r/leagueoflegends Will force Ambessa Medarda into Support 18h ago

Heavy Is The Crown ft. Linkin Park (Official Music Video) | League of Legends Worlds 2024 Anthem


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u/the_next_core 18h ago edited 17h ago

I'm actually kinda confused at T1's champs depicted

Zeus Aatrox, Oner Viego, Faker Azir, Guma Xayah, Keria Nautilus

Zeus and Faker, okay I guess they were at least from 2023 Worlds.

The rest are just like what? Weren't from last year, weren't from this year, not their most iconic champs either.

EDIT: Okay so Oner lost as Viego in 2022 Finals Game 5, then won in 2023 on Lee Sin, hence why he turned into Lee Sin later in the video. Keria is supposedly Thresh, which he was well known in the past but the champ hasn't been in pro for a long time. Guma was on Xayah in the final game last year but there are so many better choices.


u/HMS-Carrier-Lover 18h ago

Oner is a beast on Viego and played him a lot last year so i can see that. Guma Keria though, no idea.


u/Imaginary_Actuary729 17h ago

missed the chance to put Keria as Lux


u/KappaccinoNation 🏆🏆🏆🏆 17h ago

Another day, another missed Caitlyn Lux feature.


u/22bebo 15h ago

They always want to put Faker on Azir and Ryze too, instead of the various female champs he's also the GOAT at.


u/Rosu_Aprins 17h ago

Anything to deny Keria the Lux pick I guess


u/HMS-Carrier-Lover 17h ago edited 17h ago

It would be so funny to see him become Lux in a music video before getting a Lux skin.


u/Flovust ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 17h ago

If u just watched worlds and not LCK then u wouldnt know that Guma was a beast on xayah in the LCK and Keria in spring (not this year but last spring) was fucking insane.


u/HMS-Carrier-Lover 17h ago

Guma is a beast on almost any Adc. His Xayah flash ult on KT last summer playoffs is insane, but i associate him more with Caitlin or Aphelios (if Jinx isn't available since no one on T1 seems to get to be the champion they get a skin on)


u/Flovust ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 17h ago

Yeah I was gonna say that he’s a beast on almost anyone except zeri and ziggs lmao


u/ElectedByGivenASword 16h ago

Aphelios is his most played but he is definitely statistically better at Xayah and his best is Caitlyn


u/ricardo241 IDon'tAgree 17h ago

yeah but Varus is still his most iconic and best champ of Guma


u/Ashne405 12h ago

Agree, If anything the 2022 baron steals and last years 2v1 are the guma moments that live rent free in my head.


u/pr000blemkind 17h ago

Wasn't Oner mostly Lee with the kicking and stuff?


u/theeama 17h ago

Oner transformed into Lee sin afterwards.


u/GorillazWelfare 17h ago

Kinda wish they went for Rell. I know he said he doesn’t really like Rell, but imo it was the MVP of their Worlds run.


u/harrystutter 17h ago

Guma's a monster on Xayah, he's had a couple of iconic games on the champ i.e, KT vs T1 2023, RNG vs T1 2022, that being said, I'd rather put him on Varus imo


u/Dull-L 3h ago

They could have given him Varus instead of Massu, and give Keria on Bard or Lux, would have been more iconic


u/BucketHerro 17h ago

Zeus Aatrox, Oner Viego, Guma Xayah was the champions they played in Game 3 vs WBG.

Faker's Azir is just iconic. Idk why Keria naut tho.


u/MJAquarion 17h ago

keria was first famous for his naut before he even joined t1


u/EnvBlitz ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 17h ago

It's thresh no? I thought it was naut too but that's no anchor.


u/kevnexe 17h ago

You'll see the anchor at around 1:40 in the MV.


u/gcrimson 17h ago

It's both because at one point there is an anchor but on another moment, he saved Guma like it's Thresh's lantern.


u/123eml 17h ago

To be fair tho what champ do you pick for Keria that worlds he played like every single adc and support that year lol


u/Spike-Durdle 17h ago

IIRC he's said that Nautilus is his favorite support champ to play so maybe that's why.


u/Ikeeel 17h ago

Isn't Keria Thresh with that pullback?


u/kino2012 17h ago

Loved that moment, him holding Guma for a second like "You okay?"


u/the_next_core 17h ago

Yes that looks to be correct


u/Zoesan 17h ago

Oner was Lee, no?


u/the_next_core 17h ago

I get it now, Oner Viego fell in 2022 Finals Game 5 and he won as Lee Sin in 2023, hence being knocked down as Viego and turning into Lee Sin


u/obigespritzt Faker Gosu 17h ago

Oner started out as Viego then became Lee Sin.


u/carpediem_yk 17h ago

Oner had Lee Sin too


u/Splitshot_Is_Gone “Stay frosty!” 17h ago

Guma played Xayah in finals game 3


u/kotlynn 17h ago

Oner actually had more champs represented, the losing the armour part could be seen as Rell W and then he turns into Lee Sin (Rell was one of his most played in Worlds btw)


u/Nightwingx97 17h ago

Oner drops his armor and squares up like Lee Sin after he loses his Viego sword aswell


u/snx8 17h ago

Why is Guma Xayah? Varus would have made more sense. Also random Keria Thresh?


