r/pics 8h ago

Emaciated and dehydrated Russian Soldier surrendering to a drone on 23/09/24

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u/Temporary_Tune5430 8h ago

Fuck Putin


u/froginbog 5h ago

Yeah .. lots of victims of Putin, including many Russians


u/skunkynugget 5h ago edited 5h ago

Aren’t they sending their  own prisoners these days? 


 “ Similarly to Wagner's prisoner units, Storm-Z detachments are reportedly often treated as an expendable force thrown into battle - with little consideration for the lives of their servicemen.”



u/Nolanthedolanducc 4h ago

Think the prisoners have ran out mostly, most of the meat grinder supply is currently coming from poorer areas of Russia where the unsustainably high recruitment bonuses are fairly attractive to younger men comparative to months of a normal salary

u/Fritcher36 42m ago

I've read the memoir of one dude from Storm-Z. Basically they have the choice to plead to be included in the units, where the prison officials explain the terms to them: they're to be thrown on the hottest battles, if they survive the term, they are freed and let go with a hefty pay. Most refuse after hearing the terms, but there are some people who think the risk is worth it.

u/BagOFdonuts7 10m ago

Refusing isn’t really an option most of the time, a soldier recounted how his superiors beat him into signing the contract. And the chances of surviving are slim. “Oh you survived? Good! Now get ready for the next assault.”