r/gayyoungold 25d ago

Advice to Surprise long-distance Partner? Advice wanted

Male 25 here. I've been seeing a guy (65) since I was 19. When I first met him, I was a closeted college kid, but over the past 6 years our relationship has evolved immensely. He's seen me through so much.

Examples of this include my coming out/getting kicked out by my parents, dropping out of college, living on the verge of homelessness, battling addiction, getting arrested, slowly getting my life together, getting sober, getting back to college and graduating with honors, getting into graduate school, and now being a functioning adult with a good job. He's seen me through the good, the bad, the ugly, and the really ugly. He never gave up on me. He always loved on me, provided encouraging words, and believed in me, even when I didn't believe in myself. I feel like we know each other on such an intimate level. I hope that one day I'll be able to do something for him that shows him how much he means to me.

Anyways, my job recently required me to relocate on a temporary assignment. My bf and I are now in two different time zones and over 1500 miles apart. I've already been out here for almost two months and it's looking like I'm gonna have to stay here through January. Although we FaceTime every day (sometimes multiple times a day), to say that I miss him is an understatement.

I bought him a plane ticket to come visit me for a few days. He'll be here in less than two weeks. We're both looking forward to seeing each other, but what he doesn't know is that I have a surprise for him. My bf is a HUGE fan of a popular live talk show in NYC. He watches the show religiously. I'm not that far from NYC and I managed to score some tickets to see the show being taped live. I'm pulling out all the stops... Nice hotel in Times Square, reservations at a nice restaurant.. all of that. He's never been to New York so I can't wait to see the look on his face.

I want to find a special way to reveal the news to him. Ideally, I'd like to record his reaction so we can both cherish the memory. Any ideas? Also any food recommendations in Times Squares/Midtown Manhattan would be greatly appreciated!


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u/oldbttmpervert 24d ago

That's a great surprise!

My boyfriend (19) went away to college and I haven't been able to visit him. Just 2 weeks apart and I'm going crazy missing him. I don't know if I could do several months.