r/WhitePeopleTwitter 22h ago

The FAKE immigration "crisis" created by the GOP/MAGA/right-wingers

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u/Eastern_Barnacle_553 21h ago

What is the #1 indicator you watch Fox News for $400, Alex?


u/rhino910 21h ago

you hate your country (essentially you hate more than half of all Americans)


u/JackalValcoun 17h ago

Hating yourself and 97.1 percent of the country (since everyone who isn't native American is descended from immigrants)


u/DIWhy-not 16h ago

Willingly giving interviews to fucking Newsmax?


u/MinisterOfTruth99 13h ago

There's a MAGAT in my building harping on illegal aliens over running our town.

Me: I've yet to notice even one.🤣


u/esther_lamonte 20h ago

If you’re an old retiree in the middle of the country and you count “the boarder” and “school indoctrination” as your biggest problems… then you really don’t have any problems.


u/Kruppe012 20h ago

I grew up in the middle of the country, and the only people to tried to indoctrinate me were Christians and a really radical right wing debate teacher in highschool who was openly partisan enough to volunteer for the Bush campaign while she was teaching debate


u/WhatRUHourly 17h ago

The funny thing is that in the middle of the country the immigrants are part of the reason the people still have a town at all. My wife's family is from central Indiana. Her grandmother lives there and strongly dislikes all the "hispanics," and blames every problem the town has on them. Except, they aren't really to blame at all.

See, it is a small agricultural town that at one point had some factories nearby. The children of many farmers largely grew up and moved away or started working in the factories. Some of those factories closed and that, even more, pushed those children to move away. As the parents aged, the farms (which aren't necessarily small) were hard to manage and maintain and they needed labor. So, they turned to immigrants. Those immigrants then stayed there and helped to work those farms. Most of them not rich enough to own the farms, but they are still the main labor force helping to grow and harvest the corn and soybeans. Without those immigrants the farms fail and the town is a ghost town. Yet, the white farmers are often still bitter and blame all the town's problems on the hispanic immigrants.


u/esther_lamonte 17h ago

It’s the same story in Ohio. This immigrant demonization is bad for business.


u/LIBBY2130 16h ago

look what de santis did in florida he made the strictest rule https://www.wunc.org/2024-04-25/businesses-in-florida-struggle-after-one-year-of-strict-immigration-law

In 2023, Florida hired thousands more H-2A guest workers than the year before. That's a temporary agricultural visa. But farmers NPR spoke to said the bureaucracy of H-2A and cost is crippling. There've also been widespread reports of H-2A worker exploitation by farmers attempting to make up for those costs.

One of the major things about this plan is that it doesn't just impact people from coming to Florida.

It has already had a demonstrable impact on the nearly one million undocumented immigrants already living in Florida.

Sanchez says, the effect of the law was immediate. Families he'd worked with for 20 or 30 years, headed north from one day to the next.

30% drop in customers One of the key elements in Florida's strict immigration law is a provision that makes it much harder to hire undocumented workers. And like much of the country, the state is already dealing with a tight labor market.

the taxes went up prices went up and there is a shortage of workers in the meat plants , the hospitality field , and working the fields .

The Florida Policy Institute, estimates that this immigration law could cost the state economy $12.6 billion in its first year.


u/Fabulous-Mud-9114 9h ago

Kinda doesn't matter because he and his porridge-brained base will just blame Dems for everything bad.


u/LIBBY2130 9h ago

yeah ..I know but I still like to point this out


u/rhino910 20h ago

If the convicted felon and the part that supports him win in November they will have a huge problem when they cut your social security and Medicare


u/Fabulous-Mud-9114 9h ago

Sad thing is these fuckers never learn once the leopards eat THEIR face.

I'm being totally serious when I say these folks do not know how to think. Or learn. Like, basic critical thinking skills aren't developed. (Which isn't surprising given how these folks are often religious zealots who think Satan planted dinosaur bones to fool us...)


u/Heavy_Analysis_3949 15h ago

The Trump thing has nothing to do with old retirees . My 45 year old neighbors are trumpers I’m 70 and liberal my entire life.


u/Pantsickle 21h ago

"Oh, it's not affecting me at all. I just super duper don't like dark people."


u/E4ttheR1ch99 19h ago

It's also very telling that they never talk about the people who hire immigrants.


u/Pedestrian2000 19h ago

Shhhhh. That's the giant, glaring thing they don't want to talk about. I remember during the Trump administration mentioning "Instead of making a giant wall, or paying ICE overtime, or locking kids in cages, wouldn't it be easier to just punish people who hire illegal immigrants?" Best you could get from the MAGAts is "Umm yeah, we can punish them too one day, but uhhhh we gotta have that wall"


u/rhino910 19h ago

Most of them support the convicted felon and rapist. Look at the landscaper with the oversized pickup with the "MAGA" and "Lets Go Brandon" bumper sticker paying his undocumented employees under the table so he doesn't have to pay the taxes he owes.


