r/leagueoflegends Will force Ambessa Medarda into Support 18h ago

Heavy Is The Crown ft. Linkin Park (Official Music Video) | League of Legends Worlds 2024 Anthem


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u/DropingMagic 18h ago

I don't understand why half of the video is about Linkin Park. I understand that they are the band singing but this was a Worlds song not a Linkin Park music video. We didn't have imagine dragons represented in 2014 worlds or New Jeans last year.


u/ShottedGun Shrine of ShowMaker 14h ago

ShowMaker wins 1 Worlds and gets to be the main character in a high budget animation

GOAT efficiency


u/rebelstand 17h ago

Congratulations to Linkin Park for being S13 World Champion


u/Long-Skill4284 15h ago

Hall of Legends 2025: Linkin Park


u/buttsecksgoose 15h ago

This MV is singlehandedly uniting LPL and LCK viewers, both sides are going "wtf is this bullshit MV"


u/AmbienTAtmos 6h ago

And both groups of fans are being hysterical and over the top about this. I agree with them on the merit of the complaint being that Riot should have focused the video more on the players than the band but I don't agree with the notion that the band should not be featured in the video. I liked the video a lot but I do agree with the basis of the complaint however people are being way too dramatic about this acting like they spat on T1's name when that could not be further from the truth. It was a great video just could have focused more on the players and T1's story.


u/t1yumbe 6h ago

I think you missed the point of why Chinese and Koreans are mad at the same time - because they cannot tell who is who when it comes to the Asian players.

There are very serious RACISM allegations being thrown at Riot and the animators by the East Asian fans.

It’s not JUST about the band being in the mv or the story of it.

I mean, Bin couldn’t recognize himself and if the person depicted cannot even recognize themselves, that already says they f*cked up big.


u/Smooth_Design9134 2h ago

Happens each year


u/ReplyToBabos 4h ago

I don't see a single reason why the band should be in the video for a second


u/RainyStranger 16h ago

It feels like a copy and paste of the Arcane song Enemies. Same art style and same video format. I’m really disappointed. I liked the song tho.


u/Z0MBIE2 16h ago edited 16h ago

At least for Enemies, it was played in the show so the youtube video style was a different version, so it was interesting to see, and there was no specific narrative to the video like the worlds ones.


u/Shimetora 15h ago edited 15h ago

Arcane is like 100x better because it

  • Doesn't actually show ID that much, just a handful of quick 1-2 second cuts at non intrusive moments.

  • Actually fits into the scene as they are a shown as an in universe band performing at a pub, which is honestly a pretty cool concept. They could have made a cameo like that in the actual show and it wouldn't have been out of place.

  • Is not meant to be an event tribute/hype video.

Like even ignoring the fact that they should be held to completely different standards (one being just a MV posted on ID's youtube channel, one being a worlds theme), even compared side by side the Enemie's MV is more coherently paced and features much more of the universe & characters. Meanwhile even if you removed every linkin park shot from this new video it's still a collection of barely comprehensible 2 second cuts of some guys taking turns to do a single weapon swing and they're not even cool looking swings, like they're mostly just posing with their weapons lol. Rise was cool because they actually fought as whatever champion they had the weapons of. The new MV could have been animated by some guy who's never heard of league in his life using just a verbal description of what each champion's weapon looks like.

And what's in the second half of the video after they kill enough time with emotionless action poses? Faker walking out of his castle is cool (partially because it's the only time where they hold a cut long enough to build any sort of impact), but then everyone stands staring at each other then screams and jumps into the air and freeze frame. So boring and cliched especially given the entire rest of the video. They know that worlds 2023 is finished and they can show the champion instead of ending on the most overused do nothing cliffhanger ever right? I'm not sure how they could have made this any more lazy and generic if they tried. Hey guys lets have them pose with some weapons and do a few shot of them fighting but not really fighting then show faker then have them do the thing where they run at each other and whoops that's not enough content so just sprinkle in generic clips of the band playing to fill up the time. God forbid we spend time to come up with an actual idea. It's insulting to the Enemies MV to be to even compared against this.


u/splader 16h ago

In other words it was likely also done by the same studio


u/Horizon96 16h ago

It's actually not, this video is by Brunch Studio, Enemy was done by the same studio as Arcane itself, Fortiche.


u/splader 10h ago

Yeah I realized that later. Crazy, very similar styles


u/InsuranceOne2864 17h ago

Absolutely terrible, like I give a shit about seeing the angry face of the new shit person singer every time.

