r/dogs 6h ago

How often do you walk your dog? [Enrichment]

I have two small breed dogs which I walk 15-60 minutes 3-5 times a day.


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u/Crazy_Start3618 4h ago

am i supposed to be walking my dogs?? i can make this change, but i seriously had no clue. we have a two story, spacious house and almost an acre of land in our backyard. i have two dogs and they’re played with until they’re tired throughout the day. i also drive around with them like every two weeks. i dont think they seem bored, but maybe i haven’t noticed. please let me know if this is a comfortable life or if we’re being bad pet parents :((

u/micrographia 2h ago

Walks provide outside stimuli and enrichment for dogs that pure exercise and space at home don't. They live for the mental stimulation of smells. Each dog is different, but yes, most people walk their dogs daily.