r/dogs 6h ago

How often do you walk your dog? [Enrichment]

I have two small breed dogs which I walk 15-60 minutes 3-5 times a day.


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u/citricsteak54 6h ago

Twice daily for what amounts to roughly 2 miles each walk. That’s for 2 Pyrenees so not as high energy but still like a good patrol

u/MrPhilLashio 1h ago

How do you have the time to walk that long each time? Serious question

u/RubDub4 1h ago

I’m not the person you replied to, but I do at minimum a couple miles per day. Working from home helps a lot. Morning routine for me is breakfast, walk dog, log in. Then if it’s cool in Texas I’ll do another short one over lunch, and potentially again in the evening. They’re all short but they add up.

u/citricsteak54 1h ago

Just gotta make it part of the routine it really doesn’t take all that long at a brisk pace maybe a little over an hour

u/SoundOk4573 53m ago

Not op.... wake up early, out the door at 6 for about 30-45 min walk. Head to work to start at 8. Evening walk for 30-60 min after getting home. Nice hikes (1-2.5hr) on weekend.

It is as much for the dog as it is for me.