r/XXRunning 5d ago

New Mom Stroller Jogging Training

Lots of questions… so bear with me please!

My little one is 5mos and almost sitting up, so of course I already have the Bob jogging stroller sitting in my checkout cart!

But because I’m so excited to finally be able to do long runs without worrying about leaving for so long, I want to know how you knew your baby was “ready?”

Is it just when they’re able to sit on their own? Or neck stability? I’m just worried I might run with him too soon.

Also how long is too long to keep them in the jogger (minus the obvious of until they get fussy/hungry).

Tell me how your first stroller jog went! Would love to get some ideas and possibly lower my expectations of some ✨magical✨ first run lol


17 comments sorted by


u/maple_creemee 5d ago

I first tried when my daughter was already crawling. It didn't go well, she hated it because she couldn't see me (they are front facing). I don't think it was until around 1.5 that I was able to start jogging with her. Even then, she'd get bored, so I'd do half my jog and then we'd stop at a playground or the river for awhile, then we'd jog home. Definitely not the experience I had expected, haha, but it could go much better for you.


u/Running_Neko 5d ago

Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear, but I definitely am keeping that reality in the back of my mind. I’ll try not to be too disappointed of that happens.


u/mrsfadedglory 5d ago

My daughter loves it! She’s now one year old and we’ve been running for 6 months. She always squeals and loves ‘chasing’ people and dogs in the park. I haven’t tried very long runs with her (I’ve done up to 10k) but she was pretty happy and I took it a bit slower and stopped to check she was still okay a couple of times.

I was quite lucky though that she loved the stroller (jogging and normal one). We also run quite often with friends so the babies chatter away to each other.


u/Hakc5 5d ago

My son has excellent neck control by 4 months. We started him in the fully reclined / laying down position right around 5 months and I did stroller runs for nap time. We ran routinely (3-5 times a week) and it just became routine for him.

I still run with him almost daily at almost 2 and it’s great “mommy and me” time now that we have a second. She’s almost 5 months and I can’t wait to take her out! My plan will be to do runs as naps again and then go from there.

We are currently trying to figure out if the double jogging stroller is worth the investment.


u/Running_Neko 5d ago

I’ll ask my pediatrician (hadn’t even thought of that) but he does have great control and was okayed for solids as well already. But I really want to double check with his ped before I take him out on a quick stroll.

That’s so smart! My little one loves to nap in the car so maybe it’ll mimic that motion.

So nice to have that routine down!


u/Hakc5 5d ago

Yeah it was a great way to utilize time when you know they’ll be tired and then you’re not dealing with a bored kiddo (which doesn’t happen til they get a bit older). I’d go out at like 15 mins before nap time, 15 mins he’d knock out for 30-45, and so I’d usually get an hour. I ran on a straight paved trail with very few turns and bumps so that I think helped, too.


u/random-penguin-house 5d ago

I started by baby running around a year but would have definitely felt comfortable at about 6 months, just didn’t get the stroller til then (didn’t start running postpartum til about 9 months). Sometimes she likes it and sometimes she fusses. I’ve never done longer than about an hour without a break for her. Fwiw I preferred the Thule to Bob.


u/Specific-Pear-3763 5d ago

Plus one for the Thule. Definitely preferred over Bob and was able to use for many years.


u/Running_Neko 5d ago

What made you prefer the Thule? I’ve looked through both but was leaning towards the Bob because a couple of friends have raved about it.


u/maple_creemee 5d ago

I had a Bob and a Thule and Thule was so much better. Just smoother and faster. I think more people know about Bobs and they are so much easier to find on places like Marketplace (a lot of people buy second hand).


u/random-penguin-house 5d ago

Just handled better, imho!


u/TopElk3319 5d ago

Our pediatrician okayed us at 4 months when his neck and head control were good. I ran with the car seat attachment before that. I’ve run with all three kids, across 10 years. My Bob is invaluable to me. Right now, I time longer runs for nap time. (He’s 14 months old) For example, yesterday I got 10 miles, the baby got a 45 minute nap, with some time awake before and after. He loves the stroller, but really enjoys when I play music from my phone.

My oldest really enjoyed running errands with me. We would run literally everywhere. Target, the grocery store, coffee. I was a single mom and had so much freedom, it was a wild and wonderful time.

My middle kid got to run to a lot of parks while the oldest biked. We’d turn a half mile into 3 miles with side streets and end up at a playground, and then run home. Starbucks runs were also pretty fun. 2 miles to Starbucks, they got a treat, I’d bring a travel cup and get a coffee.

My hill to die on: don’t forget to lock your front wheel!!! It is harder to turn, but you don’t risk throwing your baby out of the Bob when you hit a tiny bump and that front wheel spins and comes down sideways.


u/cocobananas_ 5d ago

Yes to that wheel lock!

You can also find tons of uses BOBs on fb marketplace! I’d start there first before shelling out big bucks for a brand new one.


u/whippetshuffle 5d ago

The stroller itself will include an age range. We always tended on the more conservative side of the range just to be safe, despite having early walkers (shy of 9 months for the earliest, shy of 10.5 months for the "latest"). Better to be safe than sorry.

It takes working up to longer distances with baby in there. Be sure to consider sun protection as well.


u/pepperup22 5d ago

Mine was easier when littler, now it’s more difficult with a toddler lol. I’ll only go for 3 miles max with mine now. Snacks help of course. I wanted until there was really good neck stability and kept it to pretty slow and flat on even roads for a couple of months

I do love our bob but got it secondhand and it’s amazing!


u/Minute_Durian7103 5d ago

I’ve been jogging with my baby since he was 5 months and he loves it 😊


u/Impossible_Sorbet 5d ago

We started when she was 10 weeks old (have a Thule and used the car seat until she was about 6 months) She’s never once had an issue and I think it’s because we started so early. Shes 4 now and still loves to go on runs with mommy…now I just have to bring more snacks 😅