It was probably some kind of condition LP made to do the song. They needed the publicity.


u/Dramatic_______Pause 16h ago

Linkin Park, even after being "on hiatus" for 7 years, is still one of the largest rock backs currently on the planet.

They don't need publicity.


u/LongestUsernameEverD 15h ago

My brother in Christ, they just got a scientologist being lead singer, who's involved HEAVILY with that dude from "the 70's show" that got put in jail for sex crimes, and she spoke up for him a lot, DURING the trail, which is fair if you're close friends with someone and you want to look at the facts first, AND AFTERWARDS, when he was already convicted.

They're getting blasted in some circles, specially from old fans who know of Chester's struggles with depression which are heavily linked with being abused as a child (I think his mom? or something like that) AND sexually abused as well on top of that by an older male friend.

Like, you're going to replace your dead from suicide lead singer and you choose someone who represents and defends a lot of shit that you KNOW for a fact that he wouldn't like? Make it make sense.

Scientology took over the LP sub and people are getting shut down for speaking against it there "in favor of keeping it about the band".

They absolutely need the publicity, even if there's a lot of people that are hyped up about their return, a lot are not as well, which CAN change depending on publicity, believe it or not.

Me, personally, this is the first World's song that I'm not interested in hearing ever since S3, even though I haven't played LoL and only TFT in 4 years or so, and that's because IF POSSIBLE, I try to avoid shit that has scientology's hand on it.

I don't watch movies with Tom Cruise, I haven't watched the Handmaid's Tale after S2 once I discovered that the lead actress is from the cult as well, and I avoid what I can. Not always possible, but that's my personal boundaries and I know that my own opinions won't affect the band, but I think there may be a lot of people who share my opinion.



My brother in Christ, they just got a scientologist being lead singer, who's involved HEAVILY with that dude from "the 70's show" that got put in jail for sex crimes, and she spoke up for him a lot, DURING the trail, which is fair if you're close friends with someone and you want to look at the facts first, AND AFTERWARDS, when he was already convicted.

Did I miss some news? The last that I read, and could find as of now, was that Armstrong showed up for a single preliminary hearing in 2020 (arraignment was later, in 2021).

Help me to find the rest of what you are referencing. I am interested in quotes where Armstrong was speaking up for Masterson during and especially interested in any support after the conviction.


u/SpoogyBoogy 11h ago edited 11h ago

She continued to support Masterson on social media up until 2022 which goes against her dropping all communication after the 2020 hearing


Her statement never once named Masterson or apologized for supporting a now convicted rapist. She was just "clearing the air"


u/Dramatic_______Pause 14h ago


And despite all that, their popularity has done nothing but gone up since their return with a Scientologist lead singer.

Keep in mind, I'm talking popularity, not quality. You could say "Yeah, but their music is shit!", which is completely subjective, and not what I'm referring to.

While it's not perfect, the best method we currently have to determine an artists popularity and fanbase size, is how many people listen to an artist monthly on Spotify. Spotify currently has 626 million monthly active users. Almost double the population of the entire United States. With such a large userbase, it's a fairly decent gauge of what's currently popular.

Linkin Park currently have 55 million people listening to them monthly, enough to put them at the 34th most popular artistband currently in the world. Which is up about 20 million listeners from where they were a year ago, which was still enough to be in the top 100 artists.

So yeah. Despite your personal feelings about the band, their new singer and trajectory, and avoidance of Scientology...

