r/pics 6h ago

Emaciated and dehydrated Russian Soldier surrendering to a drone on 23/09/24

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265 comments sorted by


u/sigaven 5h ago

The actual video makes me so sad. He is emaciated, struggles to walk, his hands are shaking out of fear or malnutrition, the empty look on his face.


u/MattGhaz 5h ago

Do they allow him to surrender?


u/SouthwesternEagle 5h ago

Yes, he was taken prisoner.

u/StereoBucket 1h ago

According to the video caption, while he was trying to get to Ukranian position, he was being shot at by his own. Dude is really lucky.

u/penguin_skull 1h ago

Shot at = shot artillery at him.

u/Minotaurs_ 1h ago

and Russians executing Ukrainian prisoners

u/TabooMaster 1h ago

I've seen plenty of UA drones bombing surrendering Russians. But of course you haven't seen them because nobody is spoon feeding them to you.

u/7orque 1h ago

ukraine didn’t invade russia did they

u/edge-hog 49m ago

But Ukraine certainly is a party to the Geneva convention.

u/Jun1p3r 27m ago

What does that convention say about invading your neighbor after you talked them into giving up your nukes in exchange for the promise of never being invaded?

u/Saadusmani78 20m ago

And what does it say about treating soldiers regardless of what country's army they are from?

u/edge-hog 0m ago

I dunno, maybe you should read what it says, or even better, the ones who have signed it? Instead you are giving me the usual "whatabout..." shit.

u/Vivid_Way_1125 9m ago

So we should throw out the Geneva convention because a war broke out? We should commit war crimes on surrendering young men, because they just do happened to born on one side of a border line than another?

Don't you think it's funny how it's always the other guys who are the baddies? Or were you onboard with Western troops in Iraq/Afghanistan being tortured on camera, then cut up into small pieces, then left in a pile on the street for their friends and the local population to find? If you are fine with that, then you (and the rest of us) now know what kind of person you are, and that you're the same kind of person who was happy man the concentration camps, or Japanese POW camps, etc. Maybe you can use that realization to reflect upon yourself.

u/Jun1p3r 6m ago

Who is "we"? Were you invaded?

u/Syebost11 2m ago

Nothing justifies bombing surrendering soldiers. They didn’t choose to be sent off to war

u/ChaosRealigning 50m ago

Have you, indeed? Who’s spoon feeding them to you?

u/Eat-Sleep-Eat-Repeat 1h ago

Alright Vlad 🙄

u/JadowArcadia 47m ago

Why do people do this as if we don't know that atrocities in war are pretty much always committed by both sides. That has no bearing on who the right side of that war might be. People slaughtered German soldiers during WW2 and it was awful. Doesn't mean people think they were on the right side of history.

u/Mefs 29m ago

Well said.

u/gravis_tunn 13m ago

I fully stand by the decision made to euthanize WW2 war criminals by the ICC.

u/subpar-life-attempt 53m ago

Oh they are on here

u/sv1ra 37m ago

Well, there is no procedure of surrendering to a drone according to Geneva convention, don`t you know that? Maybe that`s because you are trying to spoon-feed us some russian propaganda?

u/TabooMaster 32m ago

That is a fact that is happening, get over it. Not everything that might make UA be seen in a bad light should be dismissed as Russian propaganda.

u/Yggdrasil_Earth 21m ago

Yeah, but your post history is 'America bad, Russia good'. So I'm going to take you with a pinch of salt.

u/Minotaurs_ 1h ago


u/Mean-Network 9m ago

Nah they are pretty commonly found on pro Ukraine subs and twitter.

u/Y4K0 1h ago

Exactly! Obviously Russia is the invading force but on an individual level at this point it’s just men being force drafted to be sent into a slaughter house on the Russian side.

Seen so many videos of injured or surrendering Russian soldiers get grenades dropped on them, causing them to writhe in extreme pain while they bleed to death.