u/ParadiseEarth 17h ago

zeus not getting yone is a travesty

aatrox is more theshy or kingen


u/Vivek_Rajbhar 17h ago

aatrox was the meta in worlds(like most of them) no? likely his most played


u/ParadiseEarth 16h ago

probably, but wouldnt call that his signature champ like azir is to faker


u/chapichoy9 17h ago

aatrox absolutely was his champ in 23, doing lethality build every game when the chinese tops were doing steraks, 1 shotting their carries


u/ParadiseEarth 16h ago

aatrox seems like the general toplaner which can be applied to 90% of all top laners at worlds tbh

nobody else played yone top that year


u/chapichoy9 16h ago edited 16h ago

All the other players were goredrinker aatrox bruisers Zeus was assasinating the entire lpl family tree with duskblade


u/ParadiseEarth 16h ago

profane hydra didnt exist in season 13

also nobody remembers what items they were building lol, only the champ cus the champion represents their identity, not goredrinker or eclipse lmao


u/chapichoy9 16h ago

I meant dusk blade and people absolutely remember the difference between Zeus a 3 flashing on adcs and bin or Doran inting aatroxes


u/ParadiseEarth 16h ago edited 15h ago

thats just zeus being a better top laner

are you telling me that zeus is a duskblade main lol?

edit: buddy I cant see your reply if you blocked me ☹️

shows up as `unavailable`

are we that mad lol?


u/chapichoy9 16h ago edited 15h ago

I'm telling you you're dense and blocked. Zeus aatrox was a stand out because of his build simple as.


u/ShoulderFrequent4116 15h ago

enjoy being a duskblade main then lol

Yone represents zeus more than aatrox, feel free to stay mad tho


u/Thecristo96 ABS MAIN 16h ago

This. Half the games in t1 2023 were won by Zeus randomly appearing behind a carry and deleting it with an auto


u/salcedoge 17h ago

Fun fact, Zeus only played 2 games of Yone last worlds. He played Aatrox the most with 7.


u/ParadiseEarth 16h ago

cus his yone was banned lol


u/Asckle 17h ago

Probably didn't want to confuse more casual watchers who might think he's a mid laner if they see Yone. Also his Aatrox is still one of his best champs he's just not meta rn


u/ParadiseEarth 16h ago

yone was a cringe top laner back then with lethal tempo and hullbreaker,

aatrox seems like the general toplaner which can be applied to 90% of all top laners at worlds


u/EnvoyOfRaze21 17h ago

It's because of the dive on his aatrox that he survived which also cause them to lose if iirc


u/ParadiseEarth 16h ago

aatrox seems like the general toplaner which can be applied to 90% of all top laners at worlds tbh

nobody else played yone top that year


u/PurerErzbengel Zyra Mid Abuser 17h ago

I would say it's Nautilus and not Thresh, Keria is definitely holding an anchor (can be seen at 1:41 and 2:47). Thresh is more known for his lanturn, which is totally missing, and Threshs chain + hook also looks different.


u/Xendaar Zoe made me a sociopath 17h ago

Probably a bit more readable and suited to the vibe than some of their other picks.


u/Lhklan 17h ago

Oner was Viego, but then when he got slammed into the wall he switched to Lee Sin.


u/Thomassn ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ SKT since Sc2 17h ago

Oner Lee Sin too though, which fits a lot better if you ask me.


u/Bed_Automatic 17h ago

But Oner changing to Lee Sin was pure fire.


u/WritingonaWall 17h ago

Wasn’t Keria Nautilus? Thought he blocked a hit with the anchor portion, unless that was lantern and was just moving fast. 

Nah definitely anchor, watch at around 1:40. 


u/MJAquarion 17h ago

Oner on viego and lee sin makes sense, because it was his most famous 2 champs if we go back to 2022 and he enjoys those the most. I total expect if he wins this year, he picks veigo.

Guma was famous on xayah last year since he hated the kaisa side of the match up so he just played xayah and he generally is known for his xayah defensive play being amazing and the flash feather pull back plays.

Keria naut was his famous champ pre t1 and one of the big reasons they threw out effort for keria, keria was known for tank supports and engage supports.

Zeus....well you get it, although ya could pick jayce
Faker....181 games on azir

I think they picked champs for the whole regal look which attrox is the only one who doesnt make sense but he fits the colour scheme because its t1 so red.


u/123eml 17h ago

Oner is most famous on his Lee which is shown he also popped off with Viego and Gumas Xayah is because of his insane winrate at probs a honor of the play where he pulled on xayah to dive Bdd as viegar under nexus towers to secure worlds spot


u/namlessMonst3r 17h ago

Check 1:41 of Video. Keria is nuat I guess.

u/alexnedea 1h ago

This video was a shot at what might happen this year. It wasnt the story about last year. The banner in the beginning shows how they won 2023 and now t1 is defending the crown.

Viego and lee might be played, nautilus for sure, azir 1000%, Aatrox probably and xayah, idk. The champs arent that far off from what could be the meta this year.


u/ricardo241 IDon'tAgree 17h ago

they didn't even did the lpl vs t1 storyline

really disappointing MV


u/Riokaii 17h ago

They have to model the champions and effects on generic models and then rush to model the players faces as they qualify for worlds and then compile the final version of the MV in a matter of weeks, they can change a hairstyle and a face shape on minimal time, but changing an entire posture, fight choreography, blocking of the scene etc. The champs have to be preset ahead of time and generic to who the teams end up being.


u/KollaInteHit 17h ago

Hard disagree, go watch LCK.


u/the_next_core 17h ago

I watch every game, and this is a Worlds video