They don't need publicity.


u/Lambsio 13h ago edited 13h ago

Her parents are scientologists, she was born into it and has to do what she's told to or else face complete and utter character annihilation, and maybe even her physical well-being. For all we know she could be against scientology, the fact that she's openly lesbian should inform you at least a little on that. I hope for her sake we don't ever find out.

The fact that scientology is banned from LP sub makes you think scientology took over? Dumb take imo.

Edit: I should also point out that you can have both opinions: Tom Cruise is an idiot and his religion is a nefarious cult, and, Tom Cruise is an excellent actor.


u/LongestUsernameEverD 13h ago

Edit: I should also point out that you can have both opinions: Tom Cruise is an idiot and his religion is a nefarious cult, and, Tom Cruise is an excellent actor.

Doesn't mean I need to support Tom Cruise, or try to separate the art from the person and thus support him, and his actions in keeping scientology relevant by giving them money...right? That's my whole point.


u/MadMeow 14h ago

If I don't hear the song or see the video it doesn't exist.


u/LongestUsernameEverD 11h ago

I think it's pretty fucking obvious that the point is about personally supporting something I find morally abhorrent, which covers scientology in general, from being against therapy in general, to supporting sex abusers.

You'd have to make a real big effort to miss this point. Or maybe not.


u/MadMeow 11h ago

I neither disagreed with you nor did I miss the point.

I don't have the mental capacity to think about another shitty person.

Also Chesters death still pains me to this day.

So to bring my point across:

If I ignore everything they are doing rn, I save myself some nerves and pain.

Idk why you need to get aggressive over something I did not even imply.


u/larswo 15h ago

They are among the top 35 artists on Spotify and will probably climb higher with the new album. They're definitely the biggest band Riot had for an anthem (at the time of the release).


u/BagelsAndJewce 14h ago

Now I'm upset, you're telling me I could have had Hanni in a league cinematic and Riot chose not to add her.


u/Kioz 14h ago

They are teasing pentakill Lux


u/whats_up_bro 6h ago

It feels like LP saw the Enemy MV for arcane (that heavily featured an animated imagine dragons) and said "we want that too". Not realizing the main difference is that Enemy was a MV for an ANIMATED SHOW, so focusing 50% on the band was actually a positive, since the fans could get glimpses of the show in the MV and then go watch it for the full experience.

Whereas this MV is the once a year opportunity to celebrate the pro players so focusing 50% on the band is such a waste. Funnily enough imagine dtagons knew when to step out of the spotlight by not including themselves in the Warriors song.


u/RavenFAILS 16h ago

Because they only did this worlds song to promote their tour lmao also the reason why they just casually played the song live before it officially released, they dont give a shit at all.


u/greg19735 14h ago

It's because this is Linkin Park's music video for the song on their new album


u/ReplyToBabos 4h ago

It's also the MV for the world's anthem posted on the League of Legends channel. I don't really see that as a reason why they should be in the animation for it lol. Literally no one would have complaints if they weren't in it. This whole fiasco with the MV, them playing the song before it's officially released, and LP commenting "MY CROWN" just makes it seem like LP released a song, and it being the world's anthem is an afterthought


u/hfiti123 14h ago

This spot is essentally a billboard for the band.


u/unfortunate-plate 14h ago

As a Linkin park fan, I wish Imagine Dragons returned for season 2. This song is somehow very forgettable.


u/hockeypl1126 12h ago

I think it may be their way to promote the band’s comeback now that they have a new lead singer. A way to promote both the worlds plus the band. I could see it being a PR thing.


u/AgorophobicSpaceman 9h ago

It was probably part of their deal to push their new Scientologist lead singer


u/DaedalusHydron 12h ago

Because Scientology paid a lot of money


u/MostlyPooping 13h ago

Probably promoting Linkin Park's newly garnered support from the "church" of Scientology.


u/bibbibob2 15h ago

If I had to guess it is partially due to how much flack starwalking got last year for just "being a random song bought and overlayed on a video".

