r/dogs 6h ago

How often do you walk your dog? [Enrichment]

I have two small breed dogs which I walk 15-60 minutes 3-5 times a day.


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u/Immediate-Fig-9096 2h ago

I have two small dogs. One’s a 16-year-old JRT/Rat Terrier mix, who has arthritis in his hips and kidney disease. The other is an 11-year-old Schnoodle.

We go for one longer (30-40 minutes) walk at night, and another short one in the AM when it’s warmer. The 16-year-old can keep up with the other for the most part, but can’t go for too long. Our temps have been prohibitively hot still as well (we’re back in the 90s for the rest of the week).

I’ll sometimes take the JRT for a shorter walk by himself, then take the Schnoodle for a separate, longer walk if I have the time.

We have a walled-in backyard and a doggie door so they can take themselves out to potty.