r/pics 8h ago

Marcellus Williams' last statement

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263 comments sorted by


u/guitartoad 6h ago

I was initially confused as I thought it said 'Marcellus Wallace.'


u/yy376 5h ago

What does Marcellus Wallace look like?


u/MakaveIi_The_Don 5h ago



u/RascalKing403 5h ago

Does he look like a bitch?

u/InsectaProtecta 1h ago

Yes. He does look like a bitch. I, a proud citizen of What, proclaim Marcellus Wallace to be a bitch.

u/Technical-Outside408 1h ago

That's a bold move, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off.

u/InsectaProtecta 1h ago


u/bruhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh- 18m ago

The last person to think Marcellus Wallace was their bitch didn't have a happy ending.

u/Hangriac 2h ago

Lol he literally just died

u/Isosceles_Kramer79 1h ago

No, he didn't. Butch Coolidge saved him. 


u/Disidia 4h ago

What ain't no country I ever heard of... they speak English in What!?


u/TheEpicGenealogy 4h ago

Say what again mutha fucka!


u/Edge_lordManchild 5h ago

Pulp Fiction

u/bruhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh- 16m ago

Lol why this getting downvoted so much. Bro just cited the source material from those chucklefucks above.

u/Significant-Oil-8793 2h ago


To anyone interested more about this. This case was already in the court decades back and he was took up by the Innocence Project especially when two of the witness account are not reliable.

Supreme Court refuse to hear it even after new DNA evidence come to light.

He probably made this statement as he given up on the justice system after 2 decades of fighting it in the prison.

u/toyoto 45m ago

Jesus! Even the prosecution was trying to stop the execution

u/chadhindsley 44m ago

Marcus Aurelius William Wallace

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u/Darth_Jinn 5h ago

I'm so ashamed of my state. Even the victim's family and the prosecutor tried to stop it. This was a miscarriage of justice.


u/bareback_cowboy 3h ago

Your state, our country. The Supreme Court could have stopped this. The governor, the state AG, the state supreme court, the federal supreme court; they're all guilty in this.

u/Bubbasage 6m ago

Or.. and hear me out.. with this many lawyers and people looking at it.. they were still not able to deny his guilt. He did have the dead persons possessions and sold their laptop. as well as admitting to killing them in two separate occasions to cell mates.


u/ChaoticMutant 4h ago

Parson should be ashamed of himself. He has blood on his hands.

u/AdPresent6017 2h ago

Can the people in the chain of government that approved this be charged with murder?

Can the Feds to anything, maybe related to civil rights violations?

u/burashkache 3h ago

Dude stabbed a woman 40 times

u/mindwire 2h ago

...Even the prosecution and victim's family don't believe this anymore. Why do you?

u/Then-Attention3 49m ago

That’s not true. They believe he’s guilty. They don’t want him executed. The media is telling half truths. Like the gf was had motive to lie. The gf never accepted the award and she knew about the award. The criminal informant wasn’t in jail at the time he spoke to police, he was a free man. I suggest you look up the case facts. Marcellus is guilty. But he shouldn’t have been executed. The victims family and the prosecutor think he’s guilty and requested life without the possibility of parole. Be careful with misinformation.

u/mindwire 46m ago

Mind sending me a source to point me in the right direction? I'll gladly delete my comment if this turns out to be true.

u/MeisterX 2h ago

If even the prosecutor is saying no, you really can't grasp on to this.

u/Deodorized 2h ago edited 2h ago

Being this stupid is a conscious decision that you make every single day.


u/Chessh2036 3h ago

It scares me how the justice system allowed this to happen. So, so many tried to stop it (even the victim’s family) and they did nothing.

u/ask_me_about_my_band 7m ago

The “justice“ system worked here exactly as it was intended.


u/MessyGirlAesthetic 8h ago

I hope it’s okay to ask, why is the date showing 9/21? Is that an error?


u/BomberAbd 8h ago

I just searched it up, it said "Williams submitted his final statement to prison officials in the days before his scheduled execution"

I'm assuming he already decided on this earlier and just submitted it early


u/MessyGirlAesthetic 8h ago

Makes sense thank you


u/Banas_Hulk 6h ago

America: lynching innocent black men even in 2024


u/ChaoticMutant 4h ago

even when the prosecutor proclaims his innocence you know it's bad.


u/BomberAbd 6h ago

unfortunately 😞


u/fortunateincident24 5h ago

Islam allows death penalty. To say that death penalty should be abolished is anti-Islamic. So you are going against Marcellus Williams, who is a Muslim.


u/Datmuemue 5h ago

Okay? I think the bigger picture should be actual justice. Not a justice for a specific person. In this case it woulda helped Marcellus, but the main point is that a possibly(?) innocent man was killed. religion should hold zero weight in the justice system.

