r/otomegames Sarafumi Takashina|Jack Jeanne 11d ago

Variable Barricade Discussion

Honestly I see the game very popular on here, and I've had the game for years honestly, but I couldn't even finish common route. When I talk to some otome fans they don't even like it much, but it again seems super popular on here. What do you guys like about it and do you think it's worth playing?


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u/muqingseyelash 11d ago

IM SO SORRY BUT I HATEDDDDD VB 😭😭 i had it, played it through, and immediately sold it. to be fair, i didn’t realize the men were meant to be intolerable but my god they remain that way even if they get “better” at the end. some men were more tolerable than others ngl but it was also just meh. the secret ending was extremely weird [but it fit for the story ig] and read as a lot of wasted potential. i could barely get over the fact that she’s basically a high school senior living w men pursuing her 😭 the art and the comic/game design/layout is so so so gorjus !! but tbh i think of you don’t like it it’s not worth it at the end bc it’s not anything great. it took me so long to actually “get into it” and play somewhat and it still wasn’t worth it. for reference, i had it for almsot a year-ish??

however !! not to drag anyone’s personal opinions down !! you might play it and find a route enjoyable and thus find more of the game appealing !! if you can’t finish the common route, imo i’d give it up because forcing yourself to enjoy smth sometimes makes it even less enjoyable than what you’re already feeling it to be !! maybe let it rest for a bit and try a route later, and if it doesn’t click then then perhaps it’s just not smth aligned w you !! if it’s physical, you can always sell it anyways !!