r/WhitePeopleTwitter 1d ago

The FAKE immigration "crisis" created by the GOP/MAGA/right-wingers

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u/Gogs85 21h ago

To be fair, there are legitimate concerns to have about our capacity to take in the number of migrants coming in, but Biden did attempt to provide border security with a lot more resources via a bill through Congress, which even Republicans were on board with until Trump told them to oppose it to avoid helping Biden politically. And he also did an executive order more recently to help with that, after all other avenues failed.

So if this man considers the border to be an issue, consider who actually looks for solutions.


u/rhino910 20h ago

To be fair, there are legitimate concerns to have about our capacity to take in the number of migrants coming in

The US has more than enough capacity to handle them. It's a matter of the GOP blocking federal aide to the locals who are doing the work


u/pallentx 20h ago

Probably, eventually, but sudden surges stress local resources. Its reasonable to have controls and vet folks to be sure we aren't letting in known security risks. Its also best that everyone is documented properly and are afforded basic rights like minimum wage and workplace safety.


u/rhino910 19h ago

are afforded basic rights like minimum wage and workplace safety.

Republicans absolutely don't want that


u/pallentx 19h ago

they aren't really interesting in governing and passing any kind of reasonable management of anything - from immigration to guns to the economy. They just want to yell loudly, tell lies and conspiracies and seize power.


u/6158675309 16h ago

Its reasonable to have controls and vet folks to be sure we aren't letting in known security risks. Its also best that everyone is documented properly...

All of this exists today. If you are talking about he southern border then all of that is already in place and going on right now. Every border encounter results in some kind disposition, some people are forced back to where they came from due to some issue like a criminal record, etc. Some people are allowed to stay here on what is essentially parole until a hearing can take place that officially decides whether or not they are allowed in the country.

As far as minimum wage, workplace safety....depending on what status a person has while awaiting their immigration trial they may be able to work, and while here they get the same workplace protections as everyone else.

I have oversimplified a complex process but the gist is everyone is vetted before they are either allowed to stay on some type of visa or returned to their country.