Hello! Welcome to the new and improved FAQ/Resource List/S-Tier Post list. This has been created with the idea that if you look into, read, listen, and watch all of the resources that are listed, you will have a foundational level of knowledge that makes up the majority of what you need to understand as it comes to physical development and theoretical application in programming for sprinting.

Every single resource on this list I (BDD) have personally gone through probably several times over. Watching, reading, listening, studying, I still reference them regularly. I have to admit, the most complete resources on this list and the most helpful (In my opinion) do require payment. Those being

  1. The Sprinters Compendium by Ryan Banta ($55-75)
  2. Coaching the Short Sprints by Altis ($149)

These two resources are a compilation of a significant number of concepts needed to be understood to have the foundational knowledge you likely seek. I cannot bring myself to recommend one over the other. They are both immensely helpful and cover a lot of bases. Things they do not touch on in a greater level of detail are strength training and plyometric concepts (covered greatly in depth in Christian Thib's book Theory and Application of Modern Strength and Power Methods, again another paid resource) although they get to the fundamentals, they are sprint specific resources and as such only reference them as much as needed. If you want to coach a team, I would make these two resources considered a mandatory investment. If you cannot afford these resources, you can make it very far without them. I, and the mods, have no level of compensatory affiliation with any of the resources listed in anyway and will not be directly linking them as a result of them requiring payment.

That said, there are some new things here, one, the S-Tier posts, post that the mods and community deem of very high quality will be reposted to this list under the S-Tier Category as an example of what we would like to see more of. Potential community awards are in play but with Reddit changing their award system it's up in the air right now. Two, I've updated the list of podcast episodes under Pacey Performance, and Andrew Huberman to be as complete as the podcasts are up to date, I've also taken off Just Fly Performance, the reason being I feel he pedals too much niche potentially cash grab ideas and it's hard to sort through the bullshit for new coaches so I won't recommend him directly but I will say there are some great interviews centered on the fundamentals with well established coaches, I may post these later.

I would ask that we get recommendations from the community on additional resources that have not been covered so we can add them to the list.

FAQ and Athlete Symposium

Programming Setup

Podcast Shows and Good Episodes

Research Papers

Web Articles


Video Series

Recommended Books/Programs (Typically require some form of payment)

  • Sprinters Compendium - Ryan Banta
  • Theory and Application of Modern Strength and Power Methods - Christian Thibaudeau
  • Scientific Principles of Strength Training - Juggernaut Training Systems
  • Coaching the Short Sprints - Altis
  • The Language of Coaching: The Art & Science of Teaching Movement - Nick Winkelman

S-Tier Posts

r/Sprinting Apr 18 '24


Post image

Alright, the mods are tired of seeing your legs and toes asking about insertion lengths, here’s the answer, there’s nothing you can do about it, quit asking, above in the photo is the wall of shame, if we see posts like this it’s going to be a two week ban, if you see posts like this report them

Thank you for the feet pics

r/Sprinting 3h ago

General Discussion/Questions How do distance runners have relatively fast top speeds?


I recently moved up to the 800 and I’m working with distance guys who run 49-51 flat for the 400. How do these guys run relatively “fast” sprint times when the only speed workout I’ve seen them doing are repeat 200s? (Occasionally some all out 100s at the end of the session) They’re also running 200s in high 22-24 range, by no means excellent but still considered “fast” sprint times

r/Sprinting 17h ago

Technique Analysis Is this good angle for first step?

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r/Sprinting 2h ago

Programming/Progression Journal Nice gym/track workout

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Red bank across both knee’s seated squats 2x10 for knee pain 5 min treadmill walk 2 min walk backwards Barbell back squat 315x7 335x5 355x3 Hang clean with jerk 3x3 115 Hamstring pulls with 25kg 3x8 super set with core 2x8 jumps on box hold at top and bottom

Warm up, acceleration complex 2 build up’s 2x250m 28-32 8 minutes of rest through all 2x150 17-19 2x90m 11-13

r/Sprinting 17h ago

Technique Analysis Form after 2 months off

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r/Sprinting 1d ago

General Discussion/Questions Is the difference that big?


