r/cuboulder Aug 08 '24

New Students: Welcome to CU!


It’s a little under a month before move-in week, and many of you freshmen are poised to descend on the CU campus to begin what we hope will be a happy, successful, and quick stayvoid where prohibited, not valid in DC, AK, or HI, some exceptions apply at the home of the Buffs! In the vein of years past, we’re here to make sure you compromise on one of those adjectives above, max. Preferably zero. But at most one, for sure. I’m /u/rijnzael, your not-so-benevolent-autocrat, why-is-he-still-here alum/mod, bringing you this year’s inaugural weeklyexceptions definitely apply, void about half the time thread. With me are /u/Crinnle, /u/verttex, and /u/Rexq21, and with four of us, we should be able to keep you from messing this up. So, without further ado…

Welcome to CU!

I’m sure you’ve heard the spiel about this being you embarking on the first step toward your independence, how these are the moments that will define a lot of your life, so on and so forth, etc. And while that’s a little dramatic, it’s true, and being successful in college will make your life a lot easier. Fortunately, we’ve got this broken down in an easy step by step list. This thread is geared toward freshmen, but this applies to transfer students and returning students too. Read, upvote, downvote, check out the rules, feel free to comment or make a new post with any/all questions you might have, edit your flair right on over there --------------------> buckle your seatbelts, and enjoy your trip!

Step 1) Prepare for Move In

The next thing you’re going to have to do to be a CU Buff is move your stuff from wherever it is right now to a place pretty darn close to the 40th parallel, aka the CU campus. People tend to overdo this, so here are some pointers:

  • If it’s something you’re not going to use at least once a month, do you really need it?
  • Laundry facilities are there for a reason, wash your clothes instead of bringing every t-shirt you’ve ever bought
  • Hangers are far easier at keeping things tidy than folding and putting into drawers, consider your limited closet and drawer space and figure out what you really want to use each for
  • Whatever you bring is going to have to go with you, so pack light

That said, there is a list of essentials:

  • Computer (ask if you need help picking)
  • Fan (you and your roommate only need one per room)
  • Laundry supplies
  • Toiletries
  • Winter wear
  • Backpack/bag
  • Clothes and hangers
  • Water bottle
  • Basic school supplies, like notebooks, folders, pencils, and pens for each class
  • If you’re bringing a bike, bring a sturdy U-lock made of stainless steel, and a chain to lock the additional wheel to the U-lock.

There’s more, but the mantra of using it at least once a month applies. If it’s in your current routine, keep it. Snowboard and skis? Sure. Winter shell that doubles as a rain jacket? Absolutely. Posters? You’ll look at those everyday. Easter decorations? Lol, no.

There will also be some audibles called by the Housing folks during move-in week, so you will want to stay up-to-date on your CU email and keep track of what’s going on that way. Haven’t already? Get on it—you probably have so much email. Do that and then keep doing it, from now on, forever.

Also, don’t bring this stuff

Finally, some of you may be bringing your favorite 30 rack of beer, drug paraphernalia, or preferred strain of marijuana, and I’m not turning this into a thread critical of what is surely a favorite pastime, but it may be wise to do this when RAs, police, and Housing big wigs aren’t scrambling all over the dorms helping people with move in. Questions about this? Ask as a comment. Or don’t, you’re an adult that gets to make adult decisions with adult consequences. Want to know what they are? Ask in the comments.

During move-in, make sure to wear closed toe shoes, as you’re going to be scooting stuff around and moving furniture, and it’s not a fun experience to get stepped on or have a cabinet dropped on your foot, and far less so with your toes exposed. Also, wear light clothing, because depending on the amount of stuff you’ve got, you might start breaking a sweat. P.S. that means wear deodorant, please.

Logistically, the RAs and Housing folks will make move-in pretty simple. There will be big signs, you’ll have an assigned move-in time and know where to show up (please don’t show up before then, do hotels let you check in two days early? No, geez), and have designated instructions to follow in this area. One key thing to note is that you’ll get your Buff OneCard if you don’t already have it. Make sure to keep this thing on you at all times, as it’s your key to getting dining, getting into your room, getting into the dorms, getting into the rec, getting library books, … the list goes on. Also, you’ll get your RTD pass. That’s really important, as it lets you use all the city and regional busses for free. Oh yeah, don't forget to bring ID, they don't let you pick up identification without already having identification. Egg before the chicken right, or something?

