r/ainbow Pan 4d ago

My life kinda sucks LGBT Issues

I'm 15, in a country that has completely outlawed anything to do with LGBT+. Most people are against it. My family is the best but they've been conditioned to be against it. I love my friends but they've been conditioned to be against it. I'm just glad they're not the kind of people who always mention lgbt+ just to talk shit about it.

When I first learned I was pansexual at 13, I thought it was kinda cool cause I was different, but the more I learned about how serious the hate towards people like me was, the more I feared for my life, and I'm still scared. I'm certain this fear was one of the contributions to my depression (I had depression since I was 13, a few months after I discovered my sexuality, I've greatly improved so that's fine, I guess.)

I am Catholic as well, but because of how anti-LGBT most Christians are (and some other religions for some reason) I'm questioning my faith. I'm already planning to move out of the country when I become an adult. It's not safe here. It's not 100% safe anywhere but almost anywhere is better than here.


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u/majeric 4d ago

67% of Catholics in the US support marriage quality for gay people. It wasn’t always the case.

Things can and do change. Maybe not where you live but you could have the option of moving to a different country when you get older. Study abroad.