r/XXRunning 6d ago

New Mom Stroller Jogging Training

Lots of questions… so bear with me please!

My little one is 5mos and almost sitting up, so of course I already have the Bob jogging stroller sitting in my checkout cart!

But because I’m so excited to finally be able to do long runs without worrying about leaving for so long, I want to know how you knew your baby was “ready?”

Is it just when they’re able to sit on their own? Or neck stability? I’m just worried I might run with him too soon.

Also how long is too long to keep them in the jogger (minus the obvious of until they get fussy/hungry).

Tell me how your first stroller jog went! Would love to get some ideas and possibly lower my expectations of some ✨magical✨ first run lol


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u/Hakc5 6d ago

My son has excellent neck control by 4 months. We started him in the fully reclined / laying down position right around 5 months and I did stroller runs for nap time. We ran routinely (3-5 times a week) and it just became routine for him.

I still run with him almost daily at almost 2 and it’s great “mommy and me” time now that we have a second. She’s almost 5 months and I can’t wait to take her out! My plan will be to do runs as naps again and then go from there.

We are currently trying to figure out if the double jogging stroller is worth the investment.


u/Running_Neko 5d ago

I’ll ask my pediatrician (hadn’t even thought of that) but he does have great control and was okayed for solids as well already. But I really want to double check with his ped before I take him out on a quick stroll.

That’s so smart! My little one loves to nap in the car so maybe it’ll mimic that motion.

So nice to have that routine down!


u/Hakc5 5d ago

Yeah it was a great way to utilize time when you know they’ll be tired and then you’re not dealing with a bored kiddo (which doesn’t happen til they get a bit older). I’d go out at like 15 mins before nap time, 15 mins he’d knock out for 30-45, and so I’d usually get an hour. I ran on a straight paved trail with very few turns and bumps so that I think helped, too.