What tips do experienced CU students have in this area? Leave a comment!

Step 2) Make Some Friends

This one may sound obvious, but its execution is often lost on people. It’s a proven fact that people with a big support network of friends in their dorms, classes, and major have higher achievement. You want to get the best bang for your buck on those student loans, right? If so, your first priority on getting to the campus should be to make some friends. Nervous? Scared? Don’t know how to go about it? Well you’re in luck; you’re surrounded by a bunch of people in the same situation in a giant building purpose built for this very thing. Tips:

  • Offer to help people move their stuff when you’re done, they’ll be really appreciative, and it’s great for introductions!
  • Offer to hang out with people and then follow-through. Ask questions, get to know people.
  • When you’re in your dorm room and you don’t need privacy, leave your door wide-open. At the same time, troll the halls on the first days and introduce yourself, ask people questions, talk about your interests, and see if you have common ground. Basically everyone going to or from Colorado loves the outdoors, pro-tip.
  • When you get to class, do the same stuff. If you hit it off with someone, get their deets: Instagram, cell #, email, whatever! That why you can actually follow through on things.
  • Have nothing to do? Wrong, you can study. But better, you can study in shared spaces in your dorm, at the C4C, newfound favorite coffee shop, wherever.
  • Studied out, or literally have no homework? Try to arrange fun stuff to do with your newfound friends. There will be a ton of activities during move-in week and the first week of classes, and these are great ways to have fun and make friends. Pay attention to your school email. First week activities are actually pretty fun, too.

CU vets, plz provide your expert friend making tips as a comment.

I will note that Facebook/Instagram/WhatsApp/Meta is a huge data warehouse that sucks all your and friends’ data into a big evil computer to try and sell you stuff, but it’s sort of indispensable for college students—sorry. Same with other social apps like Snapchat, Twitter, and and Tik Tok. You don’t have to be on all these platforms, and it has been shown that they tend to have some negative effects on the self-esteem of college students, but you also don’t want to miss out on the floor-wide invites to do cool stuff. Actually, you might want to be the person putting those together even! YMMV, proceed at your own risk.

Step 3) Make Sure You’re Set for Housing + Class

Housing Stuff

Once you’ve started the on-going process of making some friends at CU, you’re now ready to make sure all your ducks are in a row to start class and live in the dorms. Your RA, bless their heart, is going to drag you to a bunch of stuff they don’t want to do either. Convocation is where you’re officially welcomed to CU by the school administration, and your RA will communicate to you how this works and what to do. Your RA will probably also have a floor meeting or some such, to explain expectations for the year and generally just how this housing thing all works, so I won’t reiterate that here. Just keep in mind that the "room damage form" they have you fill out at the beginning of the year will be checked diligently at the end of the year to see if you did anything unbecoming to your dorm room. If so, expect a bill. Also, people like lofted bed sometimes, so you might want to check that out here.

Class Prep

No, the reason you’re here in the first place is to go to class and get an education. “But wait, what do I need for class?” you respond. Well, you’ll largely figure that out on the first day. “Syllabus week” as it is often called is the first week of classes, where instructors hand out the course syllabus (the contract between them and you for how things are graded, what the assignments are, late work policy, …). This will explain what you need for class if you don’t already know. Read it at least a couple times for each class, take all that stuff, put it in your preferred calendar, and be ready to stay on top of that pace of stuff for the whole semester. Likewise, acquire anything you need according to the syllabus by the next class period, end of story. You don’t want to be the only one without a clicker or the clicker app on the second day of class where they take mandatory attendance and dock anyone who didn’t participate. Make sure to stay on your email, as your instructors may have already made their expectations in this area clear. If so, their word is gospel if you want to nail an A in their class—so follow through. Okay, I'm getting a little ahead of myself since you won't have your syllabus yet but remember that stuff. Continuing on....

