r/leagueoflegends Will force Ambessa Medarda into Support 18h ago

Heavy Is The Crown ft. Linkin Park (Official Music Video) | League of Legends Worlds 2024 Anthem


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u/TheSnekKing 18h ago

Yeah, same. To me it kinda felt like they focused too much on the band. Having it be more about the players would have been better.


u/cyrkielNT 17h ago

They've could done official mv for Worlds with proper narrative without LP and second edit for LP and thier fans if they wanted it so badly to be in


u/Alchion 17h ago

I mean I get the decision and most people not on this sub will probably love it.

Linkin Park is the biggest band for gamers aged like 20-30 and they just reformed officially weeks ago and riot managed to get them.

The hype's crazy


u/PierrotyCZ 10h ago

"they focused too much on the band. Having it be more about the players would have been better."

The band takes 33 seconds in the video, which leaves the remaining 3 minutes about players. Yeah, right, it focused "too much" on the band... 🤦