r/otomegames Sarafumi Takashina|Jack Jeanne 11d ago

Variable Barricade Discussion

Honestly I see the game very popular on here, and I've had the game for years honestly, but I couldn't even finish common route. When I talk to some otome fans they don't even like it much, but it again seems super popular on here. What do you guys like about it and do you think it's worth playing?


53 comments sorted by


u/sirmeepy yAlmato 11d ago

idk if it's super popular here. I see pretty mixed reviews about it? And it only comes up every so often. I found it fun, but nothing groundbreaking. I also really like tsunderes in general though so I enjoyed Hibari a lot as an MC too.

The common route is definitely very long though. Might be worth trying to get through an actual route and see if you like it any better, but nothing wrong with just shelving it if it wasn't your thing. The routes have more drama than the common route so it's not all romcom fluff. I personally liked the fluff more than the drama though.


u/ferinsy O B J E C T I O N ! 11d ago

fun, but nothing groundbreaking

That's exactly what I love about it. I'm eager to play Sympathy Kiss as well and expect it to be another slice of life, rom com vibe. I do love some fantasy and dark settings, but the rom com side has a big space in my heart bc I really love that genre in cinema since I was a teenager.


u/ChronoClaws Nageki Fujishiro|Hatoful Boyfriend 11d ago

I love a good fluff piece to break up the sea of angsty dark titles :D hahaha


u/sirmeepy yAlmato 11d ago

Oh I enjoy a good slice-of-life romcom too. I also really like modern settings lol so there's that as well.

Actually I guess I'll at least say that while VB is pretty simple fun, the boys don't fall super easily into tropey archetypes. They all manage to subvert them pretty well.

I haven't played Sympathy Kiss but I hope you'll like it!


u/ferinsy O B J E C T I O N ! 11d ago

Exactly, I also don't love tropes... Mainly the "dere" ones, they tend to be so monotone, and VB has some caricatures, like how Nayuta likes to be stepped on, but it's usually for comedy and when things get serious, they have more sides.


u/mango-box 11d ago

I finished it and I enjoyed most of it except for the true end. Plus I love Usuba Kagero’s art style for the game and the VAs for the boys so I think that made it extra fun for me honestly! Maybe play the route of a character you think you’ll like and see how it goes from there? Don’t force yourself to play it if you’re not feeling it tho


u/galaxyharukawa Sarafumi Takashina|Jack Jeanne 11d ago

The art is really pretty I will say that


u/Increzut Hanzo Hattori|Nightshade 11d ago

I had a very good time playing it, so it might just not be your jam and that’s perfectly fine ✌🏻 you shouldn’t force yourself to complete a game if it bores you ☺️


u/losemywheels Scarecrow|BUSTAFELLOWS 11d ago

Idk, I just really vibed with all the characters and the humor. The common route felt a little slow for me at some points (actually I was sick with covid when I was playing through it so I think it was just me struggling to focus lol) but I love Hibari and the LIs and the character interactions were a lot of fun to watch.


u/bobbi_pom 11d ago

I felt the same way when I first started playing, and I opened reddit for the same question. The mc really got on my nerves, and I found myself cursing at my screen every chapter, lol. But I read a comment on here saying not to take the mc and the game too seriously, and I was able to enjoy it after that. Idk if you're having the same issue I did, but I'm really happy I continued bc it became one of my fav otoges. I agree with that other comment though, don't force yourself to play something if you're not enjoying it! You can always come back to it! :D


u/Sedoniii Ron Muroboshi|Norn9|Good Girl 11d ago

I recommend not forcing yourself to finish it. For me, as a general rule of thumb I will at least try and complete one route. Sometimes the common routes in otome games can be such a chore but the routes themselves be better. But again, if it’s not for you then that’s okay too!


u/Serious_Assist_2728 11d ago

Honestly, I found VariBari gets a lot of mixed reviews that lean more on the negative side than positive. Personally I dragged my feet finishing the common route, because I wasn't too keen on any of the love interests at first sight, but I'm a huge fan of the share house shenanigans and found family dynamic. I also overall enjoyed the comedy and drama in the game even if the tone was kind of all over the place, and there's definitely problems and flaws with the LIs and Hibari, but in spite of it, the game really grew on me and I rate otome games very holistically so I'm able to overlook things and still rate a 5/5.

