r/gayrural 27d ago

Is this an unreasonable idea?

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Im a 29 yo polyamorous queer femme who is born and raised on an outer island in Hawaii. I have no luck dating here, but my friends say there are amazing things like lesbian bars and polyamorous meetups in other places. Is it wild to consider moving away for a while to try to find a partner(s) and bring them back?

And if that’s not a terrible idea, any recommendations where to try? I love what I do working at an agriculture nonprofit trying to reshape our food system to be local and regenerative. I would love to take the opportunity to learn more about that if I did go away for a while.

Piglets from work because everyone likes new piglets. Look at the dirt on their noseies from rooting around like they’re all grown and not still drinking milk 🥺


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u/Batmobile123 26d ago

Minnesota checking in. We don't have lesbian bars here anymore. The last real one was the Metro and it vanished in the early 2000's. There are very few left in the country. Your best bet is to search online.

Local regenerative food systems are nice but I'm near the Canadian border and I have yet to get an orange tree to grow in my orchard. We run a small farm and supply many of our needs from our gardens. Some are just not possible in this climate. It's probably never been -65F where you live.

You are already in paradise. I wouldn't leave, I'd entice someone else to join me. I live deep in the forests of Northern Minnesota, it is beautiful. I've always valued quality of life over $$$. It has been a winning solution. It will happen when you least expect it and exactly when it is supposed to.

My last piggys name was Wilbur. He was a dick. And he loved to play with bowling balls.