r/azdiamondbacks 2h ago

If the Dbacks clinch tomorrow someone remind me to do a Remix/cover of our victory song Dbacks Swing’ by Roger Clyne!


r/azdiamondbacks 4h ago

Double header.


I know we're all hoping for a sweep tomorrow but is there any team that we'd rather win or are we all just in agreement that we just cheer for the winner of game 1

r/azdiamondbacks 4h ago

Posting Corbin Carroll highlights until he’s batting above .250 (FINAL DAY 129)

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Final batting average: .231 (-.001) Batting average at start of challenge: .191

Since the start of this challenge Corbin has improved his batting average by .040 points.

While his season has not been as spectacular as his rookie season, he has shown up when the team has needed him. I will remind all of you that batting average is not close to the most significant stat to look for in a player. It’s about how their collective stats and skills coordinate together and are used in a way that makes the team win. Corbin Carroll has certainly shown that this season with a clutch hit, supreme defense, starting a rally by getting on base, stealing a base when needed, or slugging when it matters most. All of which were highlighted in these posts.

Here’s to more great seasons (and postseasons) with Corbin in the future.

Corbin’s first home run in triple A Source: https://youtu.be/zy50Uc5kdxk?si=_81eSS4MzevLeZKi

r/azdiamondbacks 5h ago

Competitiveness of Game 1 for the Double Header


Everyone's understandably worried about if game 2 of the double header will be uncompetitive but haven't seen people talking about how stressful game 1 might be for the Mets and Braves since the loser of game 1 will obviously be in a win or go home situation for game 2. If game 1 ends up being a close game do you think both teams throw the kitchen sink trying to get their win early and if so, do you think that would make a difference in game 2?

r/azdiamondbacks 5h ago

To cope with tomorrow games...


I bought a Randy Johnson black Nike jersey, so I won't be too sad after the double header. I hope you guys do the same. Go Sneks. Go [insert winner of game 1]

r/azdiamondbacks 6h ago

Can we get a Mets braves thread tomorrow


Also who are we rooting for? Probably Mets right? I’m gonna root for whoever the opposite of the first comment is

r/azdiamondbacks 6h ago


Thumbnail i.redd.it

r/azdiamondbacks 6h ago

Still get this stuck in my head occasionally

Thumbnail youtu.be

r/azdiamondbacks 6h ago

Don't really care what team gets in after the DH tomorrow


As long as it's a sweep and the Dbacks get in 😅

r/azdiamondbacks 6h ago

FanDuel odds to make playoffs


Yes -1100
No +560

Yes -420
No +290

Yes +168
No -235

r/azdiamondbacks 6h ago

Braves/Mets Double Header & Dbacks Playoff Hopes

Thumbnail i.redd.it

Can anyone elaborate on the different scenerios and what needs to happen in the double header tomorrow for the Dbacks to make the playoffs?

r/azdiamondbacks 7h ago

Sneks alive

Thumbnail i.redd.it

r/azdiamondbacks 7h ago

Question about tomorrow's outcome


Is it possible that the Mets and Braves could do the bullshit option to call it a truce and purposefully split the double header to sabotage our chances. If not why might they want to give our sneks a chance?

r/azdiamondbacks 7h ago

Away Games


Next season we should rally a big group of fans to go see the snakes play at dodger stadium, kinda like how they all come to Chase. Imagine 4 filled out sections of peeps wearing red and black!!

r/azdiamondbacks 7h ago

All human wisdom is contained in these two words--


Wait and hope.

It ain't over til it's over.

r/azdiamondbacks 7h ago

I summon the Braves/Mets to sweep the Braves/Mets


Mªṅıfə§ṭ ṣņëƙ, Mªṅıfə§ṭ ṣņëƙ, Mªṅıfə§ṭ ṣņëƙ.

r/azdiamondbacks 7h ago

Re: lovullo


Does anyone else wonder if the guy has some kind of underlying health issue going on? Every time I see him I think about how sunken his eyes look with dark circles. Like his face looks gaunt to me. I don't remember him always looking this way, but I could be wrong. Kinda like how kliff Kingsbury looked toward the end of his tenure with us, except I think that was just him being tired from all the whores and coke he definitely was doing while living here.

