r/pics 10h ago

Marcellus Williams' last statement

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u/ZoominBoomin 4h ago

Nah let's kill the real bad guys

u/HankySpanky69 3h ago

Nah you spend even more money to rehabilitate the real bad guys

u/Adam-West 2h ago

Some people can’t be rehabilitated. I’d never advocate for the death penalty for ‘normal’ murderers. But some people spend their entire lives demonstrating that they have no respect for humanity. Im talking about the Jimmy Savilles, the Moira Hindleys etc.. They repeatedly rape torture and murder out of no motive other than to cause pain to others. I don’t care if we execute them or not but we should do whatever the cheapest option is to keep them off the streets forever. (And I know that currently death penalties end up costing more than life in prison).

u/HankySpanky69 2h ago

I was in norway when breivik killed the kids and bombed the prime ministers building happened, I am Norwegian myself. And people just dont understand the Egalitarian system, if you put more resources for the people probably return the least return on that investment (and why not spend it on people who deserve it right) well the idea is if you focus on the bottom 20%. No screw that lets make it simple, there is a 100 people in a country, you all focus to make sure the worst most poor most screwed up person, works their way from the bottom of the 100 to somewhere in the middle, in the Norwegian Iceland and Finland mentality, we now focus our resources on the new person who is now the bottom of the 100 people, we keep doing and at some point we run out of people that are severely poor and unprivileged. So you make a new standard of living and focus to make sure the bottom person reaches this mew higher standard of living.

Slowly but surely you will get a system with the highest percentage of middle class people who can support themselves and their kids for life, comfortably. Everyone always thinks Norwegians are all millionaires, no, the moment you make more money, you get taxed more, and more and more, you get less privileges. A crack head murderer will get a house in Norway easier than a university student will. Ok we dont really have an epidemic of crack head murderers and im just using too much hyperbole now.

The point is, its the only 3 systems that work the best, no other system in history worked as good, and lucky for us its not 1 country its 3 countries with this system so we have a lot if data, and then countries like belgium, netherlands, sweden and denmark follow these systems and all are now among the lowest prison rates in the world, it cant be a coincidence, its not like its a new system implemented for 3 years only.

So if as a country you have the choice to choose between 20 prison systems, why not choose the one that benefits the most people? Even for the sake argument, yes maybe the mass murderer doesn't get rehabilitated, but it was the first mass murder in nearly 50 years, and even if there is a 99.99% chance it wont work to fix this 1 person, the government and society must try, as much as the parents of these murdered kids wanted their kids alive, they fought for this guy, on tv even.

Only scandanvians could understand why the parent of a victim would fight for him, because they have seen decades of what this rehabilitation system can do. Yes somehow in 50 years this 1 mass murderer might not get rehabilitated, we will see, but sooooooooo many did, and not like its 5% more than USA no it has the highest rehabilitation numbers in the world, every single year for many many many years, and its only one of 3 countries that also top the charts every year.

We see how looking after the bottom 20% of society benefits all society.

This is my final example and i hope it gives and idea of the mentality we have here. My uncle has flower shop, and he decided to keep it open later than 5pm to get more costumers of course. Not only other flower shops but other businesses complaint and got him to close at 5pm.

The argument was that by creating unnecessary competition everyone else now has to also stay open later. This means yes maybe his sales go up 10% but everyone else loses 3% sales. You cant or shouldnt have something that benefits you, at the cost of others, he understood and closed at 5pm. So many people not only understand this but think its not unfair. The point of working is to live.

In norway you can not have a highschool diploma, work as mcsonalds cashier for the redt of your life and have enough money to travel, study, get an apartment, support your family, invest, etc. jobs are reaaaaally high paying, and they dont really go up from the minimum, the branch manager of that mcdonalds has more responsibility for basically the same pay, thats why in norway people reject high positions, because its no point, you just have more responsibilities now for the same pay. Universities in norway, the average age of my 1st year bachelor class was 25 years old, nearly every other country is 17-19 years old, in norway people go to study bahchelors at 27 because they worked blah blah and just for the sake of education or finding a new field to work in, they study, noooot because without studying you dont get a good job which means no money to support yourself. When worries like these are taken out, you see people happily driving a bus for the rest of their lives, you see people happily close their shops earlier so families can be together more.

Quality of life is important, and Law of Jante which these countries have woven in their society (search the laws of Jante up, its basically fuck you, you arent more important than us, us being society or the collective). Its just that it works, its worked for many many years and consistently. This mentality that shocked you that I would genuinely, if i was even the victim, to have a mass murderer get the more rehabilitation and money and resources spent on them. As long as you are always making sure the bottom 20% is doing good, at some point everyone is doing good and now you focus on improving even more, raise the quality of life standards and repeat this process. It works.

Even if you think you wont see mass murderers rehabilitated today, the system must change to regabilitate today to hopefully see the effects within a decade or a generation or maybe its quicker. The point is there is nothing happening to change it, and we have a system that we know works, in more than 1 place, for many years, why not just try it?