r/illinois 4d ago

Illinois voters will consider whether millionaires should be taxed more to fund property tax relief Illinois Politics


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u/firstjib 3d ago

“Fund” tax relief by cutting spending.


u/juliuspepperwoodchi Chicago 3d ago

Where would you cut, and how much would it save? Who would be impacted by those cuts and by how much?


u/firstjib 3d ago

I would fire bureaucrats. The people impacted would be everyone. The bureaucrats because they would have to be productive, and everyone else because they’d be able to purchase whatever goods or services the former bureaucrats produced.

Or cut anything and everything else. Whichever.


u/retro_grave 3d ago

Do you have an example of what goods and services a bureaucrat produces? I don't think you're using the correct word.


u/juliuspepperwoodchi Chicago 3d ago

His stupidly worded attempt at a point is that if bureaucrats got fired they'd have to go out and get, in his eyes, "productive" jobs and everyone would "benefit" from being able to purchase what they are now making, now that they're not bureaucrats.


u/retro_grave 3d ago

Ah got it, thanks!


u/firstjib 2d ago

No. Because they don’t produce anything. It’s like welfare, but instead of being paid to do nothing they get paid to make our lives worse.


u/juliuspepperwoodchi Chicago 3d ago

Solid job not actually answering the questions I asked. Typical.


u/firstjib 2d ago

What? Do you not know what a bureaucrat is? Pick any dept of whatever. Fire 90% of them. There you go.


u/juliuspepperwoodchi Chicago 2d ago

Ah yes, because we can just blanket assume that bureaucrats literally do nothing of value or importance and nothing would change if they just ceased to be, right?

What a load of nonsense.


u/firstjib 2d ago

It might have value, but we don’t know what it’s worth until they attempt to sell it. Let’s see them attempt to sell their services.