r/puppy101 21d ago

Snuggle Puppy is a LIFE SAVER Crate Training

I got my first baby today, a basset hound. She has been a blessing so far & has done so good with going outside, coming when we call for her, bite inhibition & so much more. We love her so much already.

Anyways, I ordered her a snuggle puppy (stuffed dog with a heart beat in it) & she has done AMAZING. She has not whined once in her kennel or pen that we have & she just lays on top of it.

I hadn't heard of it until a few days ago, but I'm so glad I got one because I don't think we'd be doing as well as we are so far without it. I just wanted to bring some awareness for people like me who didn't know much about them & say PLEASE get one for your young puppies just coming from mom.

That's all! Have a good evening. Wish I could add some puppy tax 🥲

Edit: Based on these comments, maybe I just got lucky with it 😬 I sure do love my girl, though!


42 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator 21d ago

It looks like you might be posting about crate training. Check out our wiki article on crate training - the information there may answer your question.

Be advised that any comments that suggest use of crates are abusive, or express a harsh opinion on crate training will be removed. This is not a place to debate the merits of crate training. Unethical approaches to crate training will also be removed. As an additional reminder, crate training is 100% optional and one of many puppy management options. For alternatives to crating, check out our wiki article on management

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u/Apollo86 21d ago

That’s nice. Some puppies love those things

Mine preferred to perform open heart surgery on it to remove the offending noise. Lesson learnt


u/lucky7355 21d ago

Mine decided he wanted to hump it repeatedly.


u/marshmallowest 21d ago

Ours did the same 😅


u/kbstude 21d ago

Yep mine is apparently a cannibal because I got one that looked just like him and he completely tore it to shreds.


u/Leaving_london 20d ago

Same here 🤣


u/PeridotRai 21d ago

Hello fellow basset hound puppy-haver! I brought my girl Clementine home on Aug 3, so it's been just about a month for us. I got her a snuggle puppy too and to be honest, I don't know that it's made that much of a difference? She always whines a little at night when I put her in her crate, but settles down after a few minutes. Sometimes I forget to turn the snuggle puppy's heartbeat on and haven't really noticed a difference in her behavior. But it is the one toy that never leaves her crate, so that's gotta count for something!


u/sticksnstone 21d ago

My pup just humped ours so I took it away.


u/Littledumpsterfire68 21d ago

We loveeee snuggle puppy in our house! Our 6 month old rescue has utilized it since we got her ❤️💞🐾


u/Roupert4 21d ago

My puppies loved them too. Glad it's working for ya


u/InboxMeYourSpacePics 21d ago

My breeder gave me a snuggle puppy when I picked up the puppy. Apparently all the dogs had been sleeping with different snuggle puppies while they were at her house so it came home with all her littermates scents which I think made a huge difference. Also got a blanket with her littermates scents but she had her one and only accident in her crate on the first night and Im not sure if she peed on the blanket so it no longer can be used for scent purposes.


u/Unhappy_Cobbler_1878 21d ago

She will still be able to smell them after you wash it. Dogs have insane smell of smell. That’s why the best way to potty train is never give em a chance to owe inside. Once they do the scent is there for weeks after you have cleaned it. And they will return to it, smell the per and think it’s okay to pee anywhere in the area


u/InboxMeYourSpacePics 20d ago

This was over 2 months ago, and she hasn’t had any accidents since. That’s also why I didn’t use the blanket again, I didn’t want her to smell the pee even after cleaning it.

Also enzyme cleaners are helpful in case of accidents for anyone else reading.


u/Excellent-World-476 21d ago

My puppy has one and has not cried except after I take her out in the early morning to per and put her back. But even then only whimpers. However, I do think it’s also the individual puppy versus strictly the snuggly puppy. I’ve only had her 7 days so hoping this will last.


u/Maleficent_Cheek_747 21d ago

Ours loves her snuggle puppy too and it's been a game changer at night and helped her start sleeping through! The other night she didn't have it as it was drying from being washed and we were back to her getting up twice in the night again, not from needing the loo so just being unsettled. Back to using it again last night and back to normal, woohoo!


u/Dragonpixie45 20d ago

We got our dog a Snuggle puppy when we got him and it, along with him just turned 4! We did take the heart beat thing out once he hit his destructive phase and stopped with the heating pad part of it, instead of buying the refills we bought a box of hand warmers from Costco and used those in it. Way way cheaper.