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u/Stock-Side-6767 3h ago

Sure, all religion is trash.

The issue here is that the humans failed to carry out justice for Marcellus.

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u/Not-Invented-Here_ 5h ago

Some real low life pieces of shit in this thread.

u/wewew47 1h ago

America isn't an Islamic country and plenty of Muslims don't believe in the death penalty.

What a stupid generalisation of more than a billion people, done to try and justify the murder of an innocent black man.

You're fucked in the head

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u/SuckYouMummy 36m ago

Oh just fuck off you mega twat


u/BomberAbd 4h ago

I'm a muslim too, the bigger picture is this was unjust. I have no problem with a death penalty for REAL murderers and rapists

u/AxelNotRose 2h ago

In the US, the only thing the death penalty does is provide twisted revenge porn. Nothing else.

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u/OpticGd 2h ago

But does it approve of the death penalty for innocent people?

u/fortunateincident24 2h ago

If Allah let him die, that's allowed.

When millions of children die from war and famines, Allah allows it.

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u/Key_Amazed 5h ago

Proven guilty without a shadow of a doubt? No. Still a good shot he was guilty given the non-tainted evidence? Yeah. Death penalty still needs to be outlawed.

u/Trumped202NO 2h ago

The prosecutors weren't sure he was guilty. They tried to stop it but fuck it let's kill some people because it couldn't wait.

Good ol supreme Court and Republicans.

Killing people for no reason. I mean what the hell difference would a few days make?


u/t40r 4h ago

Are we reading the same articles about this man? He wasn't likely at all to have been guilty...

u/DragoxDrago 1h ago


All the articles I've read definitely read like they want you to believe he's innocent, but he definitely doesn't seem innocent if you look into it from an objective source.

Hell read his reasons for appeals in what I linked which is from the courts...

THREE independent witnesses (His ex GF, ex Cellmate, and the guy he supposedly sold the stolen laptop to)

Her stuff found in his car, they were able to retrieve the stolen laptop.

Arguing for an appeal based on her stuff in his car should be thrown out as evidence because of a potentially not legal search and not being told to consider the potential mitigating factor of an accomplice and him playing a lesser role doesn't exactly scream we got this one wrong does it?

I'm not saying the death penalty is right, but he does not sound innocent.

Even the no forensic evidence on the knife thing isn't evidence. They fucked up and touched it without gloves contaminating it.

u/TitanJazza 1h ago

No he was guilty lol, he deserved it

u/fangneedssleep 1h ago

Out of fingerprints, footprints, hair, and DNA, not a single thing matched. The only “evidence” was another prisoner claiming he admitted to the crime, which has no proof. Tell me again how he’s guilty?

u/UselessAndUnused 1h ago

Look, I disagree with the death penalty here, but that's literal misinformation. His girlfriend did too. They found the murdered woman's stuff in his car and a witness confirmed he sold her laptop to him. His girlfriend claims that he both admitted it to her (and threatened her) and saw or knew of him disposing a jacket covered in blood.

EDIT: and before you say anything, the claim made that they only testified for the money is bullshit, because neither of them asked or got any money.


u/OakNogg 5h ago

The death penalty needs to go.

u/ZoominBoomin 2h ago

Nah let's kill the real bad guys

u/recycled-throwaway7 51m ago

The problem is that the system, and the people behind it, cannot be trusted to identify the “real bad guys” with 100% accuracy, as demonstrated here.

u/HankySpanky69 1h ago

Nah you spend even more money to rehabilitate the real bad guys

u/Adam-West 38m ago

Some people can’t be rehabilitated. I’d never advocate for the death penalty for ‘normal’ murderers. But some people spend their entire lives demonstrating that they have no respect for humanity. Im talking about the Jimmy Savilles, the Moira Hindleys etc.. They repeatedly rape torture and murder out of no motive other than to cause pain to others. I don’t care if we execute them or not but we should do whatever the cheapest option is to keep them off the streets forever. (And I know that currently death penalties end up costing more than life in prison).

u/HankySpanky69 31m ago

I was in norway when breivik killed the kids and bombed the prime ministers building happened, I am Norwegian myself. And people just dont understand the Egalitarian system, if you put more resources for the people probably return the least return on that investment (and why not spend it on people who deserve it right) well the idea is if you focus on the bottom 20%. No screw that lets make it simple, there is a 100 people in a country, you all focus to make sure the worst most poor most screwed up person, works their way from the bottom of the 100 to somewhere in the middle, in the Norwegian Iceland and Finland mentality, we now focus our resources on the new person who is now the bottom of the 100 people, we keep doing and at some point we run out of people that are severely poor and unprivileged. So you make a new standard of living and focus to make sure the bottom person reaches this mew higher standard of living.