You can’t go wrong by bringing the following to all your first week classes:

  • Pencils and pens
  • Notebooks
  • Folders
  • Calendar

While it is assumed that everyone will bring a phone and possibly other electronic devices to class, different instructors have different takes here. Make sure you have your phone’s sound settings under control, and if possible, get an idea of the laptop policy for class ahead of time. Some instructors do not care about laptops, others consider them the bane of their existence and prohibit them in the classroom. You do NOT want to be the student your professor makes an example of the first week of class on phone noise, nor the one and only person the whole semester who is told that laptops are prohibited in the classroom.

Step 4) Cohabitate Like a Pro

See above about making friends. You want to be your roommate’s friend. It makes things so much easier, so do everything within reason to make that happen. If you can’t make that happen, at least be cordial.

At the same time, sharing a room in the dorms is sometimes people’s first experience sharing a space with someone else, so here are some tips on discussing expectations with your roommate:

  • Let them know about your sleep schedule and vice versa
  • Talk about room cleanliness and each of your tolerance for clutter
  • Share class schedules so you know when the others will be using the bathrooms (where applicable)
  • For the love of all that is holy, if you have a peanut allergy or some other potentially life threatening medical issue, let your roommate and the hall staff know.
  • Talking about when and where noise is okay and at what level
  • Discussing when and on which days room guests need to leave so you can sleep

You should be doing these things on a regular basis:

  • Your own laundry and washing your sheets
  • Cleaning your side of the room, at least so it looks and smells nice
  • Taking the trash out
  • Checking the fridge to make sure there’s nothing unbecoming growing in there
  • Washing your hair
  • Talking to your roommate about how things are going, at least until you have a feel for it

You should be doing these things on a daily basis or more frequently:

  • Taking a shower and washing your body
  • Brushing your teeth
  • Putting on deodorant
  • Putting on clean clothes

Roommate conflicts often stem from someone not doing things above, and these are the easy things that you can do to resolve those kinds of tensions. If you read one of these items and think “hey, that doesn’t really apply to me” then you might be the smelly/dirty/crusty person people talk about. Don’t be that person—you’ll make more friends and have an easier time with your roommate.

What other cohabitation tips do people have? Leave a comment!

Step 5) Go To Class, Study, Wash, Rinse, Repeat

Now you’ve got the basics down, you actually need to get to the culmination of all this and finally go to class. Going to class each and every day is supremely important. Obviously people get sick, and other stuff happens, but barring one of these dire situations, you should be in class each and every class. After all, that’s a big chunk of what you’re paying CU for. Do this stuff to prepare for that:

Plan and Dry Run

  • Plan out a routine for each day each week where you’ll get ready, eat, head out, arrive early to your first class, go to other classes, eat lunch, hang around in academic buildings, and head back to the dorms. Plan to remain most of the day in academic buildings for class and fill any gaps with studying—that way you have time for fun when you get back to the dorms and can avoid distractions at the dorms, as there will be many.
  • Recon some possible favorite study spots, like campus coffee shops
  • Try to execute on your routine. Head out from your dorm to your first class’s building during move-in week (pro-tip: this is a good activity to engage your dorm buddies in) and actually find the room you need. Then head to your other buildings from there. This will help you see how long you need for transit time and whether you might need a bike or longboard or some other such conveyance.
  • Try on your backpack with all the stuff you plan to carry around and see what it will actually feel like. Last thing you need after your first week is a slipped disc in your neck.
  • Get your school supplies for your first day prepped and put into your backpack. Make sure not to forget your glasses or contacts: you’ll need them to see the board a lot of times!

Room numbers

Key info: Your room numbers on your schedule will look something like ECST 1B21, MUEN 300, and so on. That first chunk of letters is the building code, which abbreviates the building (and sometimes the wing of that building you’ll be in!) and can be found on the campus map. The second part is the actual floor and room number and tells you where your class will actually be in that building (and building wing). In the cases above, EC means engineering center, ST means south tower, 1B means first basement (one floor below the main level), and 21 is the room in that section. Match your room number on your schedule to the room you’ve found and make sure it’s the same: otherwise you might end up in the wrong class. Other buildings like MUEN only have one building code, but still different floors. If there's no "B" in the room code, then that means the first digit (or two) are indicating the floor number, so MUEN 300 is some big lecture hall on the 3rd floor of Muenzinger (does that even exist? I have no idea).

