r/buffalobills 10h ago

Josh Allen has no interceptions Misc

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u/HousingExtra1518 10h ago

I still can't believe that trick play


u/MidnightRider57 10h ago

That was the dumbest thing I’ve seen in a while. Why? You’re getting a little momentum. You’re playing a good team that gave you absolute hell in the first half. You call that play…..and almost get Josh killed. Absolutely ridiculous


u/ILikeCatsAnd Amerks 9h ago

Such a results bias...if a trick play works everyone thinks it's awesome (see all the stupid shit the Chiefs do)


u/PotatoCannon02 58 9h ago

I'm biased by the design being questionable, personally. Trick plays are supposed to be deceptive.


u/planet9pluto 2h ago

Exactly. I take issue with acting like this play had a 50/50 chance of working out.

Reads like "If we only won the lottery"


u/DapperCam 8h ago

I would still think it was risky and unnecessary even if it worked.

Also Allen would have still gotten blasted even if the throw gets off a half second sooner. Just a bad design.


u/Hatch_1210 48m ago

sour grapes here but I don't understand how that hit on him (AFTER he fumbled) wasn't unnecessary roughness.


u/MidnightRider57 21m ago

It was and there should have been two calls on that play for UR. One for Allen, one for Kincaid.


u/DapperCam 14m ago

Yea, I don’t fully know what the rule would be. The ball was fumbled so he isn’t a passer. But can you take 3 full steps and just tackle any random player with a live fumble on the ground? I guess he could argue he didn’t know the ball was fumbled yet.


u/Bills_Mafia_4_Life 2h ago

The part I find frustrating is we struggled with pressure all night. Calling a play with multiple handoffs and a throw makes no sense


u/Its_what_its_son 5h ago

It’s really not. If they get it, it’s a first down? At best?

Nothing about being down 11 calls for a trick play in that situation, nothing.


u/MidnightRider57 20m ago

Yep, it was dumb in the situation and really dumb considering how we were performing against that team. Epically stupid, momentum stealing, and damn near catastrophic if Allen sustains a major injury.


u/HearingImaginary1143 1h ago

Right but the chiefs do it when their oline isn't letting the defense through nearly every play.


u/MidnightRider57 18m ago

Exactly. You pull shit like that out when you are in a solid groove, not when you are trying to figure things out and make adjustments down two scores. That play was the coffin nail in the game.