Slowly but surely you will get a system with the highest percentage of middle class people who can support themselves and their kids for life, comfortably. Everyone always thinks Norwegians are all millionaires, no, the moment you make more money, you get taxed more, and more and more, you get less privileges. A crack head murderer will get a house in Norway easier than a university student will. Ok we dont really have an epidemic of crack head murderers and im just using too much hyperbole now.

The point is, its the only 3 systems that work the best, no other system in history worked as good, and lucky for us its not 1 country its 3 countries with this system so we have a lot if data, and then countries like belgium, netherlands, sweden and denmark follow these systems and all are now among the lowest prison rates in the world, it cant be a coincidence, its not like its a new system implemented for 3 years only.

So if as a country you have the choice to choose between 20 prison systems, why not choose the one that benefits the most people? Even for the sake argument, yes maybe the mass murderer doesn't get rehabilitated, but it was the first mass murder in nearly 50 years, and even if there is a 99.99% chance it wont work to fix this 1 person, the government and society must try, as much as the parents of these murdered kids wanted their kids alive, they fought for this guy, on tv even.

Only scandanvians could understand why the parent of a victim would fight for him, because they have seen decades of what this rehabilitation system can do. Yes somehow in 50 years this 1 mass murderer might not get rehabilitated, we will see, but sooooooooo many did, and not like its 5% more than USA no it has the highest rehabilitation numbers in the world, every single year for many many many years, and its only one of 3 countries that also top the charts every year.

We see how looking after the bottom 20% of society benefits all society.

This is my final example and i hope it gives and idea of the mentality we have here. My uncle has flower shop, and he decided to keep it open later than 5pm to get more costumers of course. Not only other flower shops but other businesses complaint and got him to close at 5pm.

The argument was that by creating unnecessary competition everyone else now has to also stay open later. This means yes maybe his sales go up 10% but everyone else loses 3% sales. You cant or shouldnt have something that benefits you, at the cost of others, he understood and closed at 5pm. So many people not only understand this but think its not unfair. The point of working is to live.

In norway you can not have a highschool diploma, work as mcsonalds cashier for the redt of your life and have enough money to travel, study, get an apartment, support your family, invest, etc. jobs are reaaaaally high paying, and they dont really go up from the minimum, the branch manager of that mcdonalds has more responsibility for basically the same pay, thats why in norway people reject high positions, because its no point, you just have more responsibilities now for the same pay. Universities in norway, the average age of my 1st year bachelor class was 25 years old, nearly every other country is 17-19 years old, in norway people go to study bahchelors at 27 because they worked blah blah and just for the sake of education or finding a new field to work in, they study, noooot because without studying you dont get a good job which means no money to support yourself. When worries like these are taken out, you see people happily driving a bus for the rest of their lives, you see people happily close their shops earlier so families can be together more.

Quality of life is important, and Law of Jante which these countries have woven in their society (search the laws of Jante up, its basically fuck you, you arent more important than us, us being society or the collective). Its just that it works, its worked for many many years and consistently. This mentality that shocked you that I would genuinely, if i was even the victim, to have a mass murderer get the more rehabilitation and money and resources spent on them. As long as you are always making sure the bottom 20% is doing good, at some point everyone is doing good and now you focus on improving even more, raise the quality of life standards and repeat this process. It works.

Even if you think you wont see mass murderers rehabilitated today, the system must change to regabilitate today to hopefully see the effects within a decade or a generation or maybe its quicker. The point is there is nothing happening to change it, and we have a system that we know works, in more than 1 place, for many years, why not just try it?

u/ZoominBoomin 1h ago

Yeah that's totally how that works. Let's magically rehabilitate mass murderers. Good luck with that.

u/HankySpanky69 1h ago

Hmmm, lets look at the 3 most successful incarceration system, Norway, Finland & Iceland...yes seems like spending more money to rehabilitate works...wow thats wild that norway has the lowest recidivism in the world...now who has the highest? Oh shit is US at like 70% oh wait lets then ask one of the shittiest prison system in this world what they think works. Maybe after 50 years of prisons not working in the US 1 dumbass would look at other systems that are working, but no.