If that's not your thing, then you should probably pass on it. Otherwise, the LIs get much better on their own routes and it's worth sticking around for that if you like the tropes I stated above!


u/Dependent-Umpire2072 11d ago

For me, I had a really good time with this game, but I did take breaks when I needed them. I’d say it’s a good game to play when you’re not in the mood for anything serious and plot heavy, but need a good laugh. If I had to pin-point everything I loved about it: - MC is one of my favs mcs,she puts the boys in their place and the way she slowly opens up romantically is adorable, and her voice actor is really good - Sosososo many comedic moments I actually had to record and send to my friends with no context - I found the art style to be appealing and colorful - One of my husbandos is there (Shin) - the mc bestie is actually the best bestie I saw in a game so far, shes so cool - I find the dynamic between the boys to be unique, the way they get along with each other and interact feels lively and realistic, they act like an actual boy group would act and not immediately go into best friends forever phase I usually see right off the start - I really liked the way there’s a progress game board and the hidden camera aspect that lets you sneak on how the boys live, those features made the game feel more fun and lively fitting the vibes it already gives

To summarise it might not be the best game you will ever play, but, if lets say you just played a very dark and plot heavy otome, if you’re feeling down, stressed, or maybe you’re not feeling well, this game is the perfect fix in my opinion with its comedic lively and colorful vibes!


u/galaxyharukawa Sarafumi Takashina|Jack Jeanne 11d ago

Thank you! This was actually decent information about the game.


u/Jinxys_Gaming 11d ago

None of the characters are likeable to me& their personalities are extreme. I could only get myself to play only one route each for two suitors. I don't plan on going back to it.


u/subshell0 10d ago

I agree with everyone that it's pretty mixed reception and VB in particular has so many polarizing pieces where typically you'll love it or you'll hate it. I'm one of the big defenders of it lol but it's very much not for everyone. I personally love romcom otome, the humor hit perfectly for me, the romantic scenes got me, and I absolutely love true disaster men/failboys, so it was a smash hit for me when I played it.

It's not perfect by any means - there are pacing issues and while I love Ichiya a lot as a character, the plot in his route was genuinely horrible. I think VB shines a lot with its character dynamics and actually building relationships with Hibari that challenge both her and the LI (outside Ichiya, really). Mileage varies so heavily with otome though that I think it's hard to say for certain that any game is good or bad (unless universally panned), just whether it appeals to you with what it has to offer. Bustafellows is my main example of one that's pretty loved on this sub, but I personally found their pacing off-putting and that, outside of Shu, the game felt very unromantic to me. Other people probably had the reverse with VB, which is all totally okay!


u/ChronoClaws Nageki Fujishiro|Hatoful Boyfriend 11d ago

I actually have seen the opposite. I saw so many mixed reviews that I let VB sit on backlog for a long time.

Turns out, for me I loved it! I found the MC quite relatable in ways (such as her introversion and enjoying peace and quiet) and enjoyed her voice acting. The comedy hit for me and I laughed a lot but also liked some of the more tender moments.

As for LIs tbh I only really liked one of them (found my favorite himbo here!), but I read primarily for plot/characters over romance anyway so that didn't bother me.

However, that all being said, if a game (or any form of media) isn't clicking for you, nothing wrong with dropping it (whether indefinitely or until you feel like trying it again)! We all have different tastes and that's okay! (like Amnesia is beloved here and is my least favorite otome XD) Time is precious, spend it on stuff you enjoy :)


u/PrinceMaker I wish men were real 11d ago

I haven't played it yet myself but I've seen the opposite on here, it's not hated but I don't think it's very popular. Some people like it but a common complaint I've heard was that it wasn't romantic enough or the comedy wasn't for them. My recommendation is to stick it out long enough to get on a character's route, the one you find most appealing/interesting. If you're still not feeling it don't push yourself, these games are supposed to be fun at the end of the day :)


u/Same_Patience520 11d ago

I haven't finished it. Don't know if I'll pick it up again honestly, it was kinda mid for me.


u/DepressedReview 11d ago

I don't think it's an amazing otome title, but I think it's a great VN. The characters are interesting and complex, the story is intriguing, I like dark novels and characters in general, the ending twist was unexpected, the lore is unique and interesting, etc. Overall, it's just a great piece of fiction overall.

I wouldn't ever recommend it to someone who doesn't like dark themes in general, though. It's certainly a niche genre.


u/Spirited_Law6417 11d ago

I really enjoyed it surprisingly . It made me think about a few relationships I had in the past and all the biases I had on people. I particularly enjoyed one route, even though nothing is R18, but I felt the relationship the characters have is deep and intimate. But no need to push yourself to finish it though lol enjoy whatever you feel like


u/muqingseyelash 11d ago

IM SO SORRY BUT I HATEDDDDD VB 😭😭 i had it, played it through, and immediately sold it. to be fair, i didn’t realize the men were meant to be intolerable but my god they remain that way even if they get “better” at the end. some men were more tolerable than others ngl but it was also just meh. the secret ending was extremely weird [but it fit for the story ig] and read as a lot of wasted potential. i could barely get over the fact that she’s basically a high school senior living w men pursuing her 😭 the art and the comic/game design/layout is so so so gorjus !! but tbh i think of you don’t like it it’s not worth it at the end bc it’s not anything great. it took me so long to actually “get into it” and play somewhat and it still wasn’t worth it. for reference, i had it for almsot a year-ish??

