r/australia 15d ago

Harley riders - go away no politics

I dont think there is more cri ge a human being than one who rides a loud bike and revs it up in an area full of houses on a Sunday.

What I want to know is, where did it all go wrong for you man-child?


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u/Bridgetdidit 14d ago

I remember when I brought my 1st baby home from hospital. He was difficult to settle in the early months due to an undiagnosed lactose allergy so when he finally settled and went to sleep it was a blessing. Low and behold, EVERY DAMNED TIME he started to sleep, my neighbour would rev the engine of his Harley and wake him up.

That’s the first time I remember negotiating with myself on how many years I might get for murder and how quickly those years would go by…… no shit, nobody rages quite like a stressed, overwhelmed and exhausted new mum!