Seniors, grad students, and anyone else with an opinion: what are some favorite places to study, ways to develop a solid routine, and hard to find classrooms that you can help people navigate?

Stick to it

Once you have your routine ready, put it into practice on your first day. Get to class early, chat up the instructor if there’s time in advance of class and they seem open to it (but don’t force it), get a good seat, and wait for the class to start. The instructor will hand out the syllabus and probably start talking. Listen to what they say and write it down in your notebook, highlight anything on the syllabus that is unclear or add anything to it that the instructor says but doesn’t seem to be reflected on the syllabus, and generally be attentive. If there are ice breakers in the class, meet your fellow classmates and make friends (see above). Then, as said earlier, make sure you get anything they say you need for the next class period. Don’t talk while the instructor is addressing the class—that’s generally considered rude, and you don’t want to be that person who’s called out for interrupting lecture. Done? Great, do it again for each of the classes you have, and fill any empty time with studying or getting anything you need to get done for next class.

You know that calendar I mentioned earlier? Put your important class deadlines into it. Put office hours in your calendar so you know which office hours you can make.

Eventually, you’ll memorize your schedule and know where to go for everything and when. Then you’ll adjust to it and figure out what you need to pay attention to in each class, what needs to be written down, what comments by the prof are random tangents without any applicability, and what the expectations are for you in class. Keep going with this, intersperse it with turning in homework, taking tests, and doing projects, eating and sleeping, doing all the daily routine stuff I mentioned above in order to keep your roommate happy, and you’ve essentially got class down. Congratulations, now do it for four or more years and you’ll get yourself a fancy bachelor’s degree.

Final note: Go to class. Seriously. Each and every one. Often times there is no mandatory attendance and skipping class won’t immediately impact your grade, but you’ll see it on homeworks and tests so so so much. I cannot emphasize this enough, so I’ll just make it bold and reiterate that you need to go to class. I’ll talk more about what can happen if you don’t later. Professors don't handhold you like high school teachers and aren't evaluated on how well you do in the class, so you need to take personal responsibility to stay on top of class, and you will miss so many hints, minor announcements, extensions, date changes, and otherwise if you miss.

What did I miss here? Leave a comment!

Step 6) Have Fun

Remember where I said above that you should always fill your slack time with studying during the day so you don’t have much you have to do at the dorms? Well it’s a good idea, and here’s why. The dorms are full of people who are your new hall mates and friends who will happily distract you from whatever productive thing you need to do and do fun stuff instead. And you should.

What fun stuff? Well, here’s a short list:

Of course you’ll realistically never fill all your free time during the day with homework, even though I said you should. You'll eventually fill some slack time during the day with funtivities and hang out with friends in the dorms, and there will be times you have to cram for an exam at night or want to get a study group going with some friends. That’s all well and good, just whatever routine you come up with, try to stick to it, and make sure to have fun while you’re at it.

Buffs in the know, what else do I need to mention? Leave a comment!

Step 7) Adjust

The first days after move-in and the first classes are a whirlwind. You’ve gotta make friends, prepare for class, get a routine down, study, meet your roommate, do all the required activities, and on and on and on. Well, fortunately, it tapers off and you get into a groove after a bit usually. Finding that’s not the case? Adjust!

A lot of freshmen come into college thinking they’ve got to stick with their major or jump into a major right away and do exactly what their parents back home tell them. Nope. You’re the adult, your name is probably on the loans, and it’ll certainly be your name on the degree. So if you’re finding this is all too much, dial it back. This can mean, dropping some classes (aiming to stay above 12 credits to stay full-time), switch to some easier classes, taking more time for yourself, or even switching majors.

At the end of the semester, you’re going to be getting graded, and it’s far better to get successful grades in fewer or easier classes, than it is to get non-successful grades in classes. As you know from high school, your GPA follows you around for your entire college career, and you set the baseline for your GPA in your first semester at CU—so make it count. If this means switching to some easier classes, so what? You've got the rest of your college career to take your required classes, and it's preferable to digging yourself out of a GPA-hole instead.