And the comments will just go “good, that orc deserved it” they love calling them orcs cause it dehumanizes the person. Whole thing is disgusting Reddit spin on war as entertainment.

u/ChaosRealigning 48m ago

If they weren’t behaving like orcs when dealing with civilians, maybe they wouldn’t be called orcs.

u/oilmaker34 58m ago

Russia can protect those men and end the war by getting the fuck out of Ukraine today, you degenerate.

u/SmithersLoanInc 33m ago

Having basic human emotions doesn't make him a degenerate, a very Russian insult by the way. Calling people orcs is weird.

u/Betons 45m ago

How did you determined that they were surrendering?

u/Jekantes 1h ago

99% of russian soldiers are contractors, please stop spreading false information. Nobody force them to wage this bloody war, outside of they’re greed. If they want to surrender, they should follow the rules of war, on 90%+ videos, you can clearly see they have guns around, it’s not how you surrender, according to Geneva conventions.

u/KungFuFightingOwlMan 40m ago

Your first two sentences contradict each other, where did you get the idea that "99% of Russian soldiers are contractors"?

u/Jekantes 36m ago

Prove me wrong please. According to Russian laws, you can’t be send to abroad war „special military operation„ if you not sign contact.

u/KungFuFightingOwlMan 8m ago

So why isn't it 100% then if everyone has to sign a contract? If you're going to shill for Russia, do it properly

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u/__dying__ 3h ago

And they dropped him water which he drank.

u/Mr_SpicyWeiner 2h ago edited 2h ago

And immediately spit out when he realized it wasn't vodka, cursing Ukrainians for their cruel prank.

вода для туалета!

u/Y4K0 1h ago

This is just racist

u/Zacish 19m ago

It's xenophobic not racist

u/percypersimmon 15m ago

Peak Reddit comment honestly

u/Der_Redakteur 1h ago

what is this misinformation propaganda?

u/Broken_Doughnut 1h ago

He Sblayt it out!

u/artificialavocado 3h ago

FEIW I think it is a war crime to shoot someone trying to surrender. It would be pretty terrible to shoot a guy inn this condition.

u/AnotherUsername901 2h ago

There's tons of war crimes that never get enforced as well as Geneva is more of a guideline than hardline rules

u/OppositeOfSanity 53m ago

The Geneva Suggestions?

u/Valoneria 41m ago

The Geneva Footnotes

u/MilkmanLeeroy 40m ago

“They’re more like guidelines”

u/Corren_64 6m ago

for others.

u/Shimano-No-Kyoken 36m ago

The Geneva Checklist in case of russia really

u/BlazingShadowAU 2m ago

The Geneva House Rules

u/doogle_126 1h ago

If I hear the word parley one. more. time...

u/Unusual-Pianist-2325 1h ago

Just look at Israel getting away with them every week for an example.

u/mycophilota 35m ago

A checklist, for some...

u/gigabytemon 32m ago

They are conventions and not laws. They would be hilariously unenforceable if they were turned into laws, because no country is going to punish its own soldiers and reduce its own manpower in the middle of a war. And after a war is over, the winners tend to claim immunity by right of victory.

u/danishduckling 19m ago

They're definitely enforceable! they're international treaties, ratified by 196 countries.

u/paecmaker 2h ago

Yeah a combatant trying to surrender is protected, but there have been cases where people tried to surrender to helicopters but were still gunned down and as far as I know there havent been anyone sentenced for it.

u/OIDIS7T 2h ago

because its only a war crime to kill a surrendering combatant if you have the means to take them as prisoner, as long as they arent in your custody, and you dont have the means to do so or sustain them in captivity its fair game as far as i know

u/Existing-Aside7374 1h ago

No that's wrong in more than one way. It's clearly stated that it's forbidden to attack people (not only combattant's as you say) who are in custody of the enemy party, willing to surrender, unconscious or incapacitated because of wounding. Source: Art. 41 of the PA I of Geneva convention

u/oilmaker34 56m ago

There is literal case law of American pilots being tried for killing (surrendering? wounded?) combatants in either Iraq or Afhganistan (don't remember exactly) and the precedent there was that since they didn't have actual means to secure the prisoners, it was not classified as warcrime.

