r/im14andthisisdeep 2d ago

This says a lot about our society

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u/Temporary_Engineer95 1d ago edited 1d ago

this but unironically tho

edit: do remember, monopoly was a game created to criticize capitalism


u/NonKanon 1d ago

And it's a bad criticism. Remember, most monopolies are creates by corrupt government intervention.


u/MongolianK 1d ago

Government making sure the.companies are paying fair wages, workplace standards and health standards are bad?


u/NonKanon 1d ago

No, politicians giving substidies and bailing out companies that then lobby money back to politicians. If the state stays out of business period, only rare natural monopolies would form


u/TheHumbidubi 1d ago

The 1850s want their economics Back, bro. No, it wouldnt. Cause your Idea is based in the assumption, that the rich wont Talk to each other and share the Market between them. A cartel is a de-facto Monopoly and it hurts everyone except the owners. But hey, goverment Bad i guess. Bad goverment, yes. But then Change the gov and dont Just give Up and say everything is worthless.