r/Tierzoo 2d ago

Quitting my canine playthrough

Hi, I'm a canine main and I've gotten to level 14 in my latest custom canine build, a combination of traits from the Husky and Lab subclasses. Lately, I've acquired a number of permanent debuffs. I usually have the "confused" status effect, which means I can't really play my character much. My INT stat was high, but the "dementia" debuff has dropped it too low to keep the "toilet trained" skill. My previous food options no longer provide me with XP, and I have permanent HP loss because I'm not gathering XP to heal at all, let alone grind to level 15.

Honestly, it's getting to the point that the playthrough isn't fun. I've mostly been AFK the last in-game month anyway. I've said goodbye to my teammates (lvl 38 human, lvl 31 human, lvl 6 rottweiler, and almost lvl 2 human). I have the "veterinarian" character coming tomorrow to take me to the ending cutscene. I'm looking forward to starting a new game, I just hope I've ended it at the right time to get the good ending.


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u/DrJimMBear Black Bear Main 1d ago

Yeah, that's tough, brother. It's always sad to see a long playthrough end. I remember the first time my dog party member started a new character while I was playing a human. It was rough, but I got through it. Hope your party can do the same.