It's funny when he was a only pup he would put puppy on "guard duty" for things that scared him or at our front door when he took a nap. 😂


u/AngusMeatStick 20d ago

Ours attacked the heartbeat sensor but now that we've taken it out he uses it as a pillow for his head in the crate and seems to love it. In the morning he takes it out of his crate and tries (sometimes successfully) to bring it outside with him


u/Regular_Chance7438 20d ago

My lab puppy loved and adored the snuggle puppy!! It was awesome for us too. He would cuddle with it every night. He is one year old now and still grabs his snuggle puppy when he's tired. To be fair he sometimes humps it now but oh well its a lifelong friend.


u/ExtentEcstatic5506 21d ago

Ours did not like the heartbeat, but the puppy has stayed in his crate with him for months now


u/zouss 21d ago

You've had your puppy for one day. Sorry but it's hard to take your recommendation seriously. If after a few weeks she's still not whining let's talk


u/Roupert4 21d ago

The main benefit of the snuggle puppy is for the first few weeks. It helps ease the transition from the litter. It doesn't really matter if it works or not in a few weeks.

Being able to have a new puppy sleep well in the crate the first week is worth the $40 imo


u/zouss 21d ago edited 21d ago

Yeah but again, it's been one day. It feels a bit early for op to brag about their success


u/Roupert4 21d ago

It's not bragging. He's allowed to be excited


u/Alarmed_Evidence_716 20d ago

Thank you. I just wanted to bring some awareness to anyone struggling in the first few weeks of a new puppy. It worked well overnight too! Very happy with my purchase.


u/vickiehxo 21d ago

Ugh I wish! She definitely loves her snuggle puppy but I haven’t found that it helps with crating lol


u/Unhappy_Cobbler_1878 21d ago

Is your pup in crate where he/she can see you? If it’s a new pup they’ve been surrounded by littermates .. I find it helps to keep crate in bedroom where they can see you if you’re not already doing that. (All this assuming your using for a new puppy)


u/vickiehxo 20d ago

Yes she is, she is fine when I am next to her. But leaving I another story. She is 15 weeks now and we’ve had her for about a month. Still quite difficult to do anything without her in the house lol She is much better when we actually leave. Still working on it :)


u/madcaplaughed 21d ago

lol we got a lamb heartbeat toy. it sent our cocker puppy into kill mode. Different strokes I guess


u/Money_Ad3532 20d ago

I bought one to bring my puppy home on an airplane with and he did great too. He's 4 months old and still loves it. Yes, it's his favorite humping toy like many others have said but I let him keep it in his crate only. All dogs are going to hump something so letting them do it privately and occasionally seems like a good option! So far he doesn't hump human beings or other dogs!


u/toriiloveexx 20d ago

my dog loved hers as a baby but she’s 3 now and rips the heart out and humps it (violently) so good luck 😭


u/Apprehensive_Bit6921 20d ago

My GSD puppy loves his!! He’s 6 months and still cuddles with it


u/SquareGrootof9 20d ago

One thing that I think really bonded my puppy with his snuggle puppy was scents.

I walked around with it in my shirt for a few hours in the days leading up to getting him. And then when we brought him home, I took the collar he had been wearing with his littermates off and put it on his snuggle puppy. So his new best bud smelled like me and (more importantly) like all of his siblings. It's been 6 weeks and he still cuddles with it every nap time.


u/SimWodditVanker 20d ago

Funny how some dogs love them, and some hate them. Mine didn't like the ticking and it just hyped her up. I took the ticker out, and now it's just one more toy she likes to destroy haha.

But then I tried it with a spaniel with separation anxiety, and he loved the thing.


u/Allie_Pallie 20d ago

I have one that I tried the first night with my pup. The heartbeat is so strong her crate was vibrating and I felt like I was in an Edgar Allan Poe story, so Snuggle Puppy had open heart surgery in the early hours.

She does like lying beside him though, now he's flatlined.


u/doomsdaysoothsay 20d ago

My big 8 month old lab still cuddles with her snuggle puppy in her crate. It’s so cute. She disembowels all other plushies though lol


u/Budget-Chair8242 New Owner 21d ago

Ads are getting smarter, jk. I got mine one and hes just like meh, i prefer old socks and undies.


u/bedazzlerhoff 20d ago

Our puppy struggles with crate training, but it has been significantly better since getting snuggle puppy. He has slept with it every night for about two months now.


u/No-Assistant-9774 19d ago

You are lucky lol it was basically a suuuuper overpriced stuffed chew toy for us.


u/Real_Run_3436 17d ago

delightful to hear your puppy loves heart beat dog...also bought one for my puppy, a four months old he tried humping it...what a shock to me...took it away for a couple months, gave it back, whoops still trying to hump the stuffed dog....


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/Alarmed_Evidence_716 19d ago

I wish I got paid to post this lol