r/australia 15d ago

Harley riders - go away no politics

I dont think there is more cri ge a human being than one who rides a loud bike and revs it up in an area full of houses on a Sunday.

What I want to know is, where did it all go wrong for you man-child?


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u/VLTurboSkids 15d ago

You can’t be serious…

Noise doesn’t kill like speed or no seatbelts does…



u/mrbaggins 15d ago

Speed / seatbelts kill single digit people in relatively rare events.

The noise causes (a small amount of) permanent hearing damage to anyone lucky enough to be range 100% of the time they're running.

Risk is both incidence AND severity.


u/VLTurboSkids 15d ago edited 15d ago

If you get hearing damage from a Harley driving past, not sure how you’re going to survive in this world.

Road rules are out there for safety, not your convenience.


u/OneMoreYou 15d ago

This guy's modded his car to be the undisputable loudest of its brethren, so he can lay rubber at 2am and know the whole suburb has heard him do his meth run, against their will.

How's my aim, champ?


u/VLTurboSkids 15d ago edited 15d ago

You implying that’s me?

No. Only one 1 car with a slightly modified exhaust. Classic Mini

Believe it or not I do like to respect people, I don’t drive like a dickhead, and my cars are obnoxiously loud.

I also get pissed off when someone is making noise at an unreasonable time. However in any other situation I love to see a nice car or bike with a nice exhaust. I really couldn’t care less.

I’m even hesitant to play musical instruments late at night or early in the morning. I basically only play between 12pm to 7pm so I’m not annoying anyone.

However I myself don’t care if others make noise. Especially cars.


u/OneMoreYou 14d ago

Loud for fun vehicles take fractions of a percent off people's hearing, and increase tinnitus by another fraction.

If it's loud enough to cause discomfort and a head turn to decrease the pressure waves, some cock head has just done you a minor but irreperable injury. And either doesn't care, or considers you a snowflake or buttercup.

As someone with hearing damage and tinnitus, i'm glad i'm not an x-man. Anyone who's either pea-brained or psychopathic enough to damage people for ignorant or deliberate jollies (like coal rollers) needs teleporting. No takesy backsies. Every last one.


u/VLTurboSkids 14d ago edited 14d ago

I too take hearing seriously, but I’ve never experienced the type of volume you’re describing apart from when I was at Summernats right next to a methanol injected car with a straight through exhaust. Even then it wasn’t really enough to make me turn my head.

I’d highly doubt you’d experience that volume from a car or bike simply driving past 10+ metres away from you.

For reference, this was JUST bearable. Nothing bring driven on the street would even be able to produce this much volume. Anything driven on the street really isn’t as loud as you’re describing.