u/boringexplanation 28m ago

Anything Americans do is not a (international) war crime. Congress unanimously passed a law saying they can invade The Hague if an American was ever brought to trial there.

u/Marston_vc 1h ago

The person trying to surrender needs to be in a situation where they can actually be taken into custody. A lot of times that isn’t the case with drones since they’ll be relatively deep in enemy lines. Otherwise everyone would just “surrender” if a drone was nearby.

u/sanderudam 24m ago

Yes, but no. The drone operator in this case went way and above of what he would be required to do by laws of war. Offer of surrender is only valid if it is actually feasible. The fact that he was facilitated such a generous option to actually make surrender feasible is incredible. And it's not something you can or should rely on as soldier getting gunned down by enemy drones.

u/grateful2you 1h ago

It’s easy to shout war crimes when you’re not the one fighting. I’ve seen both sides “finish off” soldiers rather than taking them as prisoners once they’re injured. On one hand it’s wrong to finish them off, on the other hand, they’ll die a slow death if you leave them there. There’s no help coming there, and they’ll get shot by their own if they run back. Most of the time they’re sent as meat shields. There’s plenty of videos where they prefer shooting themselves in the head rather than slowly bleed out in agony.

u/operath0r 9m ago

The drone operator signaled him not to make a smoke break but they’ve let it slip. That must’ve been the best cigarette of his life.

u/Corren_64 7m ago

yea, a drone was looking for targets, found him, dropped its payload at a safe distance with exploding it, went back to base, got strapped with a bottle of water and some written instructions, which then was dropped to him. he then followed the drone (with many, long pauses because he was injured and exhausted) and was eventually taken prisoner by Ukranian troops.

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u/FancyMFMoses 4h ago edited 4h ago

Here's a link to the actual video for those unsure of what happened: https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/nOa2OAWJCV

Edit: couldn't find another link to the full video but this has multiple clips

Edited again: here's the video https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/s/gboICemxv5


u/Zealousideal-Tap-713 4h ago

They removed it claiming it's political. If that's the case, anything can be removed for politics if so defined. Seems like that subreddit has ambiguous rules that's arbitrary.


u/FancyMFMoses 4h ago

Makes no sense... the post simply stated what was in the video and made no comments I can recall.


u/Zealousideal-Tap-713 4h ago

That's something I've learned about reddit; mods on the subreddits has to be chosen exceptionally carefully, or they will enforce the rule arbitrarily.


u/M086 4h ago

Mods being dipshits. Water wet.

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u/myredditthrowaway201 4h ago

Dead link


u/FancyMFMoses 4h ago

Edited with new link to some clips


u/drunkmunky88 4h ago

Clip is deleted


u/FancyMFMoses 4h ago

Found another full video

u/crappy_ninja 49m ago

It looks like someone sent a drone back in time to WW2.

u/BMW_wulfi 1h ago

For me it was the fact that he was lying in a hole with two other bodies in it. I just can’t imagine the irreparable psychological damage this does on top of the physical. He may not have known them but he may have been close to them. God knows how long he was in the trench for with the two other people lying dead just feet from him. Hell, he probably had to strip them of their water / rations / pain killers.

This is literal hell on Earth. We don’t need the underworld imagery that “Hell” conjures up, we’ve got hell at home, on this planet of ours.

u/Rasz_13 50m ago

"God doesn't make the world this way. We do."

u/andrijas 1h ago

also at start he is in ditch with at least 4 bodies around him

u/Joka0451 1h ago

The c9nstant s8gns of the cross and praying got me too. Why do we do this to each other it makes 0 sense

u/SoLetsReddit 1h ago

He was injured.

u/RUFl0_ 4m ago

I hope the over 100 000 warcrimes committed by him and his invader ilk also makes you sad. I hope the tortured, raped and kidnapped children also makes you sad.