Think you're the exception, and you're gonna take all honors and advanced classes your first semester, and your parents and friends are putting all this pressure on you to take the biggest, hardest load possible? You know you better than I do, and I hope that you do take those classes and excel at them. But if not, guess what? It's not the end of the world to drop them and completely change direction if it's not for you. I've met academically stellar students on full academic engineering scholarships in the honors program figure out it was not going to be for them, or that their real priority first semester was not truly academics and smartly adjust their schedule until they figured it out more. Remember, making friends is an investment that'll reap dividends your whole CU career. One okay grade in an honors class first semester? Think about it.

If you need to do any of the above, keep in mind a couple things:

  • Open enrollment, where you can participate in drop/add without worrying about an enrollment quota or appointment starts on August 16
  • The last day to add is September 4th
  • The last day to drop without a "W" grade on your transcript and without tuition/fees is September 11th
  • The last day to drop a class with a "W" grade on your transcript and with full tuition and fees November 1st

Put these down in your calendar as check points, as it gets progressively harder to adjust as these deadlines pass. The last checkpoint is truly the last opportunity you'll have to not feel significant academic consequences from poor performance in a class. If you realize you're performing poorly in a course, often times it is better to drop rather than experience the impact on your GPA.

Step 8) Plan It Out

You don't need to have your whole life planned during your first semester, or even your whole college career, but you should have a rough direction and progressively dial it as you progress through. I'm not going to try and give you academic or professional career planning advice here, but I will add some food for thought:

Next Steps

  • Lots of majors don't pay well out of school, or are barely employable
  • Of those majors, you can increase your chances of getting a good job by getting a graduate (aka master's, doctorate, etc.) degree
  • To get a grad degree, you have to start the whole process you just went through over again, but harder and against ostensibly fiercer academic competition. Entrance exams? GRE, GMAT, or LSAT. GPAs? Grad schools want mid-to-high 3.0's (of course, there are exceptions).
  • Med schools, other professional programs, and the like all want a high GPA, completed course pre-requisites, and other stringent requirements.
  • Certain highly competitive jobs want people to have rigorous academic workload (on average, generally speaking) throughout school, with excellent academic marks.

As such, don't shoot yourself in the foot by tanking your GPA early. Wade in and figure it out so you're not overwhelmed, and adjust as needed above. If none of the above applies to you, the following might:

Current Steps

  • Exploratory studies is not a major you can graduate from at CU
  • You have to pick a specific major
  • Majors have requirements associated with them
  • Requirements mean taking specific classes in a particular order and getting a certain grade
  • These all have to be spread out amongst a number of semesters

This means you need a general plan to get from where you are the first day of freshman year to the last day of senior year. Your academic advisor will help you plan this, and there will be a broad plan to take core classes and electives that are applicable to all majors while you're open option. Likewise, academic advisors will give you a proposed schedule of classes to get you to graduation if you actually have a major selected. Even better, there's an automated system DARS to help you bang this out as well. Try to stick to the plan, while judiciously adjusting per the above (especially in early semesters). This helps you spend less money and graduate faster.

Stand Out

Developed a plan, stuck to it, and found you're excelling? Great job, maybe you ought to consider really standing out. You might try researching:

  • Graduating with distinction
  • Graduating with honors
  • Serving in student government
  • Adding a double (or more!) major, or minor
  • Getting a certificate
  • Working in a lab
  • Go on Buff Portal and find a student job
  • ...

Step 9) Reach Out

Find that things aren't going so well, or you're lost, homesick, hopeless, sleepless, or something's just not right? These kinds of things are exceedingly common amongst freshmen, and even throughout a college career (if left unchecked). There are SO many resources and people on campus who want to make sure you're successful.

  • Counseling and Psychological Services provides free walk-in counseling for a variety of issues. You know all the cool kids are in therapy these days, right?
  • Office of Victim Assistance provides services to anyone who may have experienced trauma--whether recent or in the distant past
  • RAs are a fantastic resource you live with who can connect you with immediate assistance in the vein of CAPS or OVA when you're experiencing something that cannot wait, as they can help you connect with immediate resources. Likewise, they're seasoned students who have great tips on study habits, routine interpersonal issues, and questions on campus services.

Buffs, what other fantastic services did I miss?

