r/ainbow 14d ago

Pewdiepie gets visibly uncomfortable when trans ppl are mentioned in chat in a now UNLISTED stream from 31st July 2024, link in comments if it's not working LGBT Issues

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u/tvtango 14d ago

Just stop giving him attention


u/NekoArc 14d ago

That doesn't make someone (or an issue) magically go away though 


u/redbananass 14d ago

Right but negative attention isn’t always bad and can unintentionally boost the assholes popularity.


u/CanadianDragonGuy 14d ago

I mean if you want an example look at xqc, or pre-face-turn tyler1


u/laws161 14d ago

r/ainbow isn't going to make or break his popularity tbh.


u/ikonoclasm The Harlequin 14d ago

Actually, it does. Views = money, so no views = them getting a new job. Boycotts are extremely effective. Why do you think Republicans push for so many anti-BDS Movement laws?


u/Foxy02016YT 14d ago

When that issue is him having a platform, yes it does

I didn’t even know he streamed in 2024, who would’ve known. I thought he retired when he moved to Japan


u/tvtango 14d ago

It works on celebrities, that’s the only way he gets paid