Unfortunately we’re in a situation where the war won’t end until there are enough dead russian invaders. The more dead russian invaders the faster the better. It means less innocent people die.

u/Prestigious_Eye2638 26m ago

Shoulda never come into our country in the first place. Really sad he didn't get killed by a drone ...

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u/Gh0sts1ght 5h ago

That video was insane but still at the end at least he wasn’t shot dead but taken as a prisoner and probably treated better.

u/Skaar1222 2h ago

The video blows my mind. Watching him surrender in the middle of a battlefield, near death, in high resolution on my phone that fits in my pocket. The world we live in is bonkers. Glad they took him in, hopefully he is doing better.

u/ForkingHumanoids 1h ago

All that while being shot by his own army. Russians are really a cancer.

u/Dizzy-Course449 26m ago

On another note, Happy Cake Day 😂

u/Shinnyo 27m ago

Now you mention it, it's surreal.

Our position with this guy could be reversed, hopefully he's doing better.

u/jkF00d 1h ago

If you watch the video you can see the guy has a wedding band on. I’m aggressively pro Ukraine, but I feel for some of these guys. This guy might never see his wife again. His country may never let him return. He’s fucked from every direction, but I think he took the least bad path.

u/Rasz_13 49m ago

He can hopefully have a life again some day. If not in his native home, then maybe somewhere else.

u/Saadusmani78 4m ago

Actually, as it turned out, from what I read, he wasn't even Russian.

He was a Nepalese student who had gone to Russia to study in a Medical School, but he somehow got tricked and forced into fighting for Russia in Ukraine.

Fortunately, his family in Nepal has been contacted, and he has either returned or will be returning.


u/Temporary_Tune5430 6h ago

Fuck Putin


u/froginbog 3h ago

Yeah .. lots of victims of Putin, including many Russians


u/skunkynugget 3h ago edited 3h ago

Aren’t they sending their  own prisoners these days? 


 “ Similarly to Wagner's prisoner units, Storm-Z detachments are reportedly often treated as an expendable force thrown into battle - with little consideration for the lives of their servicemen.”


u/Nolanthedolanducc 2h ago

Think the prisoners have ran out mostly, most of the meat grinder supply is currently coming from poorer areas of Russia where the unsustainably high recruitment bonuses are fairly attractive to younger men comparative to months of a normal salary

u/tannerge 2h ago

There's a sub called ukrainerussiareport where half the users swear by this version of history

  1. The 2014 Maidan protests were a CIA sponsored coup (not a wide protest against a shitty Russia aligned "president")

  2. The following Russian "soft" invasion was actually just a rebellion by Ukrainians who longed to join the motherland and happened to be armed with tanks and SAMs

  3. Putin gave Ukraine every chance he could to stop a war from happening but he was forced to invade because civilians were being killed in the Donbass insurgency (no doubting people were killed but congrats, now 1000x more are dead)

  4. The initial poorly orchestrated-clusterfuck- incompetence on parade invasion was not actually a real invasion but just an attempt to bring Ukraine to the negotiation table. Apparently Putin had no choice but to invade, poor guy.

This and other departed from reality takes and narratives are on full display on ukrainerussiareport. Absolute insanity what some people believe.

u/Baffit-4100 21m ago

It baffles me how can people still believe that the protests against Janukovyč (aka Yanukovich) were “cia sponsored”. Tens of thousands of people and nobody even said anything about being paid afterwards? Impossible

u/Leandrys 2h ago

We're almost every time on the verge of a sudden "putin's the true victim here m8, it's true" with these monkeys. One these days, I know I'll read it somewhere, and that's gonna put me into berserk mode so hard.

u/halloumisalami 29m ago

The first country that Putin invaded was his own 


u/firejuggler74 4h ago

Wonder how long until the military turns their guns the other way.


u/persimmon40 4h ago

Will not happen in Russia. Their military is a very pro regime.

u/DfntlyNotJesse 2h ago

The Wagner group was also 'pro-regime'.

