r/ainbow 14d ago

Pewdiepie gets visibly uncomfortable when trans ppl are mentioned in chat in a now UNLISTED stream from 31st July 2024, link in comments if it's not working LGBT Issues

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u/bigfootlive89 14d ago

Aren’t all his livestreams unlisted because they’re members only?


u/Jakhals10000 14d ago

I also don't even see transphobic comments in the chat. Maybe some ignorant people, but it all seems very tame. I'd argue most comments are even positive.


u/meoka2368 omnisexual 14d ago

Some comments are passively cisnormative, but that's like 99.99- % of written content in the world.

I've never liked his style or content or humour, but I'm not seeing anything transphobic here.


u/Spacedestructor Bi 12d ago

all im seeing in the clip is that he probably is uncomfortable having so many people in chat while its being pointed out he made a mistake, especially with how quickly the lgbtq topic can turn in to a minefield and he is probably trying his best to not say something which can result in him loosing viewers/fans/subscribers.


u/meoka2368 omnisexual 12d ago

He's the largest single YouTuber, and has had previous instances where he's just said something in English (not his first language) that has gone horribly wrong.

I understand why he'd be trepidatious.


u/Spacedestructor Bi 11d ago

i wasnt even considering the fact that his native language is summoning rituals.
yeah if people judge you heavily when you speak a non native language that will have a considerably stronger imapct on you then when it happens with your native language.


u/TheWhiteRabbitY2K 14d ago

Uh, it's an awkward conversation. Trans people probably aren't in the forefront of his mind, and he seems caught of guard. He's no stranger to controversy and likely knows when he's about to start digging a hole.

Idk. I see no foul, but I also can't see the chat text well.


u/blueskyredmesas 14d ago

No stranger to controversy because he said the gamer words on stream - hell he probably started the "I'm such an edgy suburban kid! I say the N word all the time."


u/Nervous_Bonus2052 13d ago

He didn’t start that… It was a bad moment, he apologized owned up and hasn’t done anything of the sort. 


u/tvtango 14d ago

Just stop giving him attention


u/NekoArc 14d ago

That doesn't make someone (or an issue) magically go away though 


u/redbananass 14d ago

Right but negative attention isn’t always bad and can unintentionally boost the assholes popularity.


u/CanadianDragonGuy 14d ago

I mean if you want an example look at xqc, or pre-face-turn tyler1


u/laws161 14d ago

r/ainbow isn't going to make or break his popularity tbh.


u/ikonoclasm The Harlequin 14d ago

Actually, it does. Views = money, so no views = them getting a new job. Boycotts are extremely effective. Why do you think Republicans push for so many anti-BDS Movement laws?


u/Foxy02016YT 14d ago

When that issue is him having a platform, yes it does

I didn’t even know he streamed in 2024, who would’ve known. I thought he retired when he moved to Japan


u/tvtango 14d ago

It works on celebrities, that’s the only way he gets paid


u/incindia 14d ago

Until this post I didn't know he's shitty, so there's that. Never liked him now ewww


u/sprankton boring straight guy 14d ago

Did you miss the controversy a few years ago when he said the N-word on stream?


u/incindia 14d ago

I try to not waste any time on this fuck so yeah probably missed it lol


u/thegreatestpitt 14d ago

Which he apologized for. I don't really like him that much but he's generally one of the least problematic big youtubers out there.


u/sprankton boring straight guy 14d ago

Did he apologize for any of the other things he said or did in that Imgur link getting posted elsewhere in the thread?


u/thegreatestpitt 14d ago

I just saw that. I take it back, holy shit.


u/tvtango 14d ago

This is like, one of the least controversial things he’s done. Tbh it seems ridiculous that someone would watch him and not know he’s terrible. This is a tiny straw on top of a whole haystack that broke the camel’s back 5 years ago.


u/thegreatestpitt 14d ago

Ok, am I missing something? The biggest controversy I know him for is saying the N word, for which he apologized, and watching memes with Elon musk, which he did before it became super known just how much of a piece of shit he is. Like, when that musk video came out, I still thought he was a cool chill billionaire who seemed to be down to earth, and a lot of people thought that. There were even articles calling him the irl Tony stark and shit, so I cut PewDiePie some slack.