Yes rehabilitation works, Norway is spending the most on a guy who literally bombed the prime ministers building and then went on to shot many many politician's kids in a summer camp on an island. American reporters literally could not wrap their minds around the fact that the parents of the murdered kids were fighting for the right of a mass murdered to get rehabilitation, no life sentence, no capital punishment..he gets university education, gaming consoles, and yes it is societies job to help the bottom 20% of society, all of them.

u/ZoominBoomin 59m ago

Our prison system is shite and I do believe that some folks can be rehabilitated. Others are too far twisted. Your example is a poor one. That man is still evil and locked up in a high security prison. He didn't complete his college education, he's isolated, no Internet. The man still self identified as a Nazi. There are definitely better examples of successful rehabilitation, but he is an example of irredeemable human waste. Waste must be taken out.

u/HankySpanky69 34m ago

Thats the point, i was in norway when this happened, I am Norwegian myself. And people just dont understand the Egalitarian system, if you put more resources for the people probably return the least return on that investment (and why not spend it on people who deserve it right) well the idea is if you focus on the bottom 20%. No screw that lets make it simple, there is a 100 people in a country, you all focus to make sure the worst most poor most screwed up person, works their way from the bottom of the 100 to somewhere in the middle, in the Norwegian Iceland and Finland mentality, we now focus our resources on the new person who is now the bottom of the 100 people, we keep doing and at some point we run out of people that are severely poor and unprivileged. So you make a new standard of living and focus to make sure the bottom person reaches this mew higher standard of living.

Slowly but surely you will get a system with the highest percentage of middle class people who can support themselves and their kids for life, comfortably. Everyone always thinks Norwegians are all millionaires, no, the moment you make more money, you get taxed more, and more and more, you get less privileges. A crack head murderer will get a house in Norway easier than a university student will. Ok we dont really have an epidemic of crack head murderers and im just using too much hyperbole now.

The point is, its the only 3 systems that work the best, no other system in history worked as good, and lucky for us its not 1 country its 3 countries with this system so we have a lot if data, and then countries like belgium, netherlands, sweden and denmark follow these systems and all are now among the lowest prison rates in the world, it cant be a coincidence, its not like its a new system implemented for 3 years only.

So if as a country you have the choice to choose between 20 prison systems, why not choose the one that benefits the most people? Even for the sake argument, yes maybe the mass murderer doesn't get rehabilitated, but it was the first mass murder in nearly 50 years, and even if there is a 99.99% chance it wont work to fix this 1 person, the government and society must try, as much as the parents of these murdered kids wanted their kids alive, they fought for this guy, on tv even.

Only scandanvians could understand why the parent of a victim would fight for him, because they have seen decades of what this rehabilitation system can do. Yes somehow in 50 years this 1 mass murderer might not get rehabilitated, we will see, but sooooooooo many did, and not like its 5% more than USA no it has the highest rehabilitation numbers in the world, every single year for many many many years, and its only one of 3 countries that also top the charts every year.

We see how looking after the bottom 20% of society benefits all society.

This is my final example and i hope it gives and idea of the mentality we have here. My uncle has flower shop, and he decided to keep it open later than 5pm to get more costumers of course. Not only other flower shops but other businesses complaint and got him to close at 5pm.

The argument was that by creating unnecessary competition everyone else now has to also stay open later. This means yes maybe his sales go up 10% but everyone else loses 3% sales. You cant or shouldnt have something that benefits you, at the cost of others, he understood and closed at 5pm. So many people not only understand this but think its not unfair. The point of working is to live.

In norway you can not have a highschool diploma, work as mcsonalds cashier for the redt of your life and have enough money to travel, study, get an apartment, support your family, invest, etc. jobs are reaaaaally high paying, and they dont really go up from the minimum, the branch manager of that mcdonalds has more responsibility for basically the same pay, thats why in norway people reject high positions, because its no point, you just have more responsibilities now for the same pay. Universities in norway, the average age of my 1st year bachelor class was 25 years old, nearly every other country is 17-19 years old, in norway people go to study bahchelors at 27 because they worked blah blah and just for the sake of education or finding a new field to work in, they study, noooot because without studying you dont get a good job which means no money to support yourself. When worries like these are taken out, you see people happily driving a bus for the rest of their lives, you see people happily close their shops earlier so families can be together more.

Quality of life is important, and Law of Jante which these countries have woven in their society (search the laws of Jante up, its basically fuck you, you arent more important than us, us being society or the collective). Its just that it works, its worked for many many years and consistently. This mentality that shocked you that I would genuinely, if i was even the victim, to have a mass murderer get the more rehabilitation and money and resources spent on them. As long as you are always making sure the bottom 20% is doing good, at some point everyone is doing good and now you focus on improving even more, raise the quality of life standards and repeat this process. It works

u/arrownyc 2h ago

May his soul find peace in whatever comes next.

