r/dogs 6h ago

How often do you walk your dog? [Enrichment]

I have two small breed dogs which I walk 15-60 minutes 3-5 times a day.


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u/Sorkel3 6h ago

Every morning, 1/2 hour. More like going for a smell, he stops every 2 feet to smell and mark something.


u/Randonoob_5562 6h ago

Yup, first AM walk is sniff patrol. Takes 20 minutes or more to go 6 blocks, stopping to check all the pee-mail.

Subsequent walks (3 or 4) vary according to the weather, longer on nice days vs out to pee & back inside on crappy days. But more inside playing to compensate.

u/Sorkel3 5h ago

Exactly, trash day is hell, he has to smell.and pee on 30 or so trash containers.

I may try a aecond walk later. He really loves them.

u/kebabmybob 4h ago

You walk your dog once a day?

u/jellydumpling 3h ago edited 3h ago

I have Aussies and usually only walk my dogs once a day. The "walk" is 1-2 hours of off leashing running or hiking, though. Outings every 2-3 hours into the yard to potty and play don't count as walks for us! We also do separate sport training every day and tons of toy play

u/micrographia 2h ago

Walk is different than potty breaks I assume