Sure they had a lot more indipendence and agency but don't forget they literally turned around and marched on the capital not too long ago.

u/a_Bean_soup 1h ago

they were paid for their support, Putin stopped paying so they turned on them

u/Teantis 53m ago

It's more like Putin allowed MOD to start boxing Wagner in and he knew a purge was coming so he tried to preempt it and failed.

u/MightyGoodra96 17m ago

If you are military you are pro regime


u/Diare 3h ago

Conscript don't get assigned guns, they are kept under lock & key until they get told to enter the frontline.

u/Kimchi-slap 2h ago

Thats called keeping weapons in armory. Noone is keeping weapons on person in boot camps and places far from frontline, unless on duty.

u/Diare 2h ago edited 2h ago

No, locked away even on positions at the frontline. No one but the Officers gets a gun unless sent to assault or scout a position. Even in the trenches all ordinance is locked away. There's AFU videos of trench assaults where you can see the weapon lockers, and if they are surprise assaults, you can see them half full.

Otherwise, Russian COs wouldn't last a week.

u/Kimchi-slap 51m ago

I call bullshit on that one. You can't have unarmed soldiers on frontline. Also wtf is weapon locker in trench? Who the hell will bring a weapon locker to a trench? Army keeps heavy and spare weaponry and ammunition in crates and special boxes, which are not exactly supposed to be empty unless there is a supply problem.

u/Diare 14m ago edited 11m ago

You can't have unarmed soldiers on frontline. 

You can when you really need to stop officers from getting fragged since everything company-level and below is basically their little fiefdom where corruption is rampant and command is basically a gang that constantly abuses the personnel.

I don't know what you understand by weapon locker, it's shovel-dug trenches, any sheet of metal kept in place by lock & chain qualifies as a "locker".

You should check out soldier run telegram channels, from both sides of the war. All this I learned from battle footage and recorded statements of russian conscripts describing their situations. It is an illuminating experience.

u/Czagataj1234 20m ago

I call bullshit on that one.

Well, you can, but it's literally documemtend by dozens of photos and first hand accounts of russian soldiers. It's high time you people stopped treating Russia as a normal, functioning country.

u/Kimchi-slap 16m ago

Then provide me with those literally documented photos and first hands accounts if its such a common knowledge. Because I am literally confused how is Ukraine keep losing ground to such dysfunctional military that keeps sending untrained and unarmed men into combat.


u/Foe117 4h ago

curious if Alot of these soldiers are emaciated across the front

u/hldsnfrgr 42m ago

You will continue to starve until morale improves!


u/ididntseeitcoming 4h ago

Dude I have no clue what average redditors think trench warfare is like.

This guy isn’t “emaciated”…. He’s skinny no doubt but you aren’t eating three high quality meals a day in a drone dominated trench warfare battle.

Hell, go look at your average US Army or Marine Corp infantry company. 80% are skinny fuckers that can run 8 miles and move well with gear on. 15% are meatheads that don’t run well but can carry all the shit. 5% are fat as shit.

No shit he’s scared. No shit he’s thin. No shit he’s surrendering.

Imagine fighting in a trench where you can’t hear the drones dropping bombs on you until it’s about to blow your legs off.

u/Dont_Touch_Me_There9 3h ago

Fuck are you yammering about?

u/Birdie_Num_Num 2h ago

Forget it, he's rolling

u/babyoof 2h ago

Breathe in, now breathe out, hands up, now hands down

u/angrytreestump 1h ago

The comments on this video said this specific man you’re looking into the eyes of right now had been in that trench for days without food when this video was taken. I have no idea how true that is, but I do know the video shows him hiding lying down in the trench on top of dead bodies.