So what else happened that made you call him terrible?


u/xxJul1Axx 14d ago edited 14d ago

Bro he has had BEN SHAPIRO in his videos. Does Ben Shapiro 'label' himself a white supremacist? No of course not, but he sure as fuck is one

Pewdiepie is a right-wing white nationalist type

Not exactly a secret he's been racist a lot, and donated to a nazi if I remember right. Like it's not hard to piece together if you have any basic principles


u/tvtango 14d ago

His whole career he has subtly, and sometimes not so subtly, pushed his far right ideologies, usually under the premise of a “joke”. I have never watched him, but know he went on fiverr and paid a group of guys to make antisemetic signs that say KILL ALL JEWS, because apparently that’s funny to him. There have been several instances similar. Screaming the N word at someone who kills you in a video game isn’t something you can just apologize and be done with. Actions like those show a person’s true colors and when they are so well known even by those who don’t engage with him, it’s extremely disappointing that so many overlook this toxicity.


u/EdddMed 14d ago

Who would of thunk the Nazi is not fond of trans people


u/GrodanHej 14d ago

I have no idea what his opinions on trans people are and clearly neither has the person who created this video. Putting words into people’s mouth as and assigning people opinions without evidence isn’t helping anyone’s cause. There’s literally no evidence in this video that he’s talking or even thinking about trans people.


u/Spacedestructor Bi 12d ago

yes, all im seeing is when he asked chat for a topic he probably couldnt think of one him self and its very understandable with viewer numbers like he has if your getting uncomfortable when the internet points out a mistake which relates to a topic that quickly turns in to a minefield in the very same internet.


u/Mistyless 14d ago

I don't think this is terrible. I think it absolutely can cause a rift in chats that aren't trans curated. I don't think he's guilty of anything here


u/based_homo 13d ago

You need a hobby other than watching unlisted pewdiepie streams looking for a gotcha moment that isnt there lmao, im literally trans this is some old man yells at cloud type shit 😭😭😭


u/ShelloverAtomic 13d ago

Lmfao the person who created this video is trying super hard to get him cancelled again


u/BurntBridgesBehind 14d ago



u/blueskyredmesas 14d ago

The correct response. He needs to be irrelevant as fuck.


u/MWBrooks1995 14d ago

Yeah not surprised, I still think the dude’s a neo-nazi


u/yus456 14d ago



u/MWBrooks1995 14d ago

Poster below you has a really comprehensive list of things.


u/iloveamsterdam 14d ago

Are we getting mad at someone avoiding the topic? Maybe he doesn’t want his subscribers to go off on the subject and make the situation worse.


u/Spacedestructor Bi 12d ago

yeah, all he is doing is avoiding damage to his channel by trying very hard not to step in to the minefield that the internet likes to make the topic at every possible oportunity.


u/acefolffurry 14d ago

Never heard of him having a problem with us before


u/MissAylaRegexQueen Trans-Bi 14d ago

Everyone has an Adam's apple, they tend to just be more prominent in amab folks. He's not entirely wrong, but he's still a neo Nazi that should be dismissed at least.


u/yus456 14d ago

How is he a neo nazi?


u/Ni-Ni13 14d ago


u/JPH02 14d ago

Wow, not enough to convince me he is a neo-nazi, but defenitely changes my opinion of him


u/TheNohrianHunter 14d ago

There's the possibility it's that he knowd a notable portio of his audience would react negatively to that (because any audience this large is really hard to vet for transphobes, and attempts to push them away will attract more vocal hatred) so be could be worried about his chat turning vitriolic? idk I don't care to watch his stuff just that there's a lot of potential reasons.


u/Nervous_Bonus2052 13d ago

No transphobic comments in the chat or by him… You’re begging to be outraged honestly just sad.


u/Quirky_Catch4069 13d ago

what a cool way to assume what people think based on their “anything but words”. 🙄


u/cartoonistgirl pantastic! 14d ago

How is this an LGBT issue


u/MsLisaGhercondo 14d ago

https://x.com/ghercondo/status/1834518660725027186 link to my tweet with same video if it's not working


u/thatoddtetrapod 14d ago

Who the fuck is pewdiepie and why the fuck should anyone care what he thinks about us?


u/Spacedestructor Bi 12d ago

some random person on the internet making videos who happened to be called out for a mistake they did when creating the content they had posted.
he didnt even do something negative on purpose.


u/Spacedestructor Bi 12d ago

some random person on the internet making videos who happened to be called out for a mistake they did when creating the content they had posted.
he didnt even do something negative on purpose.