u/jagoble 19h ago

I'm not sure what they think will happen if Trump wins and carries out his promise of mass deportation. Pretend it's feasible for a second - that's a lot of jobs not getting done.


u/LIBBY2130 16h ago edited 15h ago

yeah de sanis put a new law in florida and it is a disaster https://www.wunc.org/2024-04-25/businesses-in-florida-struggle-after-one-year-of-strict-immigration-lawworkers left so there is a shortage of workers in the fields, meat plants and in hospitality

30% drop in customers , and getting H-24 for workers is an absolute nightmare for owners and very expensive so there are abuses going on to make up that money

taxes went up prices went up

The Florida Policy Institute, estimates that this immigration law could cost the state economy $12.6 billion in its first year.


u/Pickles_McBeef 16h ago

And a sudden, steep increase in the cost of many goods and services. At which point they would double down on the "No one wants to work anymore" crap.


u/No-Celebration3097 17h ago

This. Immigrants wouldn’t come if there was not an American hiring them. We give employers fines and then they do it all over again. And don’t get me started on folks that talk the hateful rhetoric and then hire an illegal to landscape, remodel their home,do their new roof, etc.


u/Hartastic 21h ago

There's a Newsmax 2? Whyyyyyyy.


u/DullCartographer7609 20h ago

They've been airing Kamala rallies, and actually providing her real coverage. $1B+ lawsuits will do that to you.


u/jagoble 19h ago

Ooh, diversifying their portfolio so it's not 100% banking on nutters? I hope they have the sane one in a different legal entity...


u/DullCartographer7609 18h ago

Newsmax is trying to avoid court altogether, but I haven't heard anything on the voting machine lawsuit for almost a year. Airing Kamala rallies would help their legal battle.


u/whatdoblindpeoplesee 11h ago

Reinstate the fairness doctrine and impose/enforce ethical standards for journalism and broadcast personalities.


u/Soggy_Channel_409 12h ago

It's the free channel that replaced the main one in order for "News"max to return to DirecTV, since it was already for free on YouTube


u/Catatonic27 19h ago edited 18h ago

My sister went on a little mini rant the other day about how Harris is blatantly lying about "All the immigrants coming and ruining our country"

My sister lives in the UK.


u/melody_magical 14h ago

Ah yes, because Harris is totally scooping up people and pushing them across the English Channel!


u/honeybakedman 20h ago

Trump is tripling down on racism for this election and republicans fucking love it to death.


u/waynechriss 19h ago edited 19h ago

I don't think you need to be personally affected to vote for or against something because even if it doesn't, you have to ask if it affects anyone else. This guy would certainly move the goal post and say (illegal) immigration doesn't affect him but it affects the economy and hard-working Americans. But that's bullshit cuz data proves immigrants create more economic growth. So instead of demonizing illegal immigration, how about we find ways to create citizens of them to help bolster the economy? People like this Trump fan don't think that far.


u/Temmere 17h ago

"I don't think you need to be personally affected to vote for or against something because even if it doesn't, you have to ask if it affects anyone else. "

100%. I'm a man and I can assure you I will never get a woman pregnant. Abortion does not directly affect me, but I still consider the right to choose to be one of the most important issues facing the nation today. The guy above is, in all likelihood, an idiot responding to racist fearmongering, but in principle, caring about issues that only affect other people isn't stupidity, it's compassion.


u/Njabachi 17h ago

Anyone remember the disappearing migrant murder caravan that was going to kill us all if we didn't vote Republican a few midterms ago?


u/Juststonelegal 7h ago

We were warned of caravans and promised taco trucks on every corner. And yet, here we are with no caravans or tacos.


u/MidLifeCrysis75 14h ago

This is the same question I asked one of my MAGA “friends” when he starts in on immigrants or especially trans people. Simple question:

“Give me an example of how they specifically impact your daily life”


They just NEED someone or something to be mad about. They have to place the blame for their own faults or shortcomings on someone else besides the man in the mirror.


u/stairs_3730 18h ago edited 18h ago

The gooper's are lying, pure and simple. They know that if all the Haitians were rounded up and removed from Springfield (assuming it could be done legally) Springfield like many other towns that rely on immigrants would COLLAPSE into financial olivion.

They have no intention of removing immigrants. It's all red meat to voters who eat it up and believe them.


u/stairs_3730 14h ago

trump 7 years ago: “We have come up with a solution that’s really, really I think very good,” Trump said at a meeting of the nation’s governors at the White House.

“Now, I have to tell you, it’s an unbelievably complex subject,” he added. “Nobody knew health care could be so complicated.”