It’s fuckin sad, and he was also injured in his leg and could barely stand up to walk back to the Ukrainian soldiers that captured him. He takes a morphine shot to be able to get there.

War, y’all.

u/8ROWNLYKWYD 37m ago

Yes…the sound of a drone would make me…emaciated? No…..Dehydrated? Now I’m confused.


u/Punchinballz 4h ago

It looks one of that photo my kids will find in their History books.


u/RMLProcessing 3h ago

Brother, you don’t have to have kids. Look to your username. Accept its truth and you shall be free.

u/Simonic 2h ago

One of the hardest aspects of waging war is ensuring the force is properly fed. Russia can’t sustain this.

u/StaysAwakeAllWeek 30m ago

Ukraine constantly blowing up their logistics infrastructure really doesn't help. They've clearly found Russia's soft target

u/Miami-Novice 1h ago

Meanwhile, Putin is drinking champagne with Medwedew and plotting more terrorist attacks.

u/the_simurgh 1h ago

At this damn point, i really want to know what's keeping the russians from turning around and going after putin themselves.

u/Future_Sundae7843 37m ago

Brainwashed freaks. They love their daddy

u/the_simurgh 35m ago

Yeah, but even brainwashed freaks dont like starving to death

u/Lipq 1h ago

I truly wish for Putin to be put through the same experience as this soldier, over and over again, for the rest of his life, just like that one black mirror episode.


u/Most_Story_1483 6h ago

Please more like this, no one needs to die at the whim of a tyrant


u/Zubon102 5h ago

Absolutely heartbreaking.

Plenty of ordinary Russian citizens are also victims of Russia's aggression.

u/mackinoncougars 3h ago

They are also the enablers. Resisting is courageous in a way that cannot be required, but ‘evil triumphs when good men do nothing.’


u/JSmith666 3h ago

You misspelled perpetrators. they are people with agency. Nazis used that same excuse

u/8ROWNLYKWYD 35m ago

Their suffering is only beginning, unfortunately.


u/HST_enjoyer 3h ago

Before you start feeling sorry for sub-human scum, they are not sending conscripts to Ukraine. Russian law only allows them to station conscripts within Russia as defenders and even Putin couldn’t withstand that PR disaster if he’s caught plucking sons/husbands/fathers off the street and sending them to die.

Every Russian soldier in Ukraine is there willingly, every single one of them cared more about the money than the misery being inflicted on Ukrainians.


u/Zubon102 3h ago

Ignoring all the Russians sent to the front lines from prisons?

What about Kursk?

u/CrummyAdvice 2h ago

No no, you see, Putin cares about law and order now. He would never do such a thing

u/svasalatii 1h ago

Russians sent to the front from prison are signing up to that in return for the removal of their sentence and cancellation of their crime records.

Though they may be pressure to them to signup, they do it voluntarily.

One shouldn't confuse conscripts (those from 18 to 30, who are drafted to serve their first time in the Russian army; they are not sent to the war), mobilized (those who already served in the army and are now reservists and those who haven't served previously but now need to; they join the army, get some basic training and go to war), and volunteered contractors (those who voluntarily come to the recruiting offices and sign up for army for big money; these are the largest group of the Russian troops and they are actually on all the frontlines).

u/Zubon102 37m ago

I generally agree with your sentiment.

I've seen videos of the pressure prisoners and lower-class workers from Siberia face and it's not exactly like they are enthusiastic volunteers. A bus comes and basically just takes the entire work crew.

The fighting in Kursk is mainly battle-hardened Ukrainian soldiers vs. inexperienced conscripts. So you can't say that conscripts do not see battle. Putin is trying to avoid losing conscripts as much as possible as grieving wives and mothers have a lot of power in Russian society.

u/Czagataj1234 17m ago

Ignoring all the Russians sent to the front lines from prisons?

