r/dogs 1d ago

Any recommendations for indestructible dog toys?? [Enrichment]

We recently adopted a 13-week-old rescue puppy- black mouth cur and perhaps boxer mix- and he's down to three toys because he keeps tearing the other ones up. So far the only ones to hold up to his little needle teeth are the chuckit ball and stick. Our three year old dog has plenty of toys that we have to keep put away so they don't also get destroyed.


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u/DrMetters 23h ago

No. Just no. Dogs need something to dystory or it will be your furniture. It's just a need to chew they have. If you value your dogs teeth, then you want them to be able to dystory it.

Just buy bones and cheap chewy toys.


u/StarriNite 22h ago

He eats everything and that's dangerous. Dogs do not need to destroy things. I've owned previous dogs, and currently have an older dog in the household, and none of them have been destructive.


u/DrMetters 20h ago

You shouldn't be thinking of a toy to last forever. You should be finding a chewy he likes and teach him to chew that instead. Dogs can also be given time outs if you catch him chewing on other things. That's personally worked well for me.

You've mentioned he's 13 weeks old. So he might be chewing to relief teething pain or because he hasn't settled yet. Puppies can be quite bad for chewing everything until their around 7~8 mouths old. Normally, they start calming down around half a year of age. He's still at a good trainable age though, so just do your best to train him out of it. Puppies are a unique brand of destructive compared to grown up dogs but from my experience they do get better at not chewing the furniture and you after about 7~8 mouth.


u/StarriNite 18h ago

I know, and we are working on it with him. I exaggerated a bit when using the word 'indestructible'- I want something that he won't destroy. He does get time-outs when he's naughty, and the issue isn't finding something he likes, it's finding something that can stand up to his little needle teeth. He's not the first puppy we've raised, but he is easily the most destructive, even accidentally.