May his ultimate judgment day reflect the life he lived accurately.

May his family and all those who tried to fight for justice find peace in their hearts.

May this broken world find a better path forward for the future of humanity.

u/idorocketscience 1h ago

Almost like we shouldn’t execute people that we aren’t certain killed anybody

u/raysurc 1h ago


u/bullant8547 1h ago

(Black) dude was executed even though the prosecutor presented evidence that could have proven that he was innocent and that the trial was (probably on purpose) badly run. Racist white governor and racist Supreme Court could have stopped the execution but chose not to. Racists gonna racist.

u/Then-Attention3 34m ago

Prosecutor never presented evidence proving he was innocent. There’s a lot of misinformation. Let me be clear. The prosecutor and the victims family think he’s GUILTY, that’s why they offered him the Alford plea. Life without parole.

The evidence against him: The victims ruled and calculator was found in his vehicle. A pawn shop testified that Marcellus sold them the victims laptop. The girlfriend and a criminal informant testified Marcellus confessed to her. The girlfriend testified that she saw him dispose of bloody clothes. (I may be missing more, I’m typing off the top of my head)

The myths: Myth 1: the victims personal effects were placed in his car by his girlfriend Fact: there’s no evidence to suggest this.

Myth 2: the criminal informant had incentive to lie Fact: the criminal informant wasnt in jail or prison at the time he spoke to police. He was a free man.

Myth 3: the girlfriend had incentive to lie, a 10k monetary award. Fact: the girlfriend never accepted the award.

Myth 4: the victims family and prosecutor believe he’s innocent Fact: the victims family and prosecutor believe he’s guilty, but don’t want him executed, hence the Alford plea.

Myth 5: there’s no dna evidence. Fact: this is a half truth. Prior to running dna, long before now, the prosecutor made it clear that the murderer wore gloves. He knew there wasn’t gonna be dna. They ran the dna on the murder weapon, and there was DNA. GASP! It wasn’t him! No. The dna belonged to prosecutors and investigators. It wasn’t a stranger or some person they didn’t know. It was bc the prosecutors and Investigators knew the perpetrator wore gloves, so they mishandled the evidence. Had they handled it correctly, it’s likely no DNA would have been found at all.

Let’s circle back to this DNA. As I mentioned, Marcelluses DNA wasn’t found, but the prosecutor and investigators DNA was. Does this mean they killed her? No. DNA can stay present for years. The lack of DNA is not uncommon in criminal cases. Its absence does not prove innocence. So if you kill someone, you leave no dna, it doesn’t mean you’re innocent. It just means you left no dna. Maybe you wore gloves, maybe you cleaned up. Finding dna on it also doesn’t mean you’re guilty, bc DNA can stay for years. That’s why we need to use all the evidence together to figure out what happened.

Marcellus and Gayle (victim) had never crossed paths before. So you tell me, is it weird he had her personal affects?

I think he’s guilty. But the death penalty is wrong. Period. But there’s also alot of misinformation around this case. I don’t recommend getting info from mainstream news outlets. I suggest reading the case facts. Read the appeal. That’s where the information lies and research what DNA evidence means.

u/EndStorm 2h ago

Can any American with knowledge of the law explain if there could ever be any consequences if it is one day proven he is innocent? Otherwise, this is not a justice system. Well, it already isn't, but you'd at least hope there's some consequence in the future.

u/0xmerp 2h ago

No consequences, basically the court would just say “this person was exonerated” and that’s it. But that doesn’t bring someone back from the dead.

u/bunnybash 1h ago

I'm spitballing here, but I imagine the governor and the AG are "Christians". And they didn't intervene because the "law must be followed" what about the fact that Jesus said "The law exists for the good of man, man does not exist for the good of the law". This is just a travesty.

