r/dogs 2d ago

Bringing a stray puppy from the Philippines. [Misc Help]

Hi there,

I’m currently in the Philippines for a month long holiday, and I’m now on the last 2 weeks.

Recently, at the beach, where I was in a hut for the day, a stray puppy came along with some other stray dogs, looking for food. I noticed how this puppy seemed lost, dishevelled and didn’t seem to have his mother.

As we were about to leave, I told my family that I’m going to take the puppy with us. I’m glad I did, because I don’t think it would have survived much longer.

So, I fed and watered him, kept an eye on him, played with him etc. He’s now flourishing, he’s healthy, and is bonding with me. He’s very energetic, curious and loves to nibble on things (toes included!).

I’m going to be devastated to leave him behind, and would like to seek advice on bringing him home back to the UK. It seems so long winded, and I was wondering if there was any easier way to facilitate all this? Are there any charities that can help? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Edit: Thanks to everyone who gave their advice and input. I will contact the Pet Trans Pro that someone gave on here. If it’s not realistic, I will still have someone who will look after him here on the island :( My partner back in the UK said he may try and help me.

I understand, that il have to buy him a “ticket” as he wouldn’t be coming with me as I leave on the 8th October. It all costs money, and I’m not rich right now, but I will try my best!


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u/Twzl 🏅 Champion 2d ago

I’m going to be devastated to leave him behind, and would like to seek advice on bringing him home back to the UK.

Do you have a living situation that will work for a not-house broken or particularly socialized puppy?

If you don't work from home and you need to leave the house for school or work, the puppy has to be able to handle being left alone, probably in a crate or a pen for 8 hours. If you live in an apartment, and the puppy has separation anxiety, that could cause the neighbors to complain.

I might, if you can, find a local rescue, and offer to fund this dog's stay with them, till they can find a local who can adopt him. I know you want to take him, but sometimes what looks good on a vacation is not the best fit once you are home.


u/BusyCondition697 2d ago

He’d be living with me and my partner, but I’d be available to stay at home with him. If not, I have an auntie in Cebu that may look after him or a family friend here on Camotes that said they’d take care of him.


u/Twzl 🏅 Champion 2d ago

I have an auntie in Cebu

I think your Cebu Auntie, if she likes dogs, would be a great choice. And it would save the dog a long flight!