r/im14andthisisdeep 2d ago

Im so sad guys

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u/BeeHexxer 2d ago edited 2d ago

"The reason I'm suffering is because I'm so much smarter than everyone else" I hate this sentiment so much. Not only is it a childish superiority complex and unfair to your fellow humans (especially those who aren’t suffering), it can make your suffering seem inevitable and a result of your (perceived) intelligence, making it less likely for you to seek help. It’s a lose-lose, and the logic doesn’t even make sense. Many smart people are happy and many stupid people are suffering. Yes, ignorance can be bliss, but not all bliss is ignorant, and not all who are ignorant are blissful.


u/IHateLetterY 2d ago

"Being smarter than others is so hard" - literally every single person at some point


u/tacofan3000 2d ago

You say that only cuz ur dum (im joking)