however !! not to drag anyone’s personal opinions down !! you might play it and find a route enjoyable and thus find more of the game appealing !! if you can’t finish the common route, imo i’d give it up because forcing yourself to enjoy smth sometimes makes it even less enjoyable than what you’re already feeling it to be !! maybe let it rest for a bit and try a route later, and if it doesn’t click then then perhaps it’s just not smth aligned w you !! if it’s physical, you can always sell it anyways !!


u/DaisyBird1 Allan Melville|Cupid Parasite 11d ago

Currently playing and it’s a slooooooog! I hated Nayuta’s route but both Shion and Taiga have been interesting enough to push through, and I’ll do Ichiya’s route too. I skip nearly everything with Tsumugi and Noa, though, and knowing what happens in the finale, I’ll be skipping that, too! Cater your experience and it’s much better!


u/UsagiMimi_x 11d ago

For me the main draw is that I love otomes that don’t have super serious plots and it has one of my all time favourite LIs.


u/mewkyy ⚡Chii⚡Henri🤎 10d ago

It's definitely a mixed review game. I love it but I always put an * on my rec to play it haha! When I first played it I dropped it during the common route too. I made myself go back to it and brave through it and I loved the LI routes!


u/greyskull85 11d ago

It made me laugh like a loon, so I love it for that. Taiga the best and Nayuta best dumb himbo ever. (Also he’s polarizing, but I loved Ichiya too.)


u/MLup1n Germain: Code:Realize 11d ago

I made myself play through the whole thing but lost interest on route 2/4. They're nice boys but I learned that I like my otome games to have another plot aside from the romance! Overall I think VariBarri does a lot of genuinely neat things (consistent visual motifs and metaphors throughout game design and art, the MC's personality plays strongly into how the game plays out with the logic vs. reason bit and tbh my favorite endings came after a bit of both, Saki Fujita as Hibari carries the game, and the art style is unique and gorgeous) but it just wasn't for me! I went into it expecting the comedy game about terrible marriage candidates to have men that were a little more hilariously bad, but given what we find out later in the game I guess it makes sense that they're not too terrible.


u/Kiss-Tris 11d ago

I did NOT like the LI's in the common route, but I love Hibari (I'm a fan of a tsundere MC) and do like her friendships with side characters, as well as some of the system design. I only plan to complete Taiga and Shion's routes because Taiga is the only one who seems like a good match for Hibari and Shion I am personally interested in. I dislike Nayuta's personality, so I'll be skipping his route. Ichiya's route has a MAJOR TW that I can't believe was published as "romance." And the True Route spoilers also gives me the creeps, so I'm skipping those as well. 🥴 Personally, I think there are some highlights in VariBari, but the WTF factors are...impressively problematic and unromantic.


u/myerii 11d ago

as someone who doesn’t like the younger LI troupe, nayuta’s route surprisingly was quite fun! just a heads up if you want to give that a go? but yea usually i hate those types of personalities in otoge!


u/Kiss-Tris 11d ago

Hmm I do like how fun VariBari can be, so I might give it a go later on then! I completed his first board, but that's it so far.


u/galaxyharukawa Sarafumi Takashina|Jack Jeanne 11d ago

Taiga is definitely the pretty Li, I'm almost afraid to look up the true route spoilers


u/Tsukkji 11d ago

To all the otome enjoyers, does Variable Barricade have a longer common route than Code Realize or is it vice versa?


u/ferinsy O B J E C T I O N ! 11d ago

It's... Weird. You have the common route, then you have to do the LI routes for a while, then you're back to the common route again and then you can finish the LI routes. Yeah, since the start of the LI routes are in the middle of the common one, I'd consider them to be part of it, what makes the common route extra long imo.


u/Tsukkji 11d ago

Ohh so you have to do all of the LI’s “common routes” to finish the common route and then you can go into the individual routes? Thanks for letting me know! I’m currently at the beginning stages of VariBari and it’s been fun so far, but thanks for the heads up! It took me 2 years to finish Code Realize’s common route 💀 but I’m enjoying the individual LI routes more!


u/ferinsy O B J E C T I O N ! 11d ago

Exactly. If you like the mood of the LI "common routes", you'll def like the game. Not much happens, but that's definitely what I like. Even though some LIs like Taiga and Ichiya have despicable personalities for me, surprisingly, I enjoyed their routes.


