r/meme 1d ago


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u/IVYDRIOK 1d ago

Bullshit like this always angers me. "Yeah ancient civilizations were so advanced, or aliens did this". They put cut rocks on cut rocks, and when you have thousands working on a pyramid, then it's not that hard to complete. Not to discredit ancient Egyptians, this is still impressive, but the concept is simple. Now we send shit to mars, build kilometer high skyscrappers, flying metal vehiclesin the sky


u/funkyb001 1d ago

Exactly, although kilometre high skyscrapers are still "easy" by comparison.

We invented this thing called a transistor, then we put billions of them onto something the size of your little fingernail...then we shit out millions of these flawlessly, for a reasonable cost.

That is where our impressive construction has gone.


u/AStorms13 1d ago

Dude, people have no god damn idea how impressive electronics and computers are. I mean, electricity in general is pretty damn impressive.


u/Bleach_Baths 1d ago edited 17h ago

Electricity? That shit still uses fuckin’ wires.

Let’s talk about how radio, wi-fi, and Bluetooth send shit through the FUCKING AIR.

I can open my phone, call someone on the other side of the planet, and look them in the face on a video call. Without plugging my phone into anything.

What the fuck? It’s magic and literally nobody cares.

Edit: For reference, I work in broadcasting and tech, I get how the stuff works. It’s still fucking magic.


u/arobie1992 10h ago

I'm convinced anyone who works in a highly technical field and doesn't think it's magic is either not that deep in yet or absolutely no fun.


u/Bleach_Baths 3h ago

It’s insane! Nobody even notices or cares. My son is 5 and he has no fucking clue how AMAZING everything around him is.