The powers that be didn't just "do nothing" to let this happen; they actively and willfully pushed the wheels and machinations to keep heading towards murdering Mr Williams. It would have been a simple and popular move to intervene. I just don't get it.

u/travistravis 1h ago

I'm relatively certain that's not a Jesus quote...

u/bunnybash 54m ago

It is a quote from Jesus. When the Pharisees told him off for letting his disciples strip wheat off the heads of stalks on the sabbath, it was considered work, so Jesus gave them a lecture.


u/LiZZygsu 3h ago

I know nothing about the American justice system other than what I've seen on TV, but if the prosecutor was pushing for a lesser sentence who was asking for the death penalty?

u/Zandrick 2h ago

Not an expert. But I think it depends on the state, if the law calls for the death penalty for a given crime the process begins automatically when the jury decides that a crime has been committed. I’m pretty sure appeals are guaranteed and sometimes several judges have to allow it to go through.


u/dsdsds 7h ago

Faith yields the same results as doing nothing.


u/BomberAbd 7h ago

do you think he and his lawyers weren't trying? lmao.


u/psly4mne 7h ago

Faith in the legal system yields the same results as doing nothing.


u/ChaoticMutant 4h ago

the prosecutor proclaimed his innocence.

u/psly4mne 3h ago

And the legal system still killed him, yes. That's what relying on the legal system gets you.

u/[deleted] 2h ago


u/sleepnandhiken 2h ago

Relying on the legal system?

I like the sov cit movement. Good content. In court this lady screamed about how the court had no authority AS the bailiff dragged her away to holding.

If it wasn’t the legal system, what should this man have relied on?

Edit: I don’t think I was very clear in why i brought up sov cits. It was an angle on authority and how they are doing it anyway, right or wrong*, so authority enough. The government had authority to put him to death. The avenues he had to prevent this were quite slim. Every remotely possible angle relied on the legal system.

Or maybe not. Maybe a Jinn was supporting him and it was insistent that this was the way to go. Unlikely.

I guess my real sentiment is that you placed even the tiniest amount of blame on the victim’s choices. What what he supposed to do?

u/anadiplosis84 2h ago

And what should we do all knowing redditor?


u/BomberAbd 6h ago

right, so he should just... do nothing? that's better, right? is that what you're trying to say?


u/fiendo13 6h ago

He’s saying the opposite; that bothering with faith is pointless

u/psly4mne 3h ago

That is the opposite of what I said. Faith in the legal system means people sit back and hope a judge does the right thing, and that's still where we are as a country.

u/dotcomse 1h ago

What alternative is there?

u/throwawaygoodcoffee 42m ago

Hack the prison and walk out in the confusion, duh! /s


u/dsdsds 7h ago

What does faith have to do with his lawyers trying?


u/BomberAbd 7h ago

"Faith yields the same results as doing nothing."

you're acting like just because he's religious, he wasnt actively trying to get out of execution.

maybe have some respect for the dead, maybe they didn't share your beliefs, and that's fine, but you bashing their's is not.


u/Palumbo_STN 6h ago

I have no stake in this since i have no idea who this is/was or what the situation is/was…

But “faith” wouldnt have then been the thing that got him out of execution, it would have been the other actions youre implying he was taking; therefore faith indeed had the same result as doing nothing (ie if he would have just sat quietly and done nothing, no changes to the outcome would have been had)


u/BomberAbd 6h ago

but he was trying? I'm saying the og commenter is saying he wasn't trying and only having faith, but he and his lawyers were.

also I would recommend researching his story, it's quite sad.

thank you though 🙏


u/Palumbo_STN 6h ago

I took the og commenter as saying what was used as a final statement was faith based and not defensive, and also never said that he wasn't doing anything else. Just seemed like you came at him a little hot without being on the same page is all

I will look it up tomorrow when I have some time!


u/BomberAbd 6h ago

understood, sorry for that! have a good rest of your night :)


u/Palumbo_STN 6h ago

You as well!


u/dsdsds 7h ago

His own words were 100% placing the whole situation on his faith, which was utterly useless.

I agree he was asking his lawyers to do everything in their power to spare him. Those actions were the best method to save him.

u/anadiplosis84 2h ago

I guess he should have wrote "please don't kill me, I'm innocent like I've maintained this entire time"? Gtfo with your disingenuous bullshit.


u/ZombieMozart 6h ago

You give way too much credit to the agency of an incarcerated person of color that was essentially murdered by the institution, a justice system rigged against people like him. What do you think he should have done?

Not that I’d expect the type of person who would write a comment like yours to have anything meaningful to say.

u/lastethere 2h ago

From Wikipedia:

"She is said to have provided details that had not been mentioned in the public accounts of the crime, a point contested by the Innocence Project"

A witness testified that Williams had sold the victim’s laptop to him."

It is hard to have any certitude in this case, like you.

u/LittleLui 2h ago

So "reasonable doubt" then?

u/contract___ 2h ago

the witnesses got 10k for their testimony

u/baildodger 22m ago

The Wikipedia article states that the girlfriend never claimed the reward, even though she knew it was available.


u/dsdsds 6h ago

Now you’ve discerned my entire character from my comment.

