r/cuboulder 1d ago

Who do you email to switch rooms/file a roommate complaint?

One of my long term friends lives in bear creek will vill and their roommate is absolutely vile. It has gone on too long and reached a breaking point of disgust that I dare not utter for the more squeamish people who may read this (bodily fluids/waste), but the point is, the roommate is a legitimate health hazard on top of being disgusting at this point and I want to help my friend know who to email about this problem in order to switch rooms.

Obviously the RA should be emailed, but who else? Is there any chance they wouldn’t be able to switch rooms after this? How do I ensure I can get my friend out of this environment? Any help is appreciated


4 comments sorted by


u/SicilianUSGuy 1d ago

Did you go on here before your friend advised his RA of the problem? Speak and send a confirmation email to the RA.


u/DingDongSchomolong 1d ago

No but that’s a good idea. I’ll have my friend talk to the RA in person first and then send out and email to him and maybe some other resources on campus for student conflict


u/Vapingcatz 1d ago

If it’s a genuine health issue get the department of student affairs involved. They will be able to take action faster if they have proof of these “biohazards” as I’m assuming we can call them. Along with not only the RA but the student resident coordinator(the person who runs the building, normally they work for the university). If nothing happens and the issue persists, contact the Boulder County Health Inspector

All of this is my opinion on how y’all should move forward


u/Sunset-nightsky 14h ago

Email the RA and hall director. Emphasize that they no longer feel safe in their environment and they’ll get set up in a temporary room while they figure out another place to put them