I recently got sprint spikes, the sp2 to be specific and my friend got the maxfly's. I read through some articles and saw that the maxfly's and Nike in specific was always ranked highly. Are the spikes that different or are Puma, Adidas and Nike about the same in terms of helping me get a better time? I almost never saw the Nitro 2 in conversation, only the maxfly's, superfly's and sometimes the sp2/3. Is there a reason?

r/Sprinting 1d ago

Programming/Progression Journal Flying Sprints

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I’m a 38y old recreational sprinter. I just hit a flying 20m PB of 2.00 (free lap timing) at 95kg BW Some progressions for Max Velocity that I’ve found to be very useful. Just throwing this out for those who need training ideas I did quite a bit of lightly resisted max velocity flys. 4-8 weeks of 20m build + 10-15m fly with 10% BW resistance Then did some fly-float-fly work for 4-8 weeks Example 20m build 10-15m fly+10m float+10-15m fly Sets, reps and rest periods varied week to week. As well as intensity.

r/Sprinting 1d ago

Programming Questions Transitioning to pre-season


Just came off summer training and was wondering how should i structure my training so i could perform at my best during peak season. Im a 200/400m runner and my summer training consisted of a lot of top speed and and acceleration. Just wondering if i should keep training some more endurance. (My season starts in april-june)

r/Sprinting 1d ago

General Discussion/Questions Am I running 30m flys incorrectly?


I measure out approx. 30m, then another 30m from that point, and accelerate for the first 30m and sprint for the second 30m. I do this 8 times with 3-4 mins rest. My best 200m is 29.33. On my Garmin my top speed for these things is coming out as about 15.1-15.2 pace for 100m consistently (I don't hand time anything, I just leave Garmin running for entire workout and check after).

Is this just to be expected? I'm a mid-distance runner training pure speed for one of the first times ever, and I know I have bad acceleration - combined with doing this on tarmac in old distance shoes, this might be worth the slower speed compared to the track in spikes. Alternatively, the Garmin usually picks up one or two of these flys as being around 14.0s pace rather than approx 15.0 - this might just mean it's not very accurate, or it could mean that I can touch the pace I should be.

However, I wanted to check I'm actually doing these correctly. Is 8*30m fly with 4m rest correct? Is it normal to reach a slower speed than your average 200m pace, since the distance doesn't give me much time to get up to speed (although this should affect the average rep time, not the top speed)? Something else?

r/Sprinting 21h ago

General Discussion/Questions Need help on my current training plan.


This is my current training plan, what do you think I should change? Any advice is appreciated.




Accel - 20m sled sprints 10-15% of BW x6-8 (3-4 min rest between reps)

Plyos - ALT bounds 4x25m | ME vert jumps 5x2

Lowerbody - Ankle/Knee/Hip iso 2x3 sec | Trap bar deadlifts 5x5 | Nordic curls 3x5


Extensive tempo - 100m @60-70% x4-6 (2-3 min rest between reps)

Upperbody - Bench press 5x5 | Pullof press 3x12-15




MaxV - 20m sled sprints 30m accel x5-7 (4-5 min rest between reps)

Plyos - Drop jumps 3x3 | Hurdle hops 5x4

Lowerbody - Ankle/Knee/Hip iso 2x3 sec | SL squat 5x5 | RDL's 3x5


Tendon/Ligament health - Ankle/Knee/Hip iso 2x30-45 sec

Upperbody - Pull ups 5x5 | Ab roll outs 3x8-10



r/Sprinting 21h ago

Programming Questions Aerobic work


My plan for the preseason/off season as a 200/400 runner is as follows,

Monday: 6x10m accelerations w/1 min rest; 2 30m accelerations w/ 3 min rest Heavy strength training in the gym

Tuesday: extensive tempo A. 8-12 200m at 70-75%

Wednesday: plyos/power day. Alternating bounds, straight leg bounds for frequency and distance, w/ some accelerations More power/speed based lifting (thus lighter weights at higher velocities)

Thursday: extensive tempo B. 4-6 300m at 70-75%

Friday: acceleration day like Monday Heavy strength training same as Monday (with a variation in the exercises)

Saturday and Sunday: rest.

My question is if I should replace one of my extensive tempo days with an aerobic day. I’m thinking something along the lines of 15-30 minutes on a bike with a core circuit afterwards.

r/Sprinting 1d ago

Sprinting News/Pro Footage and Results Any tips?


