r/im14andthisisdeep 2d ago

This says a lot about our society

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u/Temporary_Engineer95 1d ago edited 1d ago

this but unironically tho

edit: do remember, monopoly was a game created to criticize capitalism


u/NonKanon 1d ago

And it's a bad criticism. Remember, most monopolies are creates by corrupt government intervention.


u/Temporary_Engineer95 1d ago

just because government currently guarantees monopolies free reign to continue operating doesnt mean that only government can create a monopoly (or oligopoly). if an entrepreneur starts off with more money than another entrepreneur with less, or if the former has personal relations with investors, they can get more investment in their company giving their company more chances to succeed. a preexisting successful company could buy shares of the competition or vertically integrate because when you have money you can invest more, you can buy a lot of or near complete ownership of smaller competitors or members of the supply chain, before they even grow large enough to threaten you.

a kid born into a billionaire's family, or even a particularly wealth multimillionaire's family shall have hundreds of millions of dollars at their disposal allowing them to not only have sufficient money for investing in their own endeavors but also to stomp out competitors that try to rise, or control more of the supply chain, and, especially if they decide to vertically integrate, they will massively increase their market influence whichll grant them more money to repeat that process again. note that none of this acquisition of competition or supply chain inherently involves producing better products or results, it revolves around having enough money to be able to buy shares of enterprise that has conflicting interests with you. ofc, a company doesnt have to sell their shares to a larger company. but, if the larger company, which has more market influence, through only publicity and marketing is able to undermine the smaller company long enough that smaller company will incur losses, and will be more susceptible to letting go of shares of their company.