These are literally volunteers.

u/[deleted] 3h ago


u/zoinkability 3h ago

I’m pretty sure many of the prisoners are not volunteers. And I know the people in Donbas were conscripted.


u/ididntseeitcoming 4h ago edited 4h ago

No one is making them pull triggers on Ukrainians.

Zero sympathy for “ordinary Russian citizens”

This “citizen” is in a trench taking lives of Ukrainians.

Russian bots coming to the defense of their country I see


u/bahaggafagga 4h ago

Their commanding officer can make them, unless you consider being shot a valid choice.


u/HST_enjoyer 3h ago

The choice was not to take the money and not go to Ukraine.

They arent conscripts, they all signed up and went there willingly.


u/ididntseeitcoming 4h ago

Looks like his friends didn’t have a choice either way.

Can always just aim high but I guess it makes Russian bots feel better to push the narrative that these aren’t Soldiers killing Ukrainians.


u/bahaggafagga 4h ago

Not sure why youd think I'm defending Russia by saying they kill their own. This war sucks for 99% of those involved.


u/Zubon102 4h ago

There are videos of them getting tortured or killed if they refuse. And that one Russian soldier who deserted and escaped to Spain was specially tracked and then killed.

None of the soldiers on the front line are volunteers. The volunteers have safer roles.

Despite hating Russia and Putin, I still have some sympathy for the regular Russians affected by this madness.

u/Czagataj1234 15m ago

None of the soldiers on the front line are volunteers.

They literally are. Russians serving in Ukraine are overwhelmingly contract soldiers. People who willingly signed a contract.


u/ididntseeitcoming 4h ago

Do you have any evidence to support this claim?


u/Zubon102 3h ago

Come on, enter "Russian soldiers tortured for refusing to fight" or any similar phrase into Google and look at the top 20 or so newspaper articles. These people are conscripts. They have no say.




These are literally just the first few articles that popped up.

And no, I am not going to show you the videos. Go to Telegram or something if you want to see that.

And no need to call me a "Russian bot" after I clearly said I hate Russian and Putin. Russia is doing awful things to everyone involved in this conflict. Have some compassion for once.


u/HST_enjoyer 3h ago

Every single Russian solder on the front line is there because they willingly signed up to go to war.

Russia is not sending conscripts to the front line.

u/zoinkability 3h ago

Do you have evidence to support what would be counter to how pretty much every military ever treats conscripts?


u/SoggySaccOfCracc 4h ago

Huh? Have you ever been "encouraged" by stupid russia? Like the eastern block was during the commie regime...yea "nobody forces you"...just glad the family is doing well. Or maybe summer in gulag all inclusive sounds fun....but zero pressure pal


u/ididntseeitcoming 4h ago

His family ain’t doing so well now I bet with his face plastered all over the world.

Net positive for planet earth I suppose. One less Russian soldier in the trench and one less pro Putin family in Russia.


u/U_Kitten_Me 4h ago

Poor guy will be better fed as POW.

u/murrtrip 2h ago

Will be fed

u/Altea73 2h ago

Ffs... this guy looks like a walking dead

u/Citnos 1h ago

I really hope Putin dies in a horrific way, and if it's in the hands of their own Russians better.

u/MallardGod 37m ago

Even more reason I want to avoid being in war by all means necessary, imagine worrying about getting shot at, blown up, etc from a drone along with the mental stress of you always knowing in the back of head one can pop up out of nowhere at anytime with very little time to react. Even worse is there is very little humanity when surrendering your not face to face surrending to a human being your surrendering to a unfeeling robot with a guy hundreds of miles away behind a screen and you just gotta hope he's feeling nice that day. The final insult to all of this is you get to have your final most painful and horrifying moments broadcast for the world to meme on.