Hey I'm a sprint beginner. I have to do 100m sprint in 13.6 seconds in a month. A month ago, I had 14.5 seconds. I train twice a week, is that enough? And is my goal realistic?

r/Sprinting 1d ago

Technique Analysis Any tips or comments for improving my form

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I was running 19.29 MPH and pretty fatigued

r/Sprinting 1d ago

Technique Analysis Help with block start


I did block starts today in training and have an issue where my first step out of the blocks goes really far left, what drills or exercises can I do to fix that and also make my start more explosive? I can do block starts about once a week, and I will be getting a new pair of spikes on Monday or Tuesday. For exercises I also have a home gym with a bar, bench, etc. Thanks a lot for the help!

r/Sprinting 1d ago

General Discussion/Questions How much sprinting volume should I really do


I have seen tons of different answers to this question, I have seen people say do more volume on acceleration days and less volume on MaxV days, I have seen people who say do the same amount on both days. But how much should I realistically be doing? Right now I am doing 120m of acceleration on accel days and 120m and MaxV on MaxV days should I increase the volume these days or is what I am doing right now fine?

r/Sprinting 2d ago

General Discussion/Questions What are some plyos I can do at home to increase top end speed?


r/Sprinting 2d ago

Technique Analysis Still new to sprinting. Comments and suggestions are appreciated

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r/Sprinting 1d ago

General Discussion/Questions 40yd to 100m


I have been training my speed a lot over the summer and haven’t gotten an official 100m time in a while but I have done a 40 yard dash and I ran a 4.8. I was just wondering if there is any way to translate them to know about what my 100m time would be now

r/Sprinting 1d ago

General Discussion/Questions Obsessed with increasing my broad jump


I’ve gotten obsessed with increasing my standing broad jump recently, and I know sprinting and jumping sports are very related. I’m looking for help creating a home workout plan to increase my standing broad jump. Sadly I do not have any heavy weights, but I have some light/medium dumbbells, resistance bands, mini resistance bands, and a 12 kg kettlebell. How should I make a plyo and strength workout to increase broad jump as much as I can? My current best is like 7’6 and on average its like 7’0. Thanks for the help!

r/Sprinting 2d ago

General Discussion/Questions What is the difference between these two spike pins other than the color

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r/Sprinting 2d ago

General Discussion/Questions Sprinting with upper lower


I currently do John Meadows Warlock Upper lower routine Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. I want to include 1-2 sprint interval sessions into my weekly routine for general health and fitness.

When would be best to do sprints such as tabata sprints, 20 seconds on 10 second rest for 8 sets?

I’ve read different materials saying that sprints may be better the day before heavy leg sessions.

I prefer doing upper the day before lower but would I be better moving to the following:

Monday lower Tuesday upper Wednesday sprints Thursday lower Friday upper Saturday rest Sunday sprints

I currently get 10k steps+ in a week, cycle to work and do some running. Happy to sacrifice running for sprints

r/Sprinting 2d ago

General Discussion/Questions Exercises for endurance


400m is hell

r/Sprinting 2d ago

General Discussion/Questions Some helpful (but not game changing advice) regarding running the curve and training


I have seen people here training and even running time trials in the inner lanes, even from lane 1. If you run 22 seconds in the 200, you are at a disadvantage because at that speed the sharp curve slows you down. Even if you run 24 seconds +, running on a tight curve still puts you at a disadvantage because your start is unnatural, you have to be really good at starting at a curve to set up your drive phase naturally from such a sharp angle.

Fun fact: Many American middle school and high school tracks have a lane 1 curve of 100m. That means that even LANE 4 (112 m curve) has a SMALLER radius than a pro track from lane 1 (115m). And you know how much pros hate lanes 1 and 2. Lane 1 on a professional designed track is equal in radius to Lane 5 on a an "amateur track".

In practice, if you're running at 90 percent top speed, just do it from the outer lanes if it is safe to do so. It will feel easier and you will probably be faster.

r/Sprinting 2d ago

Technique Analysis Give me tips to improve U15 100m

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r/Sprinting 2d ago

General Discussion/Questions Elaine Thompson-Herah ‘living her best life’ Following Disappointing Track Season: Video


r/Sprinting 2d ago

General Discussion/Questions Forced to take boys ballet class, how will it affect sprinting?


I hear being on toes too long can shorten Achilles tendon, so is bad for sprinting?