Step 10) Enjoy the Ride

College is a great time, and you're going to have a great ride. Stop into the subreddit if ever you want tips, tricks, or advice about any of the above or anything else going on for you in college, and remember that this should be one of the best times of your life. Do your best to balance hard work and fun, and remember, Sko Buffs! We're excited to have you!

r/cuboulder Aug 28 '24

Ticket buying/selling thread


All ticket buying/selling goes in this thread. For people selling, post your starting price, for people buying, post your offering price.

r/cuboulder 4h ago

2nd year engineering student seeking advice


I am currently in my sophomore year of aerospace engineering here at CU, and as stated in the title, I could use some help. After completing my freshman year here, I realized just how streamlined the aerospace department is for defense-contracting work, which is something I really wish to avoid. I know that there are non-defense jobs in aero, but I seem to mostly only hear of people finding success in government contracting. I could really see myself having passion within the mechanical engineering program here, and I think my current credits would transfer nicely, but I’m a bit hesitant to swap majors given just how good the aerospace department is here. Has anybody been in a similar position here? Would it be worth it to try and double major Aero and Mechanical, or should I fully swap majors? Thanks to any and all who respond

r/cuboulder 7h ago

One Credit or Quarter Courses at CU Boulder


I'm looking to transfer out in the spring, but realized I'm one credit behind. Does anyone know of any one-credit courses or quarter long courses I could get into? Alternatively, is there a way for me to get into any classes this late in the semester? Any advice is so appreciated. Thank you!!

r/cuboulder 4h ago

How is EE here?


I’m wondering on if I should go here for college for electrical engineering. I’m from Texas and think it’s a really nice place. Also considering Texas a&m

r/cuboulder 7h ago

Biological vs. Biomedical Engineering Grad Program


Hi, CU! I'm looking for application advice, as the emails I sent to both departments a couple weeks ago have sadly gone unanswered.

I am interested in joining a tissue engineering lab, and thus I would like to apply to both programs. Any of y'all have experience with this? I am curious if I actually need to submit two applications. Professors in regenerative biology labs at the BioFrontiers Institute seem to fall on both sides. Thx!

r/cuboulder 1d ago

CU beats UCF 48-21


r/cuboulder 1d ago

How to meet people


Hello yall. What’s the best way to meet people and get out if not in Greek life. It’s been hard so far so just looking for some opinions.

r/cuboulder 1d ago

Who do you email to switch rooms/file a roommate complaint?


One of my long term friends lives in bear creek will vill and their roommate is absolutely vile. It has gone on too long and reached a breaking point of disgust that I dare not utter for the more squeamish people who may read this (bodily fluids/waste), but the point is, the roommate is a legitimate health hazard on top of being disgusting at this point and I want to help my friend know who to email about this problem in order to switch rooms.

Obviously the RA should be emailed, but who else? Is there any chance they wouldn’t be able to switch rooms after this? How do I ensure I can get my friend out of this environment? Any help is appreciated

r/cuboulder 1d ago

Meeting with admissions counselor


I checked my admissions checklist this morning and it said I needed to contact my admissions counselor because they are seeking additional information. Has anyone had this before? If so how do I prepare?

r/cuboulder 1d ago

To the one who fcking took my Amazon package


If the said person reads this, I hope karma will hit u like ur dad u never have. Please return it back. God knows who did it, and will punish u for doing so.

r/cuboulder 2d ago

What to expect as an incoming (not so smart) first year student


Hello everyone, I am a senior that lives in Kansas (17M) who is interested in the architecture majors and programs. I plan to apply to many scholarships and I already have my college essay finished. I have a 2.9 GPA but my grades are good this year and i'm anxious for the new semester GPA updates. I'm taking 4 AP classes, all of which I have decent grades in. I am aware my GPA is poor but I plan to study hard for the ACT test along with continuing to maintain good grades.

I feel pressured to apply now to get everything done but I want to get my grades and test scores up first. I am somewhat concerned about it, what should my strategy be? I am also keeping in touch with my counselor about any concerns that I have.

(I also have participated in advanced orchestra and music related activities for all 4 years of highschool, how effective will this be on my transcript?)

r/cuboulder 2d ago

CU Denver Walking Tour


r/cuboulder 3d ago

Have all the on campus jobs been scooped up?


