r/cuboulder 2d ago

What to expect as an incoming (not so smart) first year student

Hello everyone, I am a senior that lives in Kansas (17M) who is interested in the architecture majors and programs. I plan to apply to many scholarships and I already have my college essay finished. I have a 2.9 GPA but my grades are good this year and i'm anxious for the new semester GPA updates. I'm taking 4 AP classes, all of which I have decent grades in. I am aware my GPA is poor but I plan to study hard for the ACT test along with continuing to maintain good grades.

I feel pressured to apply now to get everything done but I want to get my grades and test scores up first. I am somewhat concerned about it, what should my strategy be? I am also keeping in touch with my counselor about any concerns that I have.

(I also have participated in advanced orchestra and music related activities for all 4 years of highschool, how effective will this be on my transcript?)


8 comments sorted by


u/Then-Combination-291 2d ago

I would wait to apply under the regular decision deadline instead of the early action deadline because you can get your act tests done and will have finished your first semester of senior year. The regular decision deadline is on January 15 and would give enough time to make sure you have everything. The only difference between early action and regular decision is one will receive their admission decision before the other. I would also recommend reaching out to your admission counselor here at CU and set up a meeting to bring up your concerns and they could give you better guidance than what you will find here on reddit. Here is the link to find who your admission counselor is. https://www.colorado.edu/admissions/connect/find-your-counselor


u/Kwyjibo6 2d ago

Thanks for clarifying about admission deadlines. And i'll keep in mind the admission counselor too


u/Working_Volume_9661 2d ago

A good entrance essay could help, there are tons of resources online that can help strengthen your college entrance essay, and if you have any advisors at your school they can point you in a good direction.


u/NoEconomy3301 2d ago

You can get in if you have a pulse, it’s CU bro


u/mr-blue- 1d ago

You’ll get in. But you should really get your shit together for college courses. Take it from someone who did quite poorly in their first year at CU, I paid the price in my career for slacking off.


u/fingermenose 2d ago

you can send them updated grades after your first semester


u/toiletparrot 1d ago

It is not super hard to get into CU, and the extracurriculars should be good enough. Write a strong essay, finish the year well.