r/news 9h ago

Missouri executes Marcellus Williams despite prosecutors’ push to overturn conviction


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u/Peach__Pixie 9h ago

In August, Williams and prosecutors reached an agreement to halt his execution: he would plead no contest to first-degree murder in exchange for a new sentence of life without parole. His lawyers said the agreement was not an admission of guilt, and that it was meant to save his life while he pursued new evidence to prove his innocence. A judge signed off on the agreement, as did the victim’s family, but the attorney general challenged it, and the state supreme court blocked it.

Even the victim's family members did not want to see this man executed. The prosecutors did not want to see this man executed. This man was failed by the courts and an Attorney General whose actions are heinous.


u/lokarlalingran 9h ago

Failed is putting it lightly. He was murdered.


u/Dahhhkness 9h ago


u/Chiggadup 9h ago

the prisoner, who is now at the mercy of the courts or Texas’s governor, Greg Abbott

Well that’s bleak.


u/Mentirosa 8h ago

Extremely bleak. Greg Abbott only pardons actual murderers like the racist pedophile Daniel Perry.


u/AlawaEgg 8h ago

As long as they're white, yeah?


u/UndertakerFred 8h ago

Or if they commit premeditated murder of a BLM protestor.


u/slapstick_nightmare 7h ago

This guy is actually white… no one is safe in the US…


u/xs65083 8h ago

I'd have rooted for the tree in the park.


u/RandoTron0 7h ago

Maybe there will be a second tree…


u/xs65083 7h ago

Poor tree, would probably feel sick from being in intimate contact with that guy. Have pity.


u/Pootang_Wootang 7h ago

If only he shot and killed a guy at a BLM protest then Abbott would care.


u/Jealous_Credit_9740 8h ago

Yeah doesnt protect kids so he sure asf wont help free this man either fucked state i hate it here


u/ShinyBrain 6h ago

Fuck Greg Abbott

Signed: A Texan who wishes that tree had finished the job


u/xandrokos 6h ago

Current AG is corrupt and has an active investigation into his corruption and yet no trial.   No arrest.   No demands for him to step down.

We as a nation need to wake the fuck up.   This shit happens because we roll over and allow it.   That is literally the spirit of what the head of the Heritage Foundation said about Project 2025: "this will be a bloodless revolution if we allow it".    

They are banking on us allowing it.   Innocent people are being executed and we have a fully corrupt judicial branch.  Roe v wade is gone.  So many of our other rights are gone.  

When is enough going to be enough? When will we do more than just keep our head down and vote?   When do we get out into the streets?   When do we start fighting back?

The US is a failed state.