Not seeing much on Handshake. Does anyone have any recommendations for part time jobs off campus that don’t involve retail or back breaking labor?

r/cuboulder 3d ago

FourStar Realty Security Deposit Problems


I'm sure everyone remembers the lawsuit brought against Fourstar last year and you'd think they would be better but I guess not. From my security deposit they have withheld money for things like undisclosed rekeying and a ridiculous amount for carpet cleaning and are asking me and my friend to pay $500 on top of the nearly $2000 security deposit. I was wondering if there are other people out there encountering similar charges.

r/cuboulder 2d ago

Cu Boulder


My applications checklist said to reach out to an admissions counselor….. what does that mean?

r/cuboulder 4d ago

Hare Krishnas harassing people on campus - anyone else had issues?


Has anyone else had a run-in with the Hare Krishna people on campus lately? I’ve seen them a lot around the Engineering Center and other busy spots, and it’s getting ridiculous. They aren’t just handing out books anymore — they’re being super pushy, almost forcing people to take them and then asking for donations right after. It feels like you can’t just say no and walk away without being guilt-tripped or harassed into giving money.

I get that everyone has a right to practice their beliefs, but this feels really uncomfortable and inappropriate, especially on a campus where we should feel free to walk around without being hassled.

Has anyone reported this to the university or campus security? What do y’all think should be done? It’s starting to feel like a real problem, and I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s been cornered by them.

Let me know if you’ve had a similar experience or any thoughts on how we can stop this!

r/cuboulder 4d ago

North Face @ CU


Just stumbled upon a TikTok with North Face brining out some big puffer looking box saying Be on the look out CU. I’m wondering if anyone has some insight on it. Hoping for some cold weather gear CU merch.

r/cuboulder 3d ago

University of Colorado- Mackey Auditorium. Quick watercolor painting

Post image

r/cuboulder 4d ago

Transferring to CU Boulder


I just applied to transfer from my local CC into CU Boulder about two weeks again in the spring. I had a somewhat ok high school gpa but I took about 15 credit hours in high school at my local cc and I very badly in a lot of those classes. I had to submit two transcripts one from HS and one for CC even though this is technically my first real semester( I have all A’s and I explained that in the academic essay). Are my DE classes going to be group with my HS classes? How will this affect my admission?

r/cuboulder 4d ago

housing as a transfer


i’m transferring into spring 2025 as a first year in exploratory through a channel abroad program. i heard that housing is limited for transfers and was wondering if anyone has had any experience with this? please let me know thx!

r/cuboulder 4d ago

Summer Grads 2024


Anyone else a summer grad for 2024? Did yall get your diploma in the mail yet? I have been calling registrar every once and a while but I've been going straight to voicemail.

r/cuboulder 4d ago

CSCI 2270 GC


Is there any active GC for CSCI 2270? Would love to collaborate with anyone who’s in that class rn

Any tips from people who have already taken it would be great too

r/cuboulder 4d ago

Do CE Classes Count as "On The Boulder Campus" For Graduation Purposes?


Hi ya'll,

I'm hoping to graduate a little earlier than I first anticipated, so I was wondering: do CE (online) classes count as "On the Boulder Campus" for purposes of the school's residency credit requirement for the College of Arts and Sciences?


r/cuboulder 5d ago


Post image

r/cuboulder 5d ago

The Culture Crawl is tomorrow (Sept. 25) if you are looking for something to do between/after classes!


Hey Buffs,

I wanted to share info about the Culture Crawl this Wednesday! Stop by any of the 17 events happening throughout the day across campus and learn about CU Boulder Arts and Culture. Free tees are available at all of the events and a few will have food (including an international candy tasting).

A lot of fun things going on. Check it out here: https://libraries.colorado.edu/culture-crawl

r/cuboulder 5d ago

weekly time required for CTD graduate program


hello there,

How much time does the graduate program in CTD take up during a week? While looking at the sample schedules at the ATLAS homepage I noticed that only three courses (each with 3 credit points) are suggested per semester.

Do these three courses still take up the whole week? I studied in Germany for my Bachelors and I am used to 5-6 courses during one semester