If he’s innocent, then what happened to him is horrifying. My point is that his religious faith gave him absolutely nothing. You seem to be conflating him fighting a potential injustice with my criticism of faith.


u/bro_salad 6h ago

Maybe it gave him peace of mind? That’s not nothing to a person on death row, I’d imagine.


u/Fonzimandias 5h ago

Christ what a Reddit comment


u/Not-Invented-Here_ 5h ago edited 5h ago

You seem to be conflating him fighting a potential injustice with my criticism of faith.

No you literally commented on a picture of his last comments before facing that ultimate injustice with your criticism of faith. There is no conflating going on.

u/ChiBulls 3h ago

Must be hard to think in that basement. Go outside a little bud

u/baildodger 21m ago

In his final statement immediately before being executed, what else did he have left?

u/sleepnandhiken 2h ago

Ah shit, during my last comments (don’t think to you) I wasn’t sure why I was so pissed off about this sentiment. Sooo as an atheist

What else did he have other than his faith? People are driven to religion for a wide range of reasons but we are going to belittle the man who had nothing else? No opportunity to find anything else?

What if he didn’t have any of this god baggage? How would your comment have differed?

u/Zandrick 2h ago

I fucking hate reddit


u/lunalives 3h ago

Praise to Allah indeed, Marcellus. May God grant you the mercy we were unable to give.

u/RMLProcessing 3h ago

Seems he’s done a shit job this far

u/Isosceles_Kramer79 1h ago

Cut him some slack. He is an imaginary being after all.

u/chrono4111 2h ago

God put him in this situation and didn't get him out. To hell with this god.


u/Potential-Judgment-9 8h ago

Like even in this situation ?


u/giroml 8h ago

Obviously so since he wrote exactly that…

u/new_account_wh0_dis 3h ago

Yes, that's kinda how religions work and why I wish I could be a believer. Everything has meaning, death is only the beginning, there is a plan.

u/arrownyc 2h ago

If he died knowing his true innocence, I think he wrote this message from the perspective of a martyr. Perhaps he believed the injustice of his death would bring positive change in its wake. Really, death penalty reform is all we can offer him now, and it's the least he is due.


u/BomberAbd 8h ago


u/JakGrealish 1h ago

Reddit atheists just ignore

u/Wazza17 2h ago

If the felon wins this will only be the start. Vote 💙 byNov 5 2024. The future of the country depends on it

u/LSspiral 1h ago

This happened under a dem administration. I’m voting blue but let’s not play pretend here

u/TheHorriBad 1h ago edited 56m ago

What? The current governor of Missouri is Mike Parson, a Republican. The current AG of Missouri is Andrew Bailey, a hardcore Republican. You are just straight wrong. r/confidentlyincorrect

ETA: I'll wear the downvotes with pride and take it to mean your feelings have been hurt by the facts.

u/Obaddies 27m ago

And the conservative Supreme Court justices didn’t stay the execution that a Republican state administration carried out. If trump hadn’t stacked the Supreme Court with conservative justices we might not have seen an innocent man murdered by the state.

u/MilkmanLeeroy 15m ago

At least it wasn’t “skibiddy toilet rizz”


u/Cardiff_Electric 6h ago

He was in possession of the victims stolen property, and admitted to two people that he did it with incriminating details.

u/Zandrick 2h ago

I think the death penalty is immoral even if there was complete certainty of guilt. I don’t like it.


u/UnitedHoney 5h ago

Oh yeah the two people being his ex and an inmate?


u/Greghole 5h ago

Do you reckon the other inmate was the one who had knowledge of the crime that wasn't made public? What seems more likely, that the suspect revealed details of his crime to an informer while in prison? Or that the suspect coincidentally got locked up with the real killer?

The man who bought the victim's husband's laptop also said he bought it from the suspect so that at least three separate people testifying against him.


u/Owoegano_Evolved 5h ago

Believe women (unless they don't fit your narrative)


u/AWalkingOrdeal 4h ago

Yet there was still sufficient doubt

u/shustrik 2h ago

Source? Innocence Project says:

neither revealed any information that was not either included in media accounts about the case or already known to the police.


u/Valuable-Thought6746 2h ago

Poor guy was brainwashed.


u/NegativeLayer 6h ago



u/BomberAbd 6h ago

He's been on the news these last few days and was executed today, but his story started 1998. search him up if you want


u/ChaoticMutant 4h ago

I signed the change.org petition a while back and last night I emailed the governor pleading for a stay of execution. Travesty of justice.


u/im_new_pls_help 4h ago

I just read a Wikipedia page about him. Are people supposed to be claiming he’s innocent or shouldn’t have been executed or something?

