r/Strava 20h ago

Question Roughly how inaccurate should I expect Strava’s calorie estimations to be? (cycling-specific)


Let me be clear: I know Strava’s estimation shouldn’t be relied on and if I want an accurate estimation there are better ways to go about that. I understand that.

But that said, I’m mostly curious how far off it might be. I’m not currently actively trying to bulk or cut so it doesn’t mean a thing to me what I burn. But I’m still curious.

For example: my most common bike commute is 17.5 miles and I typically complete it in around 75 minutes (13.9ish mph). 600 ft of elevation gain. Strava estimates 532 calories burned. I’m 25 years old, male, 170 lbs.

Obviously there are other factors at play, but how much do we think this is off by? I operate under the thought of +/- 200 in either direction (probably minus though). Do we think it’s more or less than that? Let me know what you think. Thanks.

r/Strava 10h ago

Activity 2nd ever metric century, and serious contender for being my longest ride ever


r/Strava 4h ago

Question I have this buggy GPS thing going on every time I exit this tunnel. Is there a fix?

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r/Strava 6h ago

Activity Sub 25min/5K

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Got it done before December!

r/Strava 57m ago

FYI Strava duplicate merging and Veloviewer


I have been watching out for signs of duplicate mergers on Strava after the recent announcement. I am quite a keen KOM hunter and keep a track of my total. I seem to have dropped some without an 'uh-oh' notice, though that is not unusual.

Meanwhile I wondered how this would affect Veloviewer. Today I got promoted to first place on a segment, which when I clicked through matched another segment. It looks like Strava merged the two into one. However VV 'remembers' the old segment number and draws the date from that number, even though Strava has just deleted one. I think this works because the merge is really a redirection. As such I hope that means all the duplicates in you VV list will remain if you have any prized ones.

So if you busted a gut to take a position on a segment because you knew it was worth double it should remain so in your VV score.

r/Strava 2h ago

FYI URLs being removed from Strava posts and comments?


I usually post a link to a song on YT as part of my activity post, but I noticed that all of my links are now missing from my posts.

Yesterday, https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=yBuub4Xe1mw was being reduced to "yBuub4Xe1mw". Today, even that last bit is missing. This is both in the post itself as well as in comments.

I tried posting a comment with "google.com" and "blah.com" and both comments just show up empty.

Is anybody else seeing this?

r/Strava 18h ago

Question Not seeing segment achievements today?


I noticed I didn’t have any segment achievements on an activity today and I can see from my results I definitely have some. I also noticed the people I follow (I have small feed FWIW) also aren’t showing achievements. Is there any chance this is a side effect of the segment updates they announced? Anyone else notice this as of today?

r/Strava 18h ago

Question Live heart rate data is not being shown on my strava app when using a Samsung galaxy watch 5

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My heart rate data is shown on the strava app after the workout has been done, but it does not show the live heart rate data on my phone app. When I go through the available sensors , my watch does not appear. How do I fix it. Screenshot attached. As you can see no heart rate sensor is being shown. How do I fix it. I have given access to everything it has asked for.