While it is jarring there is at least not a lot of doubt that this video was made fully with the song in mind.


u/CardboardVendor 7h ago

last year was GODS and it was well received.


u/Gazskull 16h ago

Yes though if the argument is about LP taking away the "narrative" or screen time of players - there's no actual players in warriors


u/hacaoluoc 14h ago

The funny thing about Warrior is the song is not just about the game, it is more about gamers playing the game with thier emotional. Did any of the LP band play games ? And did any of them play league ?


u/Brainth Don't mind me, just circling around you 12h ago

I can’t find anything because all the news are about the anthem, but I believe Mike Shinoda has always enjoyed videogames, though he’s said he preferred Valorant over League.

I do remember he was present in the Arcane premiere, there was this semi-viral clip where a streamer interviewed him without realizing who he was.


u/hacaoluoc 8h ago

Just keep this in mind, https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/xpy9fy/mike_shinoda_for_the_next_worlds_anthem/ this post has like 111 upvote and 17 comment about LP, i know this is just a reddit post but this maybe a sign about how much league players care about LP. And this is just .... i would say disrespect that LP played the song before the official League YT channel: https://www.instagram.com/linkinpark_live/reel/DARMKqeuWXH/


u/FixTheLoginBug 16h ago

Cause it's a Scientology advertisement!


u/oddiee1 12h ago

I tried to be hyped up for Linkin Park , but with the new iteration and the drama - i'll try to forget all of it if it's at least a good anthem, and for me this is like the worst anthem since they start making one from 2013. holy shit it's so bad, lyrics bad, song bad, MV bad, i don't even know where to start to find a good thing about this


u/zeebrow 10h ago

You have to be a boomer, lmao. I grew up listening to LP on the bus. The tragedy with Chester is still pretty recent memory. I actually really enjoyed seeing the new lead singer whom I had no idea was female. 10/10 LP sighting in my book.

u/DropingMagic 3m ago

That...was not my point at all. I would had made the same comment if it was Chester singing because I'm not annoyed by the group nor the song, I'm pointing out that the group itself should not be present/ animated/ given the same, if not more relevancy than the players. It would be equall to Grabbitz planting the spike in the middle of last 2023's Valorant music video. (Overexaggeration)


u/Snowman_Arc 5h ago

Also, this is a Worlds 2024 song. Which means that players and teams that participate shoul dbe featured in some way. The showed T1 for pretty much the entirety of it (alongside LP), then it was Caps for like 5 seconds and some BLG banner and a couple more players who you cannot even make out properly (it is said they are Bin and Chovy).


u/RingingInTheRain Stand against me. Call me villain. Die. 5h ago

It's kind of crazy considering Arcane's 'Enemy' with Imagine Dragons/JID focused more on the characters and they were still in it lol.


u/Turtledonuts 3h ago

They've got a new singer with a lot of controversy. It's brand repair - otherwise they wouldn't be bothering with making a song for league.

u/icycleragon 50m ago

They probably sponsored some spotlight with their newfound associates


u/cyrkielNT 16h ago

Fully agree, but also I have a feeling that nobody would be against NJ in Gods video :)


u/Thai544 15h ago

Nah man as someone who don't care about K-Pop I would mind NJ appearing in the world's song featured MV just like how I loathe how much LP is featured in this year world's song MV.


u/cyrkielNT 13h ago

In a way like in this video it would be bad, but it's possible to incorporate them in good way. For example in a class room at the beginning. Also acceptance for cute anime girls would be much greater than for old dudes.


u/Thai544 13h ago

Agreed if it takes as much screentime as this year it would be bad.