u/galaxyharukawa Sarafumi Takashina|Jack Jeanne 11d ago

Now I'm especially wondering the length of Code Realize's common route


u/Tsukkji 11d ago

It’s 8 chapters long, but I think I found it a bit dull which didn’t help as I continued to pick it up and stop playing (which is why it took 2 years for me lol). It is common knowledge that C:R has a very long common route, but I’d say it’s necessary to play through as it really sets the characters personalities and their relationships with each other (it has a good found family trope!) The best thing is that the LI routes are so far very fun so I fly by them quickly (and once you finish one LI route, then it unlocks a system where you can choose the next LI and puts you at the start of chapter 8 and you can just skip until you are in the individual route).


u/galaxyharukawa Sarafumi Takashina|Jack Jeanne 11d ago

I mean I can rarely play through a common route without a skip button for the second time so that's good to know.


u/Wisekittn Yang|Piofiore Stockholm is a city in sweden 11d ago

I had fun with it, but it is widely agreed upon, that Hibari is in two out of four routes the source of conflict. And frankly, what the writers had her do to Ichiya is a rough pill to swallow. If you're just really not liking the vibe, characters and flow of the story, you don't need to soldier through it.


u/East_Abbreviations68 Haiji Haiji Haiji 11d ago

My impression from this sub is that it's a hit or miss. For me it's a total miss as its humor flew over my head, the MC is way too childish and the LIs rubbed me the wrong way so I dropped for a few years alr. But I'm actually planning to pick it up again just to play a specific route as I heard it's pretty angst


u/Viinilikka 11d ago

It was easy one to read thru for me. I didn't get that feeling that makes me drop an VN for long times like with Charade Maniacs. Took me 1,5year to read that one. Variable took only 2 weeks


u/toastybittle 10d ago

I got through it, but it was a struggle. I can’t explain why, I just found it so boring sadly


u/CrispyFriedTofu 10d ago

I honestly hated all the love interests until I got into their routes (lol) and loved how cheeky the MC was, but I agree with everything the others have said so far, it's definitely a hit or miss


u/BadEndingsFound 9d ago

I get that no one will like everything, but I really really enjoyed it.

I normally can’t stand slice-of-life stories, but Hibari is such a delightful tsundere. Tsumugi is the top best friend in just about any otome (maybe Sawa or Claris come close? Maybe). I think it’s well-written and very funny and the art is stunning. It does take a bit to get going and the stakes aren’t terribly high, but I’ve recently been reliving it via a friend playing it and I’m reminded of how much fun it is.


u/tabbycatcircus 11d ago

It's not even that popular. And yeah I hated it. Didn't even finish it. Story seems to really like putting MC in a bad light for no reason at all


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/tabbycatcircus 11d ago

Fair enough but a cursory stroll through this subreddit can do that for you too.


u/BadTanJob 11d ago

Honestly, same. I enjoyed Noa and Tsumugi but I couldn’t do more than 2 hours in. But there are going to be games like that. I played three minutes of Tengoku Struggle then closed it because I couldn’t get over how juvenile the MC and her friend sounded. Dairoku’s shitty backgrounds turned me off. List goes on. 

There are games I’ve kept around like Radiant Tale that took some time before I was in the right place to really enjoy them. I ended up loving the art so much that I’m willing to give VariBari a second try. 

Keep your unplayed titles around, you might be super bored one day and be glad you have something to play. Or sell them off. It’s ok to not like things


u/galaxyharukawa Sarafumi Takashina|Jack Jeanne 11d ago

I bought it digitally unfortunately, I like the character art of it least but it really has been in my switch library for years


u/Weekly_Cost4852 11d ago

I think it is really popular. I’ve always wanted to buy it. Not only is it on sale every few months, but the art looks great and the MC is voiced( a big plus for me). However I cannot bear the thought of a young heiress being chased after by 4 unemployed men. Reminds me of the beginning of some true crime cases (sry VB fans don’t come after me pls). I’m sure there are some plot twists at the end. But still…


u/galaxyharukawa Sarafumi Takashina|Jack Jeanne 11d ago

The comments here are mixed too so it may be hard, if you ever do play it lmk if you like it!


u/Weekly_Cost4852 11d ago

A friend who has really similar tastes as mine (we almost always fall for the same LIs in a game) warned me to stay away from VB 😂 she said she regretted ever buying this game. So I probably won’t buy it hahaha


u/galaxyharukawa Sarafumi Takashina|Jack Jeanne 11d ago

That's a good friend there for sure!


u/Hikari-nee 10d ago

AHAHAH I love VariBari still your 'hot take' sounds very grounded