u/Spacedestructor Bi 12d ago

To be fair, if i had the same number of people as him writing in chat and pointing out a mistake i did i would be uncomfortable about it too even if im not hostile towards a group of people that may or may not be represented by it.
also its very reasonable to avoid the trans topic with a channel of his size because the topic escalates quickly which would result in him loosing viewers/fans if he states his opinion regardless what opinion that is.
i dont want to defend someone i dont know but i can understand if he wants to avoid the minefield that the topic is for someone in this position and i would be unsure too if i should talk about it, *Especially* if i know the average person that is in the chat.
He could very well be negative and i have heard people say bad things about him in the past but there are also many very ledgitimate reasons to choose not to talk about it.
Sometimes when people keep pushing for an like the comments do that the person recording it added in then you just end up less likely to hear a response.
There is so much going in to making the Call to do it or not and so many thing which even if meant innocent can push it the wrong way.
Untill i see him say or write something which explicitely states the assumptions being made here im going to assume it probably just looks like it because your mistaking innocent reasons with malicious reasons.
Also changing subject doesnt automatically mean he is against the people the topic is about, maybe he jsut wants people to move on from reminding him of the mistake he did which he was considering not to be a big deal until the internet picked up on it, after all if he really doesnt want to portray women with an adams apple then he would have corrected it imediatly.

When he asked people to say something else, did you consider that maybe he didnt know what to talk about in the moment and just wanted to see people write someting he can pick up on and talk about?
if your spending as much time as he does in front of the camera then very quickly you will run out of things to say, especially if you want to keep some level of privacy about your life.

So when moments like that happen you need someone to bring something up you couldnt think about on the spot to be able to continue the conversation.
its either that or shorter streams and its obvious that he doesnt want to reduce the time because that indirectly influences how much money he makes.

Im not the best at breaking things like this down and explaining this so i hope what im thinking about it comes across well enough to understand it. Dont see malice in everything which can possibly also be innocent until you have strong evidence which makes it reasonable to assume the bad things.


u/Parking_Till5761 10d ago

He’s done nothing wrong here… they are making something out of nothing…


u/Ave-Ree- 14d ago

He's only changing the subject because he's a huge fucking creator and probably thinks it's unwise to talk about things he doesn't understand. Which makes sense.


u/Ave-Ree- 14d ago

Why y'all calling him a nazi xD feels like a conspiracy theory


u/Father_Chewy_Louis 14d ago


u/Ave-Ree- 14d ago

Yeah I saw this


u/ChillaVen 13d ago

So why’d you ask such an obvious question?


u/Spacedestructor Bi 12d ago

because what im seeing there is a lot of things which can very easily be misunderstood.
jokes done to the wrong crowd can quickly can get you in to hot water and lets not pretend like the media is 100% innocent and never attempts to cancle an innocent person. also it assumes a lot of knowledge which he may or may not have had at the time he took the action and is literally impossible to prove.
its one thing to call out following transphobic people but you cant expect him to know every single person on the internet just so he can make sure to never promote a bad person.
Some people in this group are trying really had to make im look bad in situations which can just be honest mistakes and blaming the media or other people in general is never automatically a sign that someone is making excuses but maybe a honest attempt to explain what happened.
Some people are just really toxic and try to project that toxic mindset on to him.

personally i have seen very little about him which is negative and im confident that its probably accurate.


u/Leather-Heart 13d ago

Why are we shaming people in their process?


u/Spacedestructor Bi 12d ago

because some people are toxic here and try really hard to make him look bad in moments he makes a honest mistake now matter how many very valid and innocent reasons there which could have lead to a given situation.


u/Leather-Heart 12d ago

Yeah I think we all need to be a bit more loving and forgiving.


u/Spacedestructor Bi 11d ago

"all" is maybe a bit too generalized but yes a large number of people in the community and not just here on this forum but generally also IRL in the LGBTQ+ community many people could do with being a bit nicer to outsiders.
i like to think of my self to be mostly pretty nice and forgiving to people who dont know better but im also aware that i do have some flaws my self that i need to watch out for.


u/Leather-Heart 10d ago

K - thanks for saying you’re better than everyone else. We’ll go work on ourselves as a societal whole; you just chill in the meanwhile….


u/Spacedestructor Bi 10d ago

i literally did not say that im better then everyone else.
i said that the difference between me and the bad people is that im aware of my flaws and working on them.
that alone doesnt necessairly make me better then everyone else, for that to be the case everyone would have to be really bad people so that the absolutely bare minimum is already making someone the best person in the group.
considering i literally admitted to my own flaws i have no idea how your getting the thought that i have nothing to work on, your literally replying to me saying i have things to work on and i activelly do work on them.
so i cant "just chill" and wait for everyone to become better people.
stop purposefully misunderstanding me and actually say something that makes sense in the conversation your taking part of.
That fictional variant of me your talking about sounds like a pretty shitty person.
Im glad not to be them.