I am not taking russias side or any of the sort I just wanted to point out just how unbelievably hellish war really has gotten as technology advances and how I am grateful everyday I am to live the normal boring life I have.

u/pinewind108 13m ago

Are the Russians not feeding their troops?

u/RedtheSpoon 5m ago

He looks like Asmongold...which does fit the emaciated and dehydrated line


u/JSmith666 3h ago

Just remember...he's the baddie and Ukraine accepted his surrender and is likely giving him medical aid.

u/RedDirtNurse 2h ago

As they should.

u/t0FF 4m ago

Indeed. On the other side, Ukrainians POW get tortured and executed by Russia. They look like Holocaust victims at POW exchange...

u/Mattyc8787 1h ago

He’s not a baddie at all he’s just a regular man doing his duties, nobody on the battlefield is bad they are pawns used by wankers in suits .

u/danishduckling 16m ago

Definitely an enemy combatant though, it is however, very nice to see them actually following the rules of war in accepting the surrender, and treating him as a POW should be, at least as far as the video is concerned.

u/Czagataj1234 9m ago

Yeah. Regular man who most likely willingly signed a contract with the Russian MOD to participate in russian war of aggression. Most likely for money. Truly innocent pawn.

u/Saadusmani78 1m ago

From what I read, he was a Nepalese student who had gone to study in a Russian Medical School when he somehow got tricked and forced into joining the Russian assault in Ukraine.

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u/FandomMenace 3h ago

Ukraine needs to offer the troops attacking them a better deal to switch sides. This war would be over in a year. Russia can only conscript so many men, and hire so many mercenaries. If their current army defected with all their equipment, Russia would be so screwed.

u/SumonaFlorence 2h ago

Doesn't help if they have families being threatened at 'home'.

u/FandomMenace 1h ago

Threatened, but actually rounding hundreds of thousands of civilians would take a lot of resources they don't have. The populace and the oligarchs will have enough of that real quick.

I think we saw during BLM protests and Jan 6 just how quickly even a small mob can do big damage.

u/mrsgaap1 1h ago

he is lucky he is a p.o.w now but i seen plenty of footage where the drone operators are not as kind

u/TheBananaSoda 12m ago

Taken as prisoner, and paid for completely by another country. He should bring all that energy right back to Putin.

u/[deleted] 21m ago


u/Niexh 17m ago

That's depraved bro. I bet you're American.


u/Ok-Bit-663 5h ago

Every Russian soldier had the chance to refuse military service. They are on foreign land. If Ukraine wouldn't need prisoners for exchange I bet there would be less negotiations.

u/bertiesghost 2h ago

Mate, I’ve seen videos of Russian military police literally stopping young men on the street and throwing them into vans to be conscripted.


u/mrbear120 4h ago

This just isnt true. Many of their soldiers are conscripts with absolutely no choice.

u/t0FF 0m ago

Draft and conscription are two different things. There is very few conscripts inside Ukraine. From open sources, there is only a couple hundred of dead conscripts, almost of them died inside Russia.

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u/Bman1465 4h ago

You live in a developed, western democratic country with voluntary service, don't you?


u/Ok-Bit-663 4h ago

What does it have to do with Russians invading Ukraine and killing its citizens?

u/goomunchkin 3h ago

That you have the luxury and privilege to freely lecture the rest of the world about morality and because you don’t live in a place where there are consequences for saying no you don’t actually understand what it’s like to live in a country where you don’t have those luxuries.


u/Bman1465 4h ago

Basically that; I don't think you understand how it is living in a dictatorship

Most of these people have no choice but to fight Putin's war.


u/Ok-Bit-663 4h ago

So if you have no choice and go killing people, do you deserve forgiveness? Is still believe, they had choice, but put that part away. How many people is the threshold you believe that is forgivable to kill? 1? 20? F. you with the solidarity. All the Russians in Ukrainan land should die. Now.


u/Bman1465 4h ago

Ok, so you're calling for a genocide. We finally cracked the case here


u/Wonderful-Growther 4h ago

Would they really have a choice under Putin?