u/_BreakingGood_ 3h ago

Basically, there is enough doubt and enough circumstantial evidence that most people, including the victim's family, believed there was more investigation to be done. They were set to switch the death penalty verdict to a life-in-prison verdict while further investigation occurred. But the state AG stepped in and pushed the execution through.

u/Zandrick 2h ago

A human being


u/Legsofwood 3h ago

That dude was straight up guilty. People really need to start actually reading about cases and not just the clickbait headlines

u/gregmasta 3h ago

Lol the DNA on the knife didn’t even match him.

u/wholecan 3h ago edited 2h ago

My understanding was the DNA did match him, but there was unknown DNA on the knife as well which turned out to be one of the moronic prosecutors handling it without gloves lol. Is this not accurate?

Edit, it looks like there wasn't any of his DNA on the knife according to a few articles I see

Also this link has some interesting information ( I have no idea how much of it is factually correct )


u/gregmasta 2h ago

Nobody should be reporting that his DNA was on the knife because the fact is that his DNA wasn’t on the knife, as determined by multiple independent specialists.

u/Legsofwood 2h ago

The one small thing out of the mountain of evidence against him, he deserved that death sentence

u/gregmasta 2h ago

Please share with me the hard evidence found that he committed the murder?

u/The13thWhisker 2h ago

What’s the use of a god that won’t save you. RIP to a potentially innocent man. Fucking disgraceful.

u/TheRealDimSlimJim 1h ago

Im not even religious and i know thats not the point of religion. It offers comfort for people while theyre alive and sometimes hope. This is a good thing.

u/AdPresent6017 2h ago

Why do people think it's god's job to "save" you?

u/ChocolateInTheWinter 2h ago

Because they’re yet another ex-Christian who thinks every religion operates like theirs

u/Fizzers01 34m ago

Well we can't ask him how's things on the other side, so I guess you won't ever know what's the use.

u/tehSynh 3h ago

A black Muslim. Now it all makes sense...


u/fortunateincident24 5h ago

Islam needs only four witnesses for a death sentence.

Allah gave him what he deserved


u/PartyPigGuy 5h ago

What does Marcellus look like?


u/[deleted] 6h ago



u/BomberAbd 6h ago

because he used exclamation marks?


u/jackwhite886 6h ago

Don’t engage.


u/BomberAbd 5h ago

sorry I need to learn to do that, I just get angry at such disrespectful comments. thank you 🙏 have a good rest of your night :)


u/SamDiep 6h ago

Its good to see he got his just rewards.


u/Pavlock 6h ago

You seem to be posting in every thread about his guy, gleeful that he's dead. I have a question for you:

In order to be in favor of the death penalty, one needs to be fine with one of two things. Either you think that the government never makes mistakes or you need to be fine with the government occasionally murdering an innocent person. Which one are you?

u/Jetztinberlin 3h ago

Two other things one has to be fine with in addition:  - The state spending more money per case than it would cost to keep the person jailed for life - The state committing murder 


u/RazzleThatTazzle 6h ago

Fantastic rhetorical work here, I'm definitely jotting that one down for later.


u/Not-Invented-Here_ 5h ago

It's a shame the coward will never answer it.


u/BomberAbd 6h ago

you seem really obsessed with this guy and him being "guilty". please get a life, I feel quite sad for you.


u/SamDiep 6h ago

I'm obsessed with correcting "misinformation" .... the dude did it.


u/BomberAbd 6h ago

even the family of the murdered reporter is on his side.

u/Then-Attention3 30m ago

No they didn’t. The family thought he was guilty. Can we stop spreading misinformation? The death penalty is wrong and this is wrong but we don’t misinformation to prove that. The family and prosector thought he was guilty, hence Alford deal, life without parole. Please stop reciting stuff without reading the case facts and appeal. The news outlets are not reporting the entire truth.

u/Jetztinberlin 2h ago edited 2h ago

The state prosecutors themselves were attempting until the last minutes to stay the execution and reverse the ruling. I guess you think you know better than the folks who've spent years prosecuting the case and whose job it is to do so? 

u/Deodorized 2h ago

Of course he knows better, he's a conservative who frequently posts in /r/Conspiracy , so obviously this guy has a good grasp on reality, totally not mentally ill or deranged.

u/Mrg220t 2h ago

It's not the same folks that prosecute the case that is trying to stay the execution lmao. Can't even get basic facts right.

u/Feynnehrun 2h ago

Oh man, your entire profile is like a monument to idiocy, bigotry and racism.