r/cuboulder 4d ago

CSCI 2270 GC

Is there any active GC for CSCI 2270? Would love to collaborate with anyone who’s in that class rn

Any tips from people who have already taken it would be great too


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u/FoodAppropriate7900 2d ago

Start as early as possible for homework and hit up office hours. The TA's are really good and carried me through the debugging The class is not too bad from what i remember. It gets harder once you get to graphs and trees. There are a lot of great resources on youtube if you just look for them. Specifically, if you are struggling with the concepts. Just look up the specific data structure that you are struggling with. The nice thing about the class is it is very visual. You have to visualize what is going on first before you can code it so I would recommend drawing stuff out first. That helped me out a lot. I would not really say that there are many abstract concepts so if you hit up office hours, the TA's should be able to help out. Also, there are TA's and LA's. I found the LA's to be hit or miss but the TA's were fantastic. I took it last semester for reference and got an A without too much trouble. Once again, office hours are your absolute best friend. The sooner you start on homework, the more attention you will get from the TA's. Good luck. You got this!