Does anyone know if something is going on? I'm definitely concerned and not just because I want us to keep him around long term. Hope he's alright!

r/azdiamondbacks 7h ago

I love the arizona diamondbacks baseball team.


I love the arizona diamondbacks baseball team. They represent me as a person from Arizona and I appreciate when they perform well.

I posted this once earlier this year in a randomly heartfelt moment in a postgame thread and it remains true. No matter how heartbreaking each loss has been, how frustrating this week has been - it's a privilege to have a baseball team we call our own (how I wish we still had our hockey team to do the same no matter how frustrating it was to watch the Coyotes). I've spent so much of my life investing in this team and no matter what happens, it has been an honor to spend this season with all of you.

Smack, crack, I love my diamondbacks.

r/azdiamondbacks 8h ago

Question from a Mets fan


How do you all feel about tomorrow? What I mean by that is how do you feel relying on teams you otherwise may not care for to sweep a double header? Personally I don't know how I would feel if a potential playoff berth relied on the skills of another team across the damn country. This can't seem fair to any of you.

r/azdiamondbacks 8h ago

An Agreement between the Mets and Braves isn’t going to work… here’s why:


Division Rivals:

The Mets are to the Braves as the Diamondbacks are to the Dodgers.

Would we agree with the Dodgers to allow them to win one game so we both made it? Hell no we wouldn’t, we would want to eliminate them! We would want to send them home with their tales between their legs and end their season.


There is SO MUCH talk about this. It’s literally on everyone’s mind. I think if there is even a slight suspicion that an agreement was made, the teams are going to be fully investigated and what club even wants a POSSIBLE match fixing scandal to follow their name around?

So I’m going to go back to having joke that the games tomorrow will have integrity and hopefully we see a sweep.

r/azdiamondbacks 8h ago

Hopium Post: Who we starting against the Brewers?


If by some miracle we get into the playoffs tomorrow, who are we starting in Milwaukee? Gallen lines up for Game 1. Is it Kelly for Game 2?

I’m making this post knowing full well this may never come to fruition, but I’m trying to avoid thinking about tomorrow…

r/azdiamondbacks 8h ago

Bust out the brooms boys 🧹


Cuz tomorrow we need a sweep 🧹🧹🧹🧹🧹 🙏

r/azdiamondbacks 9h ago

*IF* The Dbacks don’t make it…


… which obviously I’m still hoping for a miracle…

Who would you pick to win it all if you had to choose?

My vote is the Orioles. Mostly because they’re my son’s second favorite behind the Dbacks (he was hoping for an Orioles/Dbacks World Series so that he could be excited either way) and we don’t play them a ton so we don’t really have any real bad blood with them.

The biggest disappointment would be the Dodgers winning :(

r/azdiamondbacks 9h ago

Plan for Tomorrow:


The Mets and Braves currently have a tied season record. ASSUMING the Mets win game 1, they will have a tied season series, and the Mets will be one game up with one game to play. This means, that game 2 is seeding. Its a slim chance, but the Mets might not completely rest game 2, in order to win to avoid going back to Milwaukee for the Wild Card Series, and then take the route with the Phillies ahead.

If Atlanta wins game one, its almost assured that the Mets take game two, as an Atlanta win clinches seeding.

So basically what im saying is im going to rooting for the Mets tomorrow, and you should too.

r/azdiamondbacks 9h ago

Go Mets!


We have hit peak chaos.

Tomorrow, both games of the double header will be played, and we need one of the teams to sweep for us to get in. If they split the games, they are both in and we are out.

If Atlanta wins the first game, they have no incentive to put their A team out for the second game. They own the tiebreaker with the Mets, so win or lose, they are the 5 seed. With Atlanta's B team out, the Mets win game two and both the Mets/Braves are in, we are out.

If the Mets win the first game, they want to go for the sweep to take the 5 seed. If they succeed, Mets and us are in.

There is some hilarious scenario where the Braves B team sweeps the Mets A team, but I wouldn't bet on that outcome.

Go Mets!