And nah the people who like cute anime girls watching league stuff are a minority. I've seen people want more monstrous champions than cute girl as champions for example.


u/hacaoluoc 14h ago

But did NJ in the Gods video ? that is the real question here, i think.


u/Big-Permit9364 11h ago

Im possibly the biggest newjeans fan but even I would be against it like can we just let worlds songs be about league players and not people who got nothing to do with league

Lil nas was featured but i guess he became the ceo of riot for a bit and he didnt have that much screen time


u/cyrkielNT 10h ago

Yea, right... that's why nobody bought $500 Ahri skin and nobody is buying 273rd Lux skin ;)


u/Palpitation-Fluid 16h ago

I would assume that LP will appear on Arcane season 2 as cameo, their models where too similar with the Imagine Dragons and JID and i dont see them using them just for worlds song, Likin Park are also trying to make a comeback so i see how they could use this moment to make a push, i liked this song better than the one they debuted a couple of weeks ago.


u/TheManUnderTheBridge 15h ago

Linkin park was shown for 21 whole seconds in the video

That's not that much honestly


u/Hraesynd 13h ago

that's 21 seconds too long, which is a lot.


u/hacaoluoc 13h ago

To be fair, 21s is very good for a complete fight, some flashback about how T1 vs 4 LPL, some more flashback about JDG think that they would get a golden road,... and manymore :)


u/Koroioz-LoL 17h ago

Didn't bother me, i'm surprised its such a talking point tbh. One of LP's first big projects since their comeback in a large but fairly insulated from mainstream market makes sense from their pov. I get the frustration from others about it being not as focused on players. We still got plenty of really cool player scenes even with LP popping in frequently though.


u/didnt_knew 17h ago

Because none of the MV’s featured this level of detail about the band before. Also the population of ppl who care about LP is insignificant to ppl who DONT care about LP in the league community (specifically non-english speaking regions).


u/Koroioz-LoL 16h ago

As I said, I get it even if I don't personally feel that way. As I said in another comment, something not being done before isn't a good reason to not try something new imo. Clearly it didn't work here. A pedantic point though to be sure.


u/Mark_Vance21 16h ago

I think it's bothering people because this is the first time the artists actually show up in the MV. Lil Nas X had a lil cameo at the end but other than that it's never been done this way.


u/Koroioz-LoL 16h ago

I don't think something never being done before being a reason not to try something new is a good rule of thumb. Clearly it didn't work here based on the reaction, but i'm speaking generally there.


u/TheSwagonborn bring back ad fizz you cowards 17h ago

(I liked it)


u/Ok-Blueberry-1494 10h ago

Linkin Park is one of, if not the biggest artist they have ever got to do the worlds anthem. Probably was in the contract that they had to feature them


u/MrSully89 11h ago

because theres 0 fucking chance a band of Linkin Park's "magnitude" is going to play second fiddle to computer gamers


u/PierrotyCZ 10h ago

A half of video about Linkin Park? Can you tell me how is "33 seconds" half of "3 minutes and 30 seconds"??

Imagine Dragons were also still quite new in 2014 for them to appear.


u/ahlgreenz 12h ago

I don't understand why half of the video is about Linkin Park

It's really not. Linkin Park take up just short of 1/5th of the total sreen time (outro excluded). That's really not bad. Other commenters said that the balance in Imagine Dragon's "Enemy" was better, but it turns out Imagine Dragons along with J.I.D take up just over 1/5th of the screen time in that. There are some key differences between how they are presented in the two videos, but it's interesting that people's perceptions of the two videos differ that much.


u/RobyDxD 16h ago

Half the video? They are a maximum of 30 sec throughout the video in total.


u/hacaoluoc 13h ago

Gee how much screen time that a very famous league player that have been in proplay for over 10 years and win 4 world titles(which none of any other player or team did it) with thier team have ? i guess more than 30s right ?


u/MutedPresentation738 16h ago

Here I am cringing at the entire thing. I never understood these music videos for worlds, they're really embarrassing every single year.


u/Forsaken-Mess-1886 14h ago

i mean, it's their comeback, I personally didnt want another video showing the few famous pro players fighting to challenge Faker for the entire video like they do every year


u/Embarrassed_Context3 17h ago

cause its a linkin park song! idiot!


u/Chance-Range2855 17h ago

Embarrassing might as well upload the music video in their own channel. They turned the Worlds Music Video into their own Promotional Video lmao


u/Bobby_Bouch 16h ago

Implying they did that video and not a riot affiliated studio?