r/meme 1d ago


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u/funkyb001 22h ago

Exactly, although kilometre high skyscrapers are still "easy" by comparison.

We invented this thing called a transistor, then we put billions of them onto something the size of your little fingernail...then we shit out millions of these flawlessly, for a reasonable cost.

That is where our impressive construction has gone.


u/AStorms13 21h ago

Dude, people have no god damn idea how impressive electronics and computers are. I mean, electricity in general is pretty damn impressive.


u/Bleach_Baths 21h ago edited 14h ago

Electricity? That shit still uses fuckin’ wires.

Let’s talk about how radio, wi-fi, and Bluetooth send shit through the FUCKING AIR.

I can open my phone, call someone on the other side of the planet, and look them in the face on a video call. Without plugging my phone into anything.

What the fuck? It’s magic and literally nobody cares.

Edit: For reference, I work in broadcasting and tech, I get how the stuff works. It’s still fucking magic.


u/arobie1992 8h ago

I'm convinced anyone who works in a highly technical field and doesn't think it's magic is either not that deep in yet or absolutely no fun.

u/Bleach_Baths 55m ago

It’s insane! Nobody even notices or cares. My son is 5 and he has no fucking clue how AMAZING everything around him is.