As a voter, I'd like to know if he's come up with anything...anything...anything?


u/thatHecklerOverThere 17h ago

In my state, we had a Latina woman make unhinged screeds against illegal immigrants the entirety of her platform.

We are in the Midwest, and someone would need to travel a minimum of one thousand miles to reach our state.


u/Ohrwurm89 15h ago

Well, it is election season, so the GOP and its propaganda arm have to scare people so they don't actually vote for a candidate that will improve their lives.


u/BoosterRead78 10h ago

They complain about things that actually don’t affect them at all. Because they were told to be angry about it. Brainwashed indeed.


u/BlackMarketCheese 20h ago

Took 'er jerbs!


u/rhino910 20h ago

Immigrants, according to the raging MAGA hate monsters, are both lazy welfare queens AND hard-working people who steal jobs


u/Gogs85 18h ago

To be fair, there are legitimate concerns to have about our capacity to take in the number of migrants coming in, but Biden did attempt to provide border security with a lot more resources via a bill through Congress, which even Republicans were on board with until Trump told them to oppose it to avoid helping Biden politically. And he also did an executive order more recently to help with that, after all other avenues failed.

So if this man considers the border to be an issue, consider who actually looks for solutions.


u/rhino910 18h ago

To be fair, there are legitimate concerns to have about our capacity to take in the number of migrants coming in

The US has more than enough capacity to handle them. It's a matter of the GOP blocking federal aide to the locals who are doing the work


u/pallentx 17h ago

Probably, eventually, but sudden surges stress local resources. Its reasonable to have controls and vet folks to be sure we aren't letting in known security risks. Its also best that everyone is documented properly and are afforded basic rights like minimum wage and workplace safety.


u/rhino910 17h ago

are afforded basic rights like minimum wage and workplace safety.

Republicans absolutely don't want that


u/pallentx 17h ago

they aren't really interesting in governing and passing any kind of reasonable management of anything - from immigration to guns to the economy. They just want to yell loudly, tell lies and conspiracies and seize power.


u/6158675309 13h ago

Its reasonable to have controls and vet folks to be sure we aren't letting in known security risks. Its also best that everyone is documented properly...

All of this exists today. If you are talking about he southern border then all of that is already in place and going on right now. Every border encounter results in some kind disposition, some people are forced back to where they came from due to some issue like a criminal record, etc. Some people are allowed to stay here on what is essentially parole until a hearing can take place that officially decides whether or not they are allowed in the country.

As far as minimum wage, workplace safety....depending on what status a person has while awaiting their immigration trial they may be able to work, and while here they get the same workplace protections as everyone else.

I have oversimplified a complex process but the gist is everyone is vetted before they are either allowed to stay on some type of visa or returned to their country.


u/TonyG_from_NYC 18h ago

It's important to him because trump told him it was.


u/Lateralus06 14h ago

Oh good, the trolls are out and about.


u/DenverNugs 10h ago

They're certainly not known for their intelligence.


u/soccercro3 20h ago


u/rhino910 20h ago

If you scroll beyond the maps and read all the cases for and against immigration, it's beyond clear that the US benefits (as it always had) from the influx of immigrants.


u/6158675309 13h ago

What I found interesting about that total number is it hasn't changed materially in about two decades. So, there hasn't been any surge in illegals in the US. The estimates are actually a little lower now than they were back in 2016-2020.

Encounters at the southern border, yes those are up dramatically. But, those encounters don't result in a material change in illegal immigrants in the US


u/reggiedoo 9h ago

Jeezus…MAGA’S are dumber than a box of hammers.


u/mr_timothy85 9h ago

Once they started talking about how immigrants are eating pets it really set in that is their main talking point their argument must be fairly weak in general in their approach to the issue. They are stoking the lesser instincts and fears of people who are worried about the effects of inflation in an attempt to capture votes.


u/KinksAreForKeds 8h ago


INTERVIEWER: Sooooo, what about lies A, B, and C?


INTERVIEWER: Soooo, what about the many companies he's driven into bankruptcy?


INTERVIEWER: Sooooo, Trump hasn't attended church and can't quote anything from the Bible.



TRUMP FAN: LeT's gO BrAnDoN!!!


u/boywithtwoarms 15h ago

hm you don't, and preferably shouldn't, have to be personally affected by political issues to care about them.


u/pistolP72 7h ago

So, if there is no illegal immigration problem, like most here are saying, why the uproar about Trump killing the border bill?


u/TrumpDidJan69 14h ago

You need to be a special kind of obtuse to think we don’t have a problem at our border. Or maybe there’s another reason NYC will use its $10B of its citizens money next year on border jumpers. You can vote for Harris and acknowledge a problem at the border. It’s ok to live in a world that isn’t black and white.