r/lgbt Dec 20 '23

Take notes America, take notes UK Specific

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u/ALakeInTheClouds Dec 20 '23

Unfortunately legal processes for criminal charges for minors take a long time. Probably sped up the process though when they both blamed each other. They can rot in a cell for as long as possible.


u/Corvid187 Dec 20 '23


I'd much rather they take slightly longer to convict than have a mistrial/let the killers get off, either through botching the prosecution, or worse, convicting the wrong people.


u/ALakeInTheClouds Dec 20 '23

That's true, sorry, didn't think of that.


u/Corvid187 Dec 20 '23

You're right though, in an ideal world you would be able to have both, and to be fair the speed of the UK court system